Iraq war

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600 Military Vets Reported Chemical Exposure in Iraq

Pentagon sets up 1-800 number for troops

(Newser) - The Pentagon has been playing catch-up with veterans exposed to chemical agents in Iraq, and the numbers involved just increased exponentially. The New York Times reports that 629 members of the US military since 2003 have reported exposure during their tours of duty—not from attacks but from encounters with...

Iraq Vet Beats Incumbent in Democratic House Primary

Seth Moulton unseats John Tierney in Massachusetts

(Newser) - For the fourth time this primary season, a House incumbent has been defeated—and there were no Tea Partiers in sight this time. John Tierney, a nine-term Democrat in Massachusetts, was defeated by 35-year-old Iraq veteran Seth Moulton, reports the Wall Street Journal . The former Marine captain had the support...

60 Die in Iraq Prisoner Convoy Ambush

Militants attacked convoy after jail evacuated

(Newser) - Gunmen attacked a prisoner convoy north of Baghdad today, setting off a gun battle with troops in which 52 prisoners and eight soldiers were killed, officials say. The attack came as Iraq's parliament was set to elect a president, part of a troubled political transition that has seen repeated...

Iraq Vet Cited Over His 14 'Therapy Ducks'

Ohio village has ordered him to get rid of them

(Newser) - A veteran who says he came home from Iraq with post-traumatic stress disorder and a major back injury is worried about losing the 14 ducks he has come to rely on. Darin Welker, 36, says the village of West Lafayette, Ohio, has ordered him to get rid of the ducks...

Marine Accused of Faking Iraq Kidnap Resurfaces

Wassef Ali Hassoun was charged with desertion twice

(Newser) - A Marine who disappeared from a base in Fallujah a decade ago, turned up in Lebanon weeks later, and then vanished again while facing desertion charges has resurfaced—and the military presumably has a lot of questions to ask him. After Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun vanished from the base in...

Back to Iraq? It&#39;s Up to Congress
 Back to Iraq? 
 It's Up to 


Back to Iraq? It's Up to Congress

Founding Fathers' decision allows for 'vigorous national debate': Rachel Maddow

(Newser) - As the US debates its future in Iraq, all eyes are on President Obama—but where we should be looking is Capitol Hill. Yes, congressional leaders recently said Obama needed no new authorization for further military action in Iraq. "But they're wrong," writes Rachel Maddow in the...

Rand Paul: I Won't Send My Son to Iraq

Senator adds that he doesn't blame Obama for the 'mess'

(Newser) - Rand Paul hit the Sunday show circuit today to stake out a position on Iraq that sets him apart from the hawks in his party. "Let's not be involved in the Syrian civil war, and let's not be involved in the Iraq civil war," the senator...

Cheneys: 'No President Has Been So Wrong About So Much'

In op-ed, they slam Obama's moves in Iraq and elsewhere

(Newser) - Dick and Liz Cheney unload on President Obama in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, accusing the president of squandering a hard-won victory in Iraq, shirking US responsibility to lead in the world, and allowing terrorists to rise again. "Rarely has a US president been so wrong about so...

Chelsea Manning: Military Shouldn't Choose Reporters

An independent board should do it, Manning says

(Newser) - As Iraq apparently erupts into civil war , Chelsea Manning wants us to think about war reporting. Serving a 35-year sentence for revealing classified information, the former Army intelligence analyst recalls in the New York Times how US journalism during the Iraq war was often upbeat compared to the nuanced or...

Sick Veterans 'Inhaled Metal': Researchers

Experts describe 'Iraq-Afghanistan war lung injury'

(Newser) - Pulmonary and respiratory diseases have been on the rise in US troops, and researchers are pointing to a possible culprit: metal in their lungs. Experts at Stony Brook University performed lung tests on six ill soldiers "and found titanium in every single one of them," says researcher Anthony...

How Dare We Rail on Russia for Foreign Intervention?

Eugene Robinson on the United States' shaky moral high-ground

(Newser) - Russia is way out of line. How dare a large military power cook up a pretext to invade a smaller, weaker nation? "Is it just me, or does the rhetoric about the crisis in Ukraine sound as if all of Washington is suffering from amnesia?" asks Eugene Robinson at...

Ex-Soldier Who Raped Iraqi Girl, Killed Family Found Dead

Suicide suspected in Steven Green's death

(Newser) - A former soldier who raped an Iraqi teenager and killed her and her family has been found dead in his Arizona prison cell in an apparent suicide. In the 2006 attack near Baghdad, Steven Green killed the 14-year-old girl's parents and 6-year-old sister before becoming the third soldier to...

Photos Show Marines Burning Iraqi Corpses: TMZ

Pentagon investigating images thought to be from Fallujah 2004

(Newser) - TMZ is venturing well off the Justin Bieber beat with a potentially serious story about the behavior of Marines during the Iraq war. The site has published eight grisly photos that it says show US troops burning the corpses of Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah in 2004, rifling through pockets,...

UK Accused of War Crimes in Iraq

250-page report cites sex assaults, beatings, electrocution

(Newser) - UK lawyers and European human rights activists are calling on the International Criminal Court to prosecute British leaders over war crimes allegedly committed in Iraq. Public Interest Lawyers and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights have compiled a 250-page report, submitted to the ICC Saturday, on "systematic...

'Why the Hell Did All My Buddies Die There?'

US vets bitter about rise of al-Qaeda in Fallujah: Washington Post

(Newser) - A decade ago, the city of Fallujah became a not-so-pleasant reference point for Americans following the Iraq war as US forces dug in against insurgents. Today the American troops are gone, an al-Qaeda group has claimed the city as an Islamic state, and fighting between militants and Iraqi forces have...

&#39;Fixed&#39; ObamaCare Is Really &#39;Mission Accomplished&#39;
This Is Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment

This Is Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment

WSJ , Daily Caller compare launch to Iraq

(Newser) - We've already heard ObamaCare compared to Hurricane Katrina ; now, as the site proclaims improvements , pundits are drawing parallels to the Iraq War. In the Wall Street Journal , editors write that "the only thing missing from Sunday's relentlessly upbeat progress report was President Obama in front of a...

Al-Qaeda Bombers Came to US as Refugees

Their fingerprints were found on Iraq IEDs

(Newser) - A pair of Iraqi bomb-making experts who boasted about killing American soldiers made it into the US as refugees because of apparent bungles with background checks—and authorities fear there could be dozens of similar cases, ABC finds. Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi were allowed to settle in...

Soldier Charged With Murder After Deaf Iraqi Boys' 2007 Deaths

Michael Barbera allegedly shot unarmed teens

(Newser) - A US soldier has been charged with two counts of premeditated murder following the 2007 deaths of two deaf Iraqi boys, NPR reports. The teen boys—a pair of cattle herders, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review last year reported—had no apparent connection to insurgents and were unarmed when small-kill team leader...

Human Cost of Iraq War: 461K Lives
 Human Cost of 
 Iraq War: 461K Lives 
new study

Human Cost of Iraq War: 461K Lives

New research finds many Iraqis died because of health-care issues

(Newser) - How many Iraqis died in the Iraq war? It's tough to say—the usual methods of calculating such things (like census counts) aren't available in the country, reports the Los Angeles Times . But one new study, published yesterday in PLOS Medicine , puts the figure at 461,000. Researchers...

Why War Reporters Get It So Wrong
 Why War Reporters 
 Get It So Wrong 

Why War Reporters Get It So Wrong

Patrick Cockburn: It's a hard job when propaganda and bullets are flying

(Newser) - Journalists have given us the wrong impression about four Middle East wars since 9/11—but how did they blow it so badly? In the London Review of Books , Patrick Cockburn looks at how the media fumbled the ball in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. In each case, he argues, reporters...

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