Joe Scarborough

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After Trump Shooting, a Brouhaha at Morning Joe
After Trump Shooting,
a Brouhaha at Morning Joe
the rundown

After Trump Shooting, a Brouhaha at Morning Joe

Hosts are livid after MSNBC pulled their show on Monday

(Newser) - The co-hosts of Morning Joe are seething over MSNBC's decision not to air their show on Monday, and they let all their viewers know about it on Tuesday. Joe Scarborough even suggested he and wife Mika Brzezinski would quit if the same scenario played out again. The details:
  • Pulled:

McDaniel NBC Backlash May Be 'Seminal Moment'
NBC Backlash
May Be 'Seminal
the rundown

McDaniel NBC Backlash May Be 'Seminal Moment'

Anchors rebuke hiring of former RNC chief, but it exposes a 'toxic' strategy of cable news

(Newser) - On Sunday, NBC's Chuck Todd rebuked his network bosses on Meet the Press for hiring former Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel. "Many of our professional dealings with the RNC over the last six years have been met with gaslighting," he said. On Monday, Joe Scarborough and...

Christian Broadcasters Fire Spokesman Who Backed Vaccines

Daniel Darling had encouraged others to get the shots, saying he was proud to be vaccinated

(Newser) - Daniel Darling said he was given a chance to renounce his support for COVID-19 vaccines, which he had expressed on MSNBC's Morning Joe. In an interview this month, Darling, senior vice president of communications for the National Religious Broadcasters, told host Joe Scarborough that he was proud to be...

Scarborough: Facebook Is 'Pushing People Toward Extremism'

He speaks out after 'Boogaloo' killings

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough ripped into Mark Zuckerberg on Morning Joe Wednesday, accusing the Facebook CEO of promoting extremism that has led to domestic terrorism. Scarborough slammed Zuckerberg and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg following a segment on the California "Boogaloo" killings of law enforcement officers, which involved two suspects who allegedly...

WSJ Wants Trump to Quit the Scarborough 'Smears'

They accuse him of 'debasing his office' by 'trafficking in trash'

(Newser) - President Trump isn't doing himself—or the country—any favors by pushing unfounded conspiracy theories about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal warned Wednesday. The conservative publication's board, condemning the president's behavior in unusually strong terms, said Trump's claim that...

Widower of Scarborough Aide Asks Twitter to Act on Trump

Timothy Klausutis wants president's murder conspiracy tweets deleted

(Newser) - The widower of a former congressional staffer of Joe Scarborough has gone directly to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey with a plea: Delete President Trump's conspiracy theories suggesting that Scarborough killed his wife. Trump has been pushing the idea hard of late that Scarborough, now at MSNBC, played a role...

They're Not Usually on Trump's Side, but They Kind of Are Now

'Morning Joe' hosts take issue with chants of 'lock him up' at Nationals game

(Newser) - When you hear Morning Joe and Trump in a sentence together, you probably expect them to be on opposite sides. Not so much this time: The married MSNBC morning show hosts are taking the president's side, sort of, after he was booed at a World Series game Sunday night....

Trump, McConnell Are Fighting MSNBC, Washington Post

Inside the latest Trump vs. the media mess

(Newser) - A skirmish (or two) involving President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Washington Post, and MSNBC has escalated into unusual personal bitterness this week, with election security legislation and Trump's attacks on US Rep. Elijah Cummings as the triggers. The AP explains :
  • The McConnell arm of the drama

Trump: NYT Needs to Get on Knees, Beg

'They are truly the Enemy of the People!'

(Newser) - President Trump thinks the New York Times should "get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness." The comment came in a "Twitter rampage" attacking media outlets early Tuesday, per Fox News . Trump wrote that he was deserving of "a far bigger & better apology" than...

Brzezinski Addresses Controversy at Top of Show

She apologizes to LGBTQ community for using 'crass and offensive term'

(Newser) - After missing her show on Thursday amid controversy , Mika Brzezinski addressed the issue first thing on Friday morning. "I just wanted to say on camera, looking people straight in the eye: I am really, really sorry." The apology is for her use of the term "butt boy"...

Trump Rips Into Mika After Controversy
The Heat on
Mika Brzezinski
Isn't Going Away
the rundown

The Heat on Mika Brzezinski Isn't Going Away

Co-anchor was not on the air Thursday after apologizing for remark seen as homophobic

(Newser) - Mika Brzezinski was not on the air Thursday, a day after she caused a ruckus by referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as a "butt boy." Her Morning Joe co-host— and husband —Joe Scarborough said Brzezinski was "off with her family, a long-planned family event,...

Morning Whoa: Joe and Mika's Secret Wedding
Meet the Scarboroughs

Meet the Scarboroughs

MSNBC co-hosts Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski tie the knot at DC's National Archives

(Newser) - The work partners are now life partners: Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough got married this weekend. Vanity Fair reports the co-hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe wed Saturday in a secret ceremony at the National Archives in Washington, DC, with Rep. Elijah Cummings acting as officiant. The nuptials were so...

Trump Tweets About 'Vicious' Facelift Rumor, Mika Notices

President takes to Twitter to slam media's coverage of Melania

(Newser) - Melania Trump stepped back into the public eye Monday after a more than three-week absence, and President Trump took to Twitter two days later to address the at-times fervent coverage surrounding the "missing" Melania. He first tweeted that "the Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious,...

Let's Pick Worst Coverage of 'Your Favorite President (Me)'

Trump suggests contest in tweet

(Newser) - President Trump is back in the White House after spending the Thanksgiving holiday at Mar-a-Lago, and he's back on the media attack, on Monday morning suggesting—"seemingly tongue-in-cheek," per Politico —that the media go head-to-head in an unusual contest: "We should have a contest as...

Inside Joe and Mika's Breakup With Trump
Inside Joe and Mika's
Breakup With Trump

Inside Joe and Mika's Breakup With Trump

'New York' magazine profiles media's No. 1 couple

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski may be on the outs with President Trump, but that wasn't always the case. A lengthy profile in New York magazine begins with the odd anecdote that when Brzezinski gave her co-host a rabbit in April 2016 as a birthday present, Scarborough actually named...

Scarborough: Trump May Usher in End of 2-Party System

MSNBC host delivers blistering op-ed, says president is killing the GOP

(Newser) - MSNBC's Joe Scarborough made headlines last week when the former GOP congressman announced he was leaving the Republican party. On Monday, he delivered a scathing op-ed in the Washington Post elaborating on why, with President Trump a prime target. In tandem with Trump, however, are Republican leaders who continue...

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Is Leaving the GOP

Former congressman tells Stephen Colbert he's fed up with party cowing to Trump

(Newser) - It's been a big year for MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. The Morning Joe co-anchor got engaged to fellow host Mika Brzezinski, has been in a nasty feud with President Trump, and now is leaving the Republican Party. The former GOP congressman announced it on Stephen Colbert's CBS show...

Report: Kushner Demanded Apology to Trump to Kill Tabloid Story

More details in Trump's alleged attempt to blackmail 'Morning Joe' hosts

(Newser) - More details about President Trump's alleged attempt to blackmail the hosts of Morning Joe are leaking out, including the reported involvement of his son-in-law. New York reports Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski found out in March the National Enquirer was planning to run a story about their affair, which...

Trump Doesn't Take Advice to Skip Morning Joe

He watches Friday, tweets, 'Bad show'

(Newser) - In a Washington Post op-ed, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough suggested that President Trump stop watching their show. He did not take their advice: "Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time," he tweeted Friday morning. "FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National...

Trump on MSNBC's Mika: 'Bleeding Badly From Facelift'

Tweets about what he says was a Mar-a-Lago visit

(Newser) - President Trump has been going after media outlets with a renewed vengeance this week, but things got decidedly personal Thursday morning when he took aim at Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe program. "I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore)," he...

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