16 Stories

Support Up for Gay Marriage, Down for Abortion

Meanwhile, Paul Ryan addresses the abortion issue

(Newser) - Support for gay marriage is up, but the same isn't true for abortion, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll . The survey of 1,000 people found 53% in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to marry, up two points since December (it notes the rise is...

As Clock Winds Down, Race Is a Nail-Biter
 As Clock 
 Winds Down, 
 Race Is a Nail-Biter 

As Clock Winds Down, Race Is a Nail-Biter

Obama shows slight leads in many polls, others deadlocked

(Newser) - With the hourglass blessedly running out on Election 2012, Team Obama is scrambling to get out the vote, while Team Romney is making a late move for Pennsylvania, as the AP reports that both campaigns are projecting confidence going into Tuesday's vote. A look around the landscape and the...

NBC Poll: Obama 47%, Romney 47%

Tie game, says latest tally

(Newser) - With two weeks to go before Election Day, the game is all tied up, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll making some waves this morning. President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney are each pulling 47% nationally among likely voters in the survey, which was conducted after the second...

Obama Ahead in Iowa, Wisconsin

Polls in key states good news for president; Gallup has Romney up nationally

(Newser) - With just three weeks until Election Day, Obama's lead in the battleground states of Iowa and Wisconsin remains mostly unchanged after the two presidential debates, according to a new NBC/WSJ/Marist poll . Among likely voters in Iowa, Obama leads 51% to Romney's 43%. In Wisconsin, it's 51% to...

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points
 Poll: Obama Up 
 by 6 Points 

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points

Negatives up for Obama and Romney, but overall, few changes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare, the shooting at the Aurora theater, the Bain Capital debate, and a mediocre jobs report have hit the headlines in the last 30 days, but none of it seems to be having much of an effect on the presidential polls. President Obama is up...

Primaries Are Hurting GOP
 Primaries Are Hurting GOP 
Poll Finds

Primaries Are Hurting GOP

Even among Republicans, many unhappy with nomination process

(Newser) - A new poll confirms what snarky headline writers have been saying for weeks now: The biggest winner of the long, nasty Republican primary season is President Obama. Four of 10 adults say that the GOP nomination process is hurting their general impression of the party, according to an NBC/Wall Street ...

Gingrich Leads Among GOP, Loses With All Others

Romney, Gingrich both behind Obama, as prez approval rises

(Newser) - Nationwide, Newt Gingrich has opened a nine-point lead over Mitt Romney among Republican voters—but the former House speaker's negatives remain high with independents and Democrats, making Romney a stronger candidate head-to-head against President Obama, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Gingrich beats Romney among Republicans...

Obama Hits 51% Disapproval as Speech Looms

Just 44% approve of his job in office

(Newser) - With a major speech approaching , President Obama's disapproval ratings have once again climbed above 50%, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. While 44% of Americans approve of Obama's work in office, the new poll finds that 51% disapprove. Some 44% say they're likely to vote Republican...

Obama Approval Slumps Below 50%

Widespread pessimism means worrying poll numbers for Dems

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating held steady for most of this troubled year but it has now slumped below 50% for the first time in a Wall Street Journal / NBC poll. His approval rating now stands at 47%, with 55% of respondents believing the country is heading in the wrong...

Obama's Approval Rating Softens

Economy pulls down numbers

(Newser) - Concerns over the economy are weighing down President Obama’s poll numbers, which have fallen to their lowest point since his inauguration, Politico reports. Obama’s 57% approval rating in a Gallup tracking poll this weekend remains high, but a series of recent polls find his support falling among Republicans...

WSJ Poll: US Likes Obama, Iffy About Economic Moves

(Newser) - Barack Obama remains a popular president—75% of poll respondents like him personally—but a new survey by the Wall Street Journal and NBC finds growing worry about his financial policies and the deficit in particular. Overall, Obama's approval rating fell to 56%, down 5 points from April. Nearly 7...

Poll: Biden More Qualified Than Palin to Lead Nation

49% of respondents don't think Republican could be president; 64% OK with Democrat

(Newser) - Sarah Palin isn’t qualified to be president, 49% of Americans say, while 64% think Joe Biden is, according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. Seniors particularly put more confidence in the Democrat (74%) than Alaska's governor (37%). And while only 7% of Democrats...

GOP Support Hits 20-Year Low
 GOP Support Hits 20-Year Low 

GOP Support Hits 20-Year Low

But support for McCain remains strong

(Newser) - Voters are poised to embrace John McCain on a personal level even though their regard for the Republican Party has plummeted to an all-time low, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. Only 27% of the electorate have positive views of the GOP—the lowest level in the poll's...

Clinton Slips to New Low in Poll
Clinton Slips to New Low in Poll

Clinton Slips to New Low in Poll

37% approval rating worst of campaign; Obama appears to weather pastor storm

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is suffering some of the worst poll numbers of her political career, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Clinton chalked up a personal approval rating of just 37%, the lowest since March 2001, two months after her election to the Senate. And of Clinton, Barack Obama, and...

Obama, Clinton Tied With McCain
Obama, Clinton Tied With McCain

Obama, Clinton Tied With McCain

Candidates in dead heat with voters who feel worse off than last election

(Newser) - Voters say they'd rather see a Democrat than a Republican in the White House—by a 50% to 37% margin, a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll finds—but when it comes to the two Democratic candidates still in the race, John McCain is going to be tough for either to...

Rudy Loses His Lead
Rudy Loses His Lead

Rudy Loses His Lead

He's now tied with Romney, with Huckabee coming on strong

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s lead among the field of Republican presidential hopefuls is gone. In the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the ex-mayor lost his double-digit advantage and is now tied nationally with Mitt Romney at 20%. Mike Huckabee has surged and is now nipping at their heels with 17%,...

16 Stories
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