Zell Miller

2 Stories

Zell Miller: Use 'Gorilla Glue' on Obama

Says president is traveling too much, should stick to chair

(Newser) - Zell Miller, the former Georgia governor and senator, told a group of conservatives today that Rahm Emanuel should "get some Gorilla Glue" and use it to keep President Obama in his Oval Office chair, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Two black leaders who know Miller tell the AP they were...

Lieberman Dem in Name Only
 Lieberman Dem in Name Only  

Lieberman Dem in Name Only

Former VP nominee takes GOP line in describing party's change

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman is several months into his job as John McCain’s wingman, but, writing in Time, Michael Scherer sees shades of 2004 turncoat Zell Miller in the Connecticut independent's anti-Democrat tone. Scherer hears a “Republican general election argument” in Lieberman's claim the Dems are ruled “by a...

2 Stories