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Trump-Backed Candidate Wins Massachusetts GOP Governor Primary

Geoff Diehl wins Republican nomination

(Newser) - Geoff Diehl, a former state representative endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has won the Republican nomination for Massachusetts governor over businessman Chris Doughty, who was considered the more moderate candidate in the race, the AP reports. The victory for Diehl sets up a general election contest against Democratic Attorney...

Girl Gets 'Uniform Infraction' at School —Over 'Jihab'

Teacher who wrote up 8th-grader misspelled 'hijab' on dress code violation form

(Newser) - A Massachusetts school is taking heat after a teacher wrote up an eighth-grader there for wearing a hijab in class. NBC Boston reports on the incident at Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, where the girl was dinged for a "uniform infraction" for donning the religious head covering worn by...

Here Are the 10 Best, Worst States to Live In
This Is the Best
State to Live In

This Is the Best State to Live In

Massachusetts tops WalletHub's list, while Mississippi comes in last

(Newser) - There's no one perfect state in the US to live in, but you can likely find the perfect state for you. WalletHub looked at all 50 of them, examining more than four dozen metrics in five main categories: affordability, including home prices, taxes, and cost of living; economy (e....

Here Are the Best, Worst States to Have a Kid

Massachusetts is the No. 1 state, in WalletHub's assessment; Alabama comes in last

(Newser) - If you're thinking of starting a family, or want to expand the one you have, there are some US states that may be better than others, from the birthing process onward. WalletHub looked at nearly three dozen metrics for all 50 states and DC, in four main categories: cost,...

After 329 Years, a 'Witch' Is Cleared

Elizabeth Johnson Jr. was convicted in the Salem Witch Trials

(Newser) - The last of those wrongly convicted during the Salem Witch Trials has been cleared 329 years later thanks to the hard work of a Massachusetts teacher and her eighth-grade students. They pushed to have Elizabeth Johnson Jr. exonerated of witchcraft. Johnson faced allegations along with many of her extended family...

This State's Health Care Ranks No. 1

Rhode Island tops WalletHub's list; Mississippi comes in last

(Newser) - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services estimates that the average American spends more than $12,000 annually on health care—and that's not even counting the costs incurred by COVID. That's why it's beneficial, if possible, to set down roots in a place where you can...

Rowdy's 3-Week Adventure in Boston Airport Has Ended

Cat missing after escaping from her carrier on June 24 after her flight's arrival from Germany is found

(Newser) - Rowdy the cat has had quite the summer so far. First she traveled on a plane from Germany to the United States, after her family decided to move back to the US after more than 15 years abroad. Then, in a more unplanned adventure, the 4-year-old feline spent nearly three...

Cop Mistaken for Suspect, Beaten Will Lead Boston Police

Michael Cox was working undercover in 1995 when officers mistook him for suspect

(Newser) - A former Boston police officer who was beaten more than 25 years ago by colleagues who mistook him for a suspect in a fatal shooting will be the new leader of the city's police department, Mayor Michelle Wu announced Wednesday. The commissioner post is a homecoming for Michael Cox,...

Love Beer? This Is the State for You

Vermont is a 'true beer lover's paradise,' according to VinePair

(Newser) - Previous evaluations from Beer Connoisseur and Groupon named California the best state in the country when it comes to beer. Not even close, according to VinePair , which finds America's "true beer lover's paradise" is just about as far from California as you can get while remaining in...

Alleged PPP Fraudster Blew $2.5M on Cars, Crypto

Vinicius Santana of Florida allegedly bought 2 cars and a home with his $2.5M loan

(Newser) - Authorities say the former owner of a Massachusetts painting business fraudulently received $2.5 million in loans meant to assist small businesses during the pandemic before buying cars and a home and investing in cryptocurrency. Vinicius Santana, 34, was arrested Monday at Miami International Airport, not far from where he...

Bewitched Statue Vandalized With Red Paint

Salem resident was arrested

(Newser) - In the wiggle of a nose, a man partially covered the Bewitched statue in Salem with red paint, police said. Witnesses called police at about 5pm Monday to report someone spray painting the bronze statue, Capt. John Burke said Tuesday. The statue depicts actor Elizabeth Montgomery—as lead character Samantha...

Millennials, You May Want to Head to This State

Washington ranks first in WalletHub's rankings for most appealing places for the 26-41 set

(Newser) - Whether you call them Generation Y or millennials, the group wedged between Generation X and Generation Z—ie, those born between 1981 and 1996 —has its own particular wants and needs when looking for a place to settle down. WalletHub wanted to figure out the most appealing states for...

He Had Memorable Role in Jaws as a Kid. Now, Fitting News

Ex-child actor Jonathan Searle named police chief in Martha's Vineyard town where 1975 movie was shot

(Newser) - Life is definitely imitating art on Martha's Vineyard, where a former child star in one of Steven Spielberg's biggest blockbusters ever has just accepted a stars-are-aligned job. The Vineyard Gazette reports that the town of Oak Bluffs has named as its new police chief Jonathan Searle, a longtime...

'Distressed' Lost Puppy Wasn't Actually a Puppy

Massachusetts family ended up bringing home a baby coyote

(Newser) - A Massachusetts family that thought they'd brought home a lost, terrified puppy they found by the side of a road got quite the surprise when a local wildlife center identified what it actually was: a baby coyote. In what WMUR calls a "major mix-up," the family spotted...

After 651 Golf Balls Hit Their Property, They Sued the Country Club

Massachusetts family awarded $5M

(Newser) - When they bought a home next to a golf course in 2017, Massachusetts couple Erik and Athina Tenczar expected there might be some noise and possibly the occasional ball in their backyard. Instead, they faced a barrage of 651 balls over the next four years, with shots from bad golfers...

Yorkie Stolen 11 Years Ago Reunited With Owner

Rex, found wandering streets of Stoughton, Mass., is now back home with his long-lost family

(Newser) - It was a joyful, if unlikely, meeting Wednesday in Stoughton, Mass., as a woman from the Boston suburb of Quincy was reunited with the Yorkshire terrier that had been stolen outside of her home 11 years ago. Boston 25 notes that Rex, who used to live with his owner, Marzena...

Report: Sexual Abuse Went 'Unabated' at Boston K-8 School

Officials recommend 'failed' Mission Hill School be closed

(Newser) - Boston's Mission Hill School ignored allegations of sexual abuse and bullying for years, according to a scathing new report, which has resulted in the recommendation that the autonomous K-8 school in Jamaica Plain be permanently closed. An investigation by law firm Hinckley Allen was launched after five families claimed...

Guy Repairs Guitar for Free, Gets Half $1M Lottery Jackpot

After he wouldn't take payment, his friend spent the money on scratch cards

(Newser) - "A good deed is its own reward," the saying goes—but for a northern Massachusetts man, a massive financial reward for helping a friend arrived within an hour. State lottery officials say Methuen guitar store owner John Galvin refused to accept payment when his friend Eric Cochrane brought...

Here Are the 10 Best States for Remote Workers

The Garden State tops WalletHub's list

(Newser) - During the pandemic, much of America got a taste of what it's like to be a full-time telecommuter. Now that many businesses have started to open back up, a good number of them are allowing workers to remain remote. To see which states are most conducive to this type...

The JetBlue Plane Landed, but Workers Had Gone Home
Pilot: 'I Have Something
Embarrassing to Tell You Guys'
in case you missed it

Pilot: 'I Have Something Embarrassing to Tell You Guys'

Passengers were temporarily stuck on board at Massachusetts' Worcester Regional Airport

(Newser) - The eagerness to get off the plane once it's landed is a feeling pretty much every air traveler can relate to. But for those passengers traveling on JetBlue Flight 676 early Tuesday, a weird problem: There were no JetBlue staffers at the airport to get them off the plane....

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