medical ethics

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Cheap, Deadly Beauty Fix On the Rise

Doctors report spike in illegal injections of silicone

(Newser) - Illegal and potentially fatal silicone injections—a cheaper way to plump up the body than cosmetic surgery—are on the rise, the New York Times reports. The underground treatment, usually administered at home or at "pumping parties," has spread among Latinas and transgender women attracted by the...

Red Cross: Med Workers Complicit in Gitmo Torture

Professionals told CIA interrogators to stop, go

(Newser) - The Red Cross is accusing medical personnel of deep involvement in CIA torture at Guantanamo, calling it “a gross breach of medical ethics,” the New York Times reports. Medical professionals monitored procedures such as waterboarding, telling interrogators to “continue, to adjust, or stop particular methods,” finds...

Pharma Infiltrates Harvard's Ivory Tower

Med school is in ethics crisis, say some students and profs

(Newser) - The tentacles of big pharma have made their way into the upper echelons of academia, the New York Times reports: Harvard Medical School is packed with professors with industry ties, and that has students concerned. With 149 profs connected to Pfizer and 130 to Merck, fears that the influence of...

Safer Down Syndrome Tests Give Birth to Ethics Fears

Procedures look safer, more accurate, but raise ethics concerns

(Newser) - New tests to detect Down syndrome early in pregnancy look highly promising to some experts—but they’re prompting new ethical and medical questions, the Washington Post reports. The procedures, to be publicly available in June, appear safer and more accurate than current options. But Down syndrome and anti-abortion activists...

Octuplets' Mom Offers First Look at Kids

Suleman: 'This is my choice'

(Newser) - Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman gave the Today show the first look at her babies—while maintaining that she can handle raising 14 children, MSNBC reports. “This is my choice, to be a single parent,” said Suleman. “I will do the best I possibly can. And in my...

60-Year-Old Canadian Gives Birth to Twins

Birth raises medical-ethics questions

(Newser) - A 60-year-old Canadian woman gave birth to twins this week, the CBC reports. Ranjit Hayer and her twin boys, delivered 7 weeks prematurely by cesarean section, are recovering in intensive care. Hayer underwent in vitro fertilization after trying to get pregnant for decades, but even her obstetrician has ethical concerns....

Octuplets Sound Alarm Bells for Fertility Experts

Docs can avoid high multiples, and try hard; babies' risk is huge

(Newser) - After Monday’s birth of octuplets in southern California, fertility experts are raising concerns that the mother’s doctors went ahead with procedures that could result in such a high-order multiple birth. It’s not hard to avoid fertilizing so many eggs at once, and the danger for both mother...

Face Transplant Risks Life in Pursuit of Social Approval

Why change the face when we could change our behaviors?

(Newser) - A face transplant completed at a Cleveland clinic may be a medical triumph, but, William Saletan wonders on Slate, does the social necessity outweigh the physical risk? Severe facial damage affected the woman’s physical functions, but surgeons also argue that “social functions” such as communication are equally essential....

Scientists Reprogram Adult Cells
Scientists Reprogram  Adult Cells

Scientists Reprogram Adult Cells

Breakthrough could leap embryonic stem-cell quagmire

(Newser) - In a stunning medical advance, scientists have found a way to transform an adult cell in a living animal into an entirely different type of cell. The development is another step toward freeing the field of regenerative medicine from the controversies of stem-cell research. Harvard biologists discovered three key molecular...

Harvesting Babies' Organs Scrutinized
Harvesting Babies' Organs Scrutinized

Harvesting Babies' Organs Scrutinized

Critics say hearts removed too soon to be sure donor was dead

(Newser) - A report on heart transplants involving babies has raised some thorny questions of medical ethics, the Washington Post reports. Hearts were taken from newborns suffering severe brain damage less than two minutes after the babies were disconnected from life support. The hearts saved the lives of terminally ill babies, but...

Battle Brews Over Medical Marijuana, Organ Transplants

Seattle man dies awaiting donor liver

(Newser) - Potential organ recipients who are using medically prescribed marijuana are being removed from transplant waiting lists, raising serious questions about transplant programs' screening processes, reports the LA Times. A Seattle man died last month after being denied a donor liver, and a critically ill man in Washington state has been...

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