physical abuse

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Brown Still Blogging, Partying
 Brown Still Blogging, Partying 

Brown Still Blogging, Partying

More from singers' friends, families

(Newser) - Chris Brown may have been charged with two felonies, but he still wants you to vote for him to win the Kids’ Choice Awards, Us reports. The singer posted a blog yesterday asking for votes and thanking fans for the support. The charges also weren’t enough to stop him...

Evidence Stacks Up Vs. Chris Brown
Stacks Up Vs. Chris Brown

Evidence Stacks Up Vs. Chris Brown

LA authorities have bloody gown, more gruesome photos

(Newser) - Even if Rihanna refuses to testify against Chris Brown, the evidence—including Rihanna’s bloodstained gown and a blow-by-blow police report—is powerful. Police notes obtained by a Los Angeles TV station reveal Brown bit Rihanna and shoved her head against a car window, TMZ reports, adding that photos of...

Rihanna MIA, Brown Recording in Miami

(Newser) - Chris Brown seems to be doing pretty well, all things considered—not only is he reportedly holed up in Diddy’s Miami mansion with the girlfriend he’s accused of assaulting, he’s also been recording tracks for a new album, E! reports. Though he shot down rumors of partying...

Rihanna Appears in Public
Rihanna Appears in Public

Rihanna Appears in Public

Singer vacations at Mexican beach resort after alleged assault

(Newser) - After weeks of hiding out, Rihanna resurfaced on a Mexican beach in the first clear pictures taken of her since Chris Brown allegedly assaulted her on Feb. 8, E! reports. The shots, originally published by the New York Daily News, were taken over the weekend at a private villa in...

Gitmo Abuse Worse Under Obama: Lawyer

Guards 'get their kicks in' before controversial prison shuts down

(Newser) - Prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay has gone up since the election of President Obama, who’s promised to close the facility, a lawyer tells Reuters. Detainees represented by Ahmed Ghappour complained of beatings, dislocation of limbs, overfeeding while on hunger strike, and pepper spray on their toilet paper. “Guards...

Damage Control: Brown Enrolls in Anger 101

Singer hopes course will help his image

(Newser) - Chris Brown is trying to salvage his public image with anger management classes, the New York Daily News reports, but some insiders are quick to gripe that Rihanna—whom Brown is accused of beating up Feb. 7—should do the same. “Rihanna is temperamental, too,” said one source....

Diamonds Get Brown Closer to Rihanna

Brown goes overboard wishing Rihanna happy birthday

(Newser) - Chris Brown showered Rihanna with gifts and called to wish her a happy 21st birthday Friday, the New York Daily News reports. “He knows he’s very much in the doghouse right now, and is doing everything he can to show her how sorry he is,” a source...

Boxer Challenges Brown to 'Real' Fight

Facebook group invites public to be 'next in line'

(Newser) - At least 1,223 people want to see Chris Brown get in another fight, and a Los Angeles martial arts expert is one of them, Fox News reports. Anthony Geisler, president of LA Boxing, started a Facebook group called "I want to fight Chris Brown" that invites the singer...

Rihanna 'Torn' By Anger, Love

Statement irked her, but she still loves him

(Newser) - Rihanna is “torn” over cooperating with police to build a case against Chris Brown—but she’s not the only one who’s conflicted. The story, an Us Weekly report in the New York Daily News, comes on the heels of a Chicago Sun-Times report that the singer was...

'Clueless' Chris Brown's Spin Doctor Will Win Him No Points

Paris Hilton's flack is 'universally disliked'

(Newser) - It’s not surprising that “19 and clueless” Chris Brown needs help doing damage control, but the PR flack he hired to disentangle him from his domestic violence mess will “win Brown no points in public,” writes Roger Friedman for Fox News. Mike Sitrick, Paris Hilton’s...

Eye Patch May Have Hidden Past Abuse: Police

Plus, cousin says Chris 'had to be provoked'

(Newser) - The eye patch Rihanna wore at last year's American Music Awards might have been more than a costume, the Sun reports. Rihanna started wearing the patch to cover her scratched cornea, and police are investigating whether Chris Brown caused the injury. “We’re talking to her friends and management,...

Rihanna Helps Cops Build Case Against Abusive Brown

Relationship with Rihanna filled with ongoing violence

(Newser) - Police are trying to beef up the case against Chris Brown and expect to complete their investigation next week, the New York Daily News reports. Rihanna is cooperating, and investigators expect to reinterview both parties before involving the DA's office, which has already asked for more evidence, a source tells...

Sopranos Star Settles Abuse Suit

'Big Pussy' denies whacking ex

(Newser) - Sopranos mobster Vincent Pastore (“Big Pussy”) settled his $5.5 million court battle with his ex-fiance, who accused him of whacking her—on the head, New York Daily News reports. Pastore, who describes his ex as a “gold-digger,” admitted pulling her hair and screaming at her,...

Jay Z: Chris Brown Is a Dead Man Walking

Attack prompts outrage and rumors, from herpes to jealousy

(Newser) - Glimpses into the crazy world of Rihanna and Chris Brown continue to trickle out. The latest tidbits from their pre-Grammy drama:
  • Jay-Z, who discovered Rihanna, is enraged, says a source. “Chris is a walking dead man.”
  • One rumor claims Rihanna caught herpes from Jay-Z and passed it on

'Killer' Mom Stored Kids' Bodies in Freezer

Cops led to gruesome find by abused runaway

(Newser) - A Maryland woman is being held without bail after admitting she stored the corpses of her adopted 9- and-11-year old daughters in a basement freezer, WBAL TV reports. Police came to her house after a third daughter was found wandering the streets, covered in cuts and bruises. The woman has...

Cops Raid Evangelist Complex in Kid Abuse Probe

Arkansas leader calls case a 'hoax'

(Newser) - Police raided an evangelist’s compound in Arkansas seeking evidence into allegations that he physically and sexually abused children, CNN reports. Some 100 agents took part in the raid on the 15-acre grounds in Fouke near Texarkana. Authorities were interviewing several children throughout the weekend. Evangelist leader Tony Alamo ripped...

Navy Accuses Sailors of Abusing Detainees

Six guards in Iraq face charges

(Newser) - The US Navy will court-martial six sailors who are charged with abusing detainees at a US prison camp in Iraq, Reuters reports. The sailors are accused of beating prisoners and confining them in an unventilated room with pepper spray, a Navy statement says.

Oprah School Matron Pleads Not Guilty

Former dorm matron pleads not guilty

(Newser) - The former dorm matron at Oprah Winfrey’s $40 million Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa pleaded not guilty to abuse charges today, Reuters reports. Virginia Mokgoba, 27, was charged in November with assault, harassment, soliciting a minor to perform indecent acts, and verbal abuse. Testimony from six teenage...

Survey Reveals Abuse In Teen, Tween Dating

Of those sexually active by 14, 69% have seen physical, mental harm

(Newser) - Tween and teen dating is far from a bunch of innocent hand-holding: A survey finds 69% of teens who have had sex by 14 have suffered physical or emotional abuse in relationships, with only half of tweens knowing how to recognize a hurtful relationship. CBS reports more stats:
  • The survey

Canada Apologizes to Indigenous Groups

Ottawa admits abuse of native cultures

(Newser) - Canada formally apologized to its indigenous peoples yesterday for forcing children to attend government-run schools where they were often sexually and physically abused. Prime Minister Stephen Harper read the apology in Parliament, calling the forced assimilation a "sad chapter" in the nation's history that damaged several generations, the Globe ...

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