Father's Day

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Happy Father's Day to the 'Bonus Dads'
Happy Father's Day
to the 'Bonus Dads'

Happy Father's Day to the 'Bonus Dads'

Women celebrate the men loving and raising kids not biologically theirs

(Newser) - An overlooked contingent on Father's Day? The men helping to raise the children of single mothers. In the Washington Post , Ke'Yonna Hall offers a tribute to those "bonus dads," recounting how she came to realize that despite the challenges of raising her two sons (who are...

Prince William Releases Adorable Photos

Royals Release Adorable Photos

Commemorating Father's Day, William's 38th birthday

(Newser) - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have released a couple of cute family pictures to commemorate Father's Day and Prince William's 38th birthday, both of which fall on Sunday. The photos, taken by William's wife Kate as usual, show William with his three children earlier this month...

Cops Apologize for 'Lighthearted' Father's Day Tweet

They asked people to turn in dad with outstanding warrants

(Newser) - The Topeka Police Department said it was a "lighthearted" Father's Day tweet—but a lot of people weren't laughing. "Does your child’s father have warrants? Is he carrying around any drugs? Has he been committing any crimes?" the Sunday morning tweet asked. "Want to...

Tommy Lee's Son Rips Into Him on Father's Day


(Newser) - Rocker Tommy Lee and son Brandon don't exactly have a great relationship, as a March altercation proved . The 22-year-old's animus toward dad was on display on Father's Day via two social media posts. The first is a video of a "seemingly unconscious" Lee clad in a...

Paul Ryan's Father's Day Video Does Not Go Over Well

John Legend is not having it in light of White House stance on splitting up families at the border

(Newser) - Republicans celebrating Father's Day in the era of separating migrant families , beware the wrath of liberals: Paul Ryan took to Twitter on Saturday to post a video called "How Becoming a Father Changed My Life," with a caption that read, "My life changed the day I...

'Baby Daddy' Father's Day Card Does Not Go Over Well

American Greetings apologizes

(Newser) - It's for occasions like this that American Greetings sells "I'm sorry" cards: The greeting card maker is apologizing after customers took issue with one of its Father's Day cards. The front shows the phrase "Baby Daddy" over an image of a black couple kissing, which...

27 Famous Dads and Their Famous Sons

The AP takes a look at fathers and sons who are both in the biz

(Newser) - Douglas. Hanks. Sutherland. Eastwood. Iglesias. For older audiences, the names might conjure up images of Kirk, Tom, Donald, Clint, and Julio, while younger audiences might think of Michael, Colin, Kiefer, Scott, or Enrique. The father-son connections have made their marks on all genres of television, film, and music. Their ranks...

Baseball Team Will Let You Know if Father's Day Is for You

By giving away pregnancy tests, obviously

(Newser) - A minor league baseball team in Florida has planned an unusual Father's Day promotion, the AP reports. This week Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp have added a second promotion to the usual Thirsty Thursday celebration. They're calling it the "You Might Be a Father" promotion, which comes with a...

Craigslist Ad Seeks Father Figure for Grilling

'BBQ Dad' expected to cook burgers, talk lawnmowers

(Newser) - A group of men in their 20s in Washington state has posted a Craigslist ad seeking a generic dad to grill burgers and hotdogs for a gathering set for the Saturday of Father's Day weekend in mid-June, the AP reports. Qualifications include a minimum of 18 years of experience...

7 Stars Who Are 'Daddy's Girls'
 7 Stars Who Are 'Daddy's Girls' 
happy father's day

7 Stars Who Are 'Daddy's Girls'

Including many who followed in dad's footsteps

(Newser) - In honor of Father's Day, The Stir rounds up 15 stars "who are total Daddy's girls." A sampling:
  1. Jennifer Aniston: Followed in her dad's footsteps (he was on Days of Our Lives for almost three decades) and brought him as her date when she was

Man's Father's Day Surprise: Card From Long-Dead Son

'I'm doing fine,' Duane Schrock Jr. wrote 6 years before his death

(Newser) - A few days after Father's Day this year, 87-year-old Duane Schrock Sr. of Virginia received a card from his son in the mail. It read: "Dear Dad, we haven't been in touch for quite a while, I'm doing fine and am very happy in Richmond, I'...

Kate Hudson's Dad Says Kids Are 'Dead to Me Now'

Bill Hudson responds to 'abandonment' accusation

(Newser) - The messiness continues between Goldie Hawn's oldest children and their father, Bill Hudson. As previously reported , Oliver Hudson lashed out at his dad via Instagram on Father's Day—posting a throwback photo of himself, sister Kate, and their father with the caption "Happy abandonment day." Bill...

Last-Minute Father's Day Gift Makes Dad Rich

It's early retirement for Joseph Morrah, 61

(Newser) - A scratch-off lottery ticket bought as a last-minute Father's Day gift has turned a truck driver into an instant millionaire. Joseph Morrah, 61, was given the winning $1 Million Payout ticket on Sunday, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported. His daughter, Christina Morrah, put the ticket in a card she gave...

Hey, Dad: You're Worth $23,344
 Hey, Dad: You're Worth $23,344 

Hey, Dad: You're Worth $23,344

Per year, that is

(Newser) - While most fathers may consider themselves priceless, it turns out you can attach a dollar-value to Dad. And sorry, guys, it's lower than Mom's. Insure.com crunched the numbers associated with the tasks involved in daddy-duty, and came up with a figure of $23,344 a year. Bloomberg...

Beyonce Buys Jay-Z $40M Father's Day Gift

New dad gets his very own jet, plus more Father's Day fun with celebs

(Newser) - Becoming a father for the first time is a big deal, so Jay-Z definitely deserved the private jet wife Beyonce bought him for his first Father's Day yesterday, right? MediaTakeOut reports Bey gave Jay a new $40 million Bombardier Challenger 850, which sounds like something us mere mortals could...

JCPenney Father's Day Ad Features 2 Dads

Follows anti-Ellen DeGeneres boycott attempt

(Newser) - Looks like JCPenney is sticking it to those who slammed Ellen DeGeneres' hiring as its spokeswoman. The company's new Father's Day ad shows two "real-life" dads playing with their two actual kids, JCPenney says. "First Pals: What makes Dad so cool?" the ad's copy asks,...

Obama's 'Second Job': Coach on Sasha's Team

President stresses importance of being a dad in radio address

(Newser) - Is there a responsibility as demanding or important as being commander-in-chief of the United States? President Obama thinks so, and it's called being a dad. On his pre-Father's Day radio address today, the president reflected on his own father's absence and discussed some of the ways he'...

We Love Dad, Too; We Just Don't Spend as Much

But that doesn't mean we don't love him as much

(Newser) - It’s a good thing that it’s the thought that counts, because research shows that while moms are lavished with gifts on Mother’s Day, fathers, by comparison, tend to be short-changed on Father’s Day, the Washington Post says. Americans spend about $130 on their moms, $90.89...

Obama: Absent Dad Taught Me Value of Fatherhood

President's Father's Day essay urges father to 'step up' and take responsibility

(Newser) - President Obama came to realize the value of fatherhood through its absence in his own life as a boy, he writes in an essay published in Parade for Father's Day. "The hole a man leaves when he abandons his responsibility to his children is one that no government can...

Hallmark Introduces Gay-Marriage Cards

(Newser) - Hallmark has developed a line of four greeting cards themed for same-sex marriages, civil unions, and commitment ceremonies. The designs, in stores this summer, include two overlapping tuxedos, a cascade of rainbow-hued hearts, and a message, "Two hearts. One promise," reports Gaywire.com. "It's our goal to...

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