
5 Stories

Eskimo Pies Will be Given a New Name

Dreyer's says the current brand and marketing are inappropriate

(Newser) - The Eskimo Pie will have a new name for its second century. Like companies deciding their product names are hurtful, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream's has decided to leave the Eskimo Pie name and marketing campaign in the past, along with the Eskimo character, the New York Times reports....

First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves
First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves

First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves

But those waves may have intermingled

(Newser) - The Americas weren't initially populated in one sweeping migration across the land bridge from Siberia, but in three distinct waves, according to a new DNA study. By comparing genetic markers on 52 modern day Native American populations and 17 Siberian ones, they've concluded that while the Americas were...

Census Begins With Dog Sled Ride

Noorvik, Alaska gets the call; WWII vet will be first counted

(Newser) - The 2010 census officially begins today in Noorvik, Alaska, a 600-resident Inupiat Eskimo village. Census Bureau director Robert Groves will arrive by dog sled and personally administer the census to an 89-year-old World War II veteran who’s been selected as the first citizen to be counted this year. The...

Alaska Town Is Home to Hail of Fame

Residents of tiny Bethel never have trouble finding a cab

(Newser) - What American municipality has the most cab drivers per capita? No, not New York. It’s Bethel, Alaska, a town of 5,800 that has 93 cabbies, or one for every 62 residents, the Los Angeles Times reports. With only 10 miles of paved road at their disposal, the cabbies...

Alaskan Tribes Score No-Bid Bonanza
Alaskan Tribes Score No-Bid Bonanza

Alaskan Tribes Score No-Bid Bonanza

Sen. Ted Stevens under scrutiny for shady contracts

(Newser) - Alaskan tribes are so successful in securing no-bid government contracts, they're spurring a federal investigation into conduct by Alaskan senator Ted Stevens, reports Salon. In 1986, Stevens pushed through a law that gave Alaskan companies "small business" preferences—even if they belong to a multi-billion dollar parent corporation and...

5 Stories
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