
11 Stories

Amy Grant: Bike Crash Led to Loss of My 'Superpower'

Singer opens up about memory, balance issues after 2022 accident

(Newser) - Amy Grant, the Christian singer who went mainstream in the '90s with hits like "Baby, Baby," is speaking out about her mental health following a traumatic bike accident in 2022. Grant, who also underwent open-heart surgery in 2020 , hit a pothole while riding her bicycle near her...

What a 10-Second Balance Test Says About Your Lifespan

Failing test may indicate increased risk of death

(Newser) - Medical researchers have identified a striking correlation between balance and longevity, per NBC News, citing a study published Tuesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Researchers tracked 1,700 adults ages 51 to 75 for 12 years. During regular checkups, participants were given three chances to balance on one...

'World's Kindest Crook' Has Change of Heart at ATM
She Handed Over
the Cash. Then
Robbery Suspect
Saw Her Balance 
in case you missed it

She Handed Over the Cash. Then Robbery Suspect Saw Her Balance

Man accused of robbing woman at ATM in China apparently had change of heart

(Newser) - It's not clear if this story should be filed under "weird crimes" or "uplifting news." The surveillance cameras tell the tale of the person now being dubbed "the world's kindest crook," with the footage coming out of Heyuan in China's Guangdong province....

Flamingo's One-Legged Mystery, (Somewhat) Solved
Flamingo's One-Legged
Mystery, (Somewhat) Solved

Flamingo's One-Legged Mystery, (Somewhat) Solved

Scientists say the birds expend less energy on a single leg than on 2

(Newser) - Ever wonder why flamingos stand on one leg? So did two Georgia scientists, and their research has found the birds appear to expend less energy when they do so, the BBC reports. A study published in the Biology Letters journal examined both live and dead flamingos and explains how living...

Carnival Ride Left Woman Feeling Permanently Drunk
Carnival Ride Left Woman Feeling Permanently Drunk
in case you missed it

Carnival Ride Left Woman Feeling Permanently Drunk

Since taking a spin, Brit says she's always dizzy, unbalanced

(Newser) - Most people expect to get a little dizzy while careening through the air on a high-speed, rotating carnival ride. But for 26-year-old Bobbie Lane, that dizziness turned permanent after she took a spin on the Superbowl at a UK festival last summer, reports SWNS . Lane says after she got off...

Scientists Discover Deafness Gene

 Scientists Discover 
 Deafness Gene 
in case you missed it

Scientists Discover Deafness Gene

Could lead to new treatments: study

(Newser) - Scientists have identified a gene that causes about one in 25,000 babies to be born deaf, and they hope the discovery will lead to new treatments. A protein called CIB2 is mutated in babies born with Usher syndrome type 1, who are profoundly deaf from birth and often cannot...

How to Beat Bad Ankles
 How to Beat 
 Bad Ankles 

How to Beat Bad Ankles

Ankle injuries can impair one's balance long after they heal

(Newser) - People who’ve sprained an ankle are likely to sprain it again, writes Gretchen Reynolds for the New York Times, but there may be a "supremely low-tech" fix: balance training. An ankle sprain interferes with the neural receptors in the ligaments that transmit balance information to the brain. Even...

Inner-Ear Woes Linked to Many Elderly Tumbles

More than half of Americans over 60 have the disorder

(Newser) - Researchers have shed light on the frequent, debilitating, and sometimes life-threatening falls among the elderly: many tumbles may be caused by inner-ear imbalances, Time reports. Some 35% of Americans over 40 have such vestibular dysfunction; the condition affects more than 50% of Americans 60 and older. An inner-ear imbalance multiplies...

Limbaugh to Obama: Don't Touch Talk Radio

Following suit with some Dems would mean violating free speech

(Newser) - There’s been talk among Democrats that government should intervene to ensure balance in talk radio. But government weighing in on content is a direct violation of the First Amendment, writes Rush Limbaugh in the Wall Street Journal, and as a former law prof, our new president knows that. President...

Noonan: Now the Fun Really Starts

Can Obama live up to high expectations?

(Newser) - No one can dispute that Tuesday night was a great one for America. But now it’s time to look and learn: Will Barack Obama fulfill the fears of some that he’s a "hard leftist"? Or is he really a “pragmatic politician”? asks Peggy Noonan...

Patriotism Is Latest Plank in Balancing Act

Dem is battle-tested, yet he still needs to define himself in many voters' eyes

(Newser) - Barack Obama is still doing battle to define himself, with his patriotism the latest thrust, Dan Balz writes in the Washington Post. But as he wrapped himself in the flag yesterday, Obama was revealed as both “stronger and weaker” than earlier in the year—stronger because he’s battle-hardened,...

11 Stories