
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Babies Cut Dads&#39; Testosterone
 Babies Cut Dads' Testosterone 
Study says

Babies Cut Dads' Testosterone

That makes men better parents, researchers believe

(Newser) - Who knew newborns could have such a significant physical impact on their dads' bodies? Scientists have discovered that fathers experience a significant reduction in their body's testosterone with the birth of a son or daughter. They believe it's Mother Nature's way of making men less interested in...

Jane Fonda: Testosterone Ignited My Sex Life

Actor advises older women to take the hormone

(Newser) - Jane Fonda has a confession to make: Testosterone has fueled her intense septuagenarian libido. "I discovered testosterone about three years ago, which makes a huge difference if you want to remain sexual and your libido has dropped," she tells the Telegraph . "Use testosterone. It comes in a...

Lack of Sleep Kills Men&#39;s Sex Drive
 Lack of Sleep 
 Kills Men's 
 Sex Drive 
study says

Lack of Sleep Kills Men's Sex Drive

Testosterone levels drop without enough shut-eye

(Newser) - It's important to get a good night's sleep for lots of reasons: mood, proper cognitive functioning, and, this just in, sex. A study from the University of Chicago suggests that men who don't routinely grab quality shut-eye have less of a desire to do other things in...

Chemical in Women's Tears a Turnoff for Men

Tears of sadness cool sex appeal

(Newser) - Women's tears of sadness contain a chemical signal that's a big turn-off to men, researchers were surprised to discover. Emotional tears are chemically different from tears caused by dust in the eye or chopping onions, and when male volunteers got a sniff of tears (which have no noticeable odor) collected...

Frequent Sex Helps Men Live Longer ...

... As long as they're not cheating on their partners, study finds

(Newser) - A healthy and faithful sex life may help men live longer . Italian researchers surveyed 4,000 men and found that those who had an active sex life with a steady partner had fewer heart problems, less depression, increased levels of testosterone, and better metabolism. But be warned: Cheaters negated the...

Drug Firms Capitalize on 'Male Menopause' Theory

Testosterone prescriptions booming, but medical community is split

(Newser) - The concept of a "male menopause" remains controversial in medical circles, but there's no denying its marketing appeal: Pharmaceutical companies are heavily pushing treatments for low testosterone, and the number of middle-aged men receiving prescriptions has jumped from 2.4 million in 2005 to 3.9 million in 2009,...

Viagra No Fix for Half of Users
 Viagra No Fix for Half of Users 
big flop dept.

Viagra No Fix for Half of Users

Low testosterone is the real problem for many men

(Newser) - The little blue pill isn't a little miracle for half the men who take it. Doctors says that many of the men who are prescribed Viagra actually suffer from low testosterone levels—something the pill does not treat, the Daily Mail explains. Viagra actually works by enhancing the effects of...

Testosterone Makes Women Paranoid

Researchers assume evolution made men less trusting

(Newser) - Taking testosterone makes women less trusting, according to a new study. Researchers took a group of 24 women, showed them images of strangers' faces, and asked them to rate their trustworthiness from -100 to +100. Half were then given testosterone, which made their rankings fall an average 10 points, while...

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too
Landis Admits Doping,
Says Lance Did It, Too
fingers entire US team

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too

Authorities told of elaborate regimen used by entire US team

(Newser) - Floyd Landis might just be the Jose Canseco of cycling. The disgraced cyclist has sent letters to the US Anti-Doping Agency and the FDA agent who broke the BALCO case outlining an elaborate doping regimen used by the entire US Postal Service Cycling Team from 2002 to 2005, the New ...

Hitler Shot Up Testosterone, Strychnine

82 drugs kept fuhrer going

(Newser) - Adolph Hitler had regular injections of dextrose and vitamins, testosterone and a flatulence preventative that included minute doses of the nerve agent strychnine, according to a new book. For an added boost on date nights with Eva Braun the fuhrer indulged in a shot of bull semen extract. War Hitler ...

McCain Voters' Testosterone Dropped After Loss

For men, elections are dominance competitions

(Newser) - Male McCain voters were feeling a little less macho when the results of the 2008 election rolled in. Duke researchers tested testosterone levels in 183 voters across election night. Testosterone normally drops over the late evening—but male Obama voters’ levels remained stable, while McCain voters saw a bigger drop...

Flirting Makes Men Feel Better
 Flirting Makes Men Feel Better 

Flirting Makes Men Feel Better

Hanging out with pretty women boosts testosterone level

(Newser) - Forget the bromance: Hanging out with attractive women makes men feel better than they do around other men, a new study finds. Just being around the fairer sex boosts men’s levels of testosterone and cortisol, hormones that improve alertness and well-being. In the trials, just five minutes around attractive...

Testosterone Linked to Women's Career Choice

(Newser) - Women with higher testosterone levels may be more likely to seek out riskier careers, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Chicago tested the testosterone levels of 500 graduate business students, then tracked their post-graduation career moves. Ultimately 36% of women went into high-risk financial careers, and...

Semenya Tests Reveal 'Triple Testosterone'

(Newser) - Pre-race World Championship blood tests on super South African runner Caster Semenya revealed testosterone levels three times typical female rates, a source tells the Telegraph. The results of the tests, carried out in South Africa, contributed to a decision by sports officials to call for "gender verification" tests on...

Docs Debate Male Menopause
Docs Debate Male Menopause

Docs Debate Male Menopause

Low testosterone can make you grumpy, impotent—and a great target for drugmakers

(Newser) - If you’re a guy in your late 40s or 50s, and you’ve been feeling unusually grumpy, borderline impotent, and all around miserable lately, you might just have male menopause, ABC News reports. Many physicians believe men experience a drop in testosterone as they get older, which can result...

Drug Challenges Porn's Grip on Testosterone-Boosting

(Newser) - Porn might be the best way for older men to boost their testosterone levels, but don’t tell that to a drug company that peddles a cure for “low T,” Newsweek reports. Solvay Pharmaceuticals makes a “testosterone foam” that claims to combat such maladies as “lost...

A Pill for Men, Perhaps
 A Pill for Men, Perhaps 

A Pill for Men, Perhaps

(Newser) - Testosterone injections can render men temporarily infertile and function as a male contraceptive, Chinese scientists say. Their tests on 1,045 healthy, fertile men were 99% successful and left only two subjects less fertile than they were before the trial. “Our study shows a male hormonal contraceptive regimen may...

Finger Length Holds Key to Running Skill

Measure digits to predict aggression, math scores, arthritis

(Newser) - Boys with ring fingers longer than their middle fingers may be speedier than peers with more symmetrical hands, a study of Qatari adolescents suggests. The speed difference is associated with exposure to testosterone in the womb, LiveScience reports. Finger length can also predict men’s aggression and SAT math scores,...

Testosterone Patch Boosts Female Sex Drive

Treatment significantly lifted libido in study of menopausal women

(Newser) - A testosterone patch boosted menopausal women's sexual desire and satisfaction in a new study, the Chicago Tribune reports. The women reported a big leap in libido, and their number of satisfying sexual experiences rose from twice a month to once a week. Some suffered side effects, including facial hair growth....

Would-Be Dads Have Ticking Clock, Too

Men's age can affect ability to conceive earlier than women's

(Newser) - When a couple has trouble conceiving, don't necessarily blame the woman and her limited supply of eggs—men's fertility starts dropping even before women's, Time reports. In addition to fecundity issues, older men also risk siring children with higher rates of autism, schizophrenia, Down syndrome and bipolar disorder. Male fertility...

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