political elite

6 Stories

DC Hotshots More Optimistic Than Public

 DC Hotshots 
 More Optimistic 
 Than Public 
survey says

DC Hotshots More Optimistic Than Public

More believe country is on the right track than wrong

(Newser) - Wealthy Washingtonians are out of sync with the rest of the country on a host of issues, according to a new poll. Politico surveyed 227 “Washington elites”—meaning DC residents who make at least $75,000 a year, and work in politics in some form—and found a...

She Should Never Have Run for VP
 She Should 
 Never Have 
 Run for VP 

She Should Never Have Run for VP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might have had a shot at the presidency, writes Ross Douthat, but she blew it—10 months ago, when she accepted John McCain's offer to join the ticket. Instead of easing her way into the national spotlight, she was catapulted before she was ready, exposing her inexperience and...

Obama Roasts DC's Starstruck Elite at Dinner

Celebuprez surprised to see Palin 'palling around with this crew'

(Newser) - Washington's elite came out for one of its swankiest events last night, but even political royalty got slightly starstruck by new crown prince Barack Obama, reports Politico. The new prez regaled some 200 DC bigwigs at the Alfalfa Club with a speech that roasted friends and rivals, including Sarah Palin,...

Palin Shunned by Political Elite's 'Shabby Frat House'

Elites of both parties might hate her, but Palin's the people's pick.

(Newser) - Take a long hard look at our political elite, suggests Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal, and ask yourself: Are these guys really out of Sarah Palin’s league? “Behold the shabby frat house that says it's above her pay grade.” Given a choice between members of...

Conservatives Are Victims in Their Own Minds
Conservatives Are Victims in Their Own Minds

Conservatives Are Victims in Their Own Minds

GOP rages against elite while holding the reins of power

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh & Co. like to deride liberal America’s “culture of victimhood,” but these days, it’s conservatives who are acting like victims. The GOP is encouraging its supporters to feel aggrieved and besieged by snooty “elites,” writes Gregory Rodriguez in the Los Angeles Times....

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts
Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

'Nonresident contributors donate for expressive purposes,' study shows

(Newser) - Candidates running for Congress are increasingly using affluent ZIP codes outside their own districts as "political ATM machines" to fund their campaigns, a new study finds. In the majority of House races in 2004, almost three-quarters of contributions came from donors outside a lawmaker's district—often from Hollywood, Manhattan's...

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