Rick Santorum

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What to Watch in Illinois&#39; Primary

 What to Watch 
 in Illinois Primary 
election 2012

What to Watch in Illinois Primary

Mitt Romney poised for the win as voters hit the polls

(Newser) - Illinois votes for its GOP candidate of choice today, with 69 delegates at stake—the second-most of any state so far. Here's what the experts at Politico and the Daily Beast have their eye on:
  • Can Mitt Romney crack 50%? Polls have Romney heavily favored in the state, and

Romney, Santorum Code Names Leaked

It's Javelin versus Petrus for the nomination

(Newser) - Can Javelin or Petrus do what Phoenix couldn't and beat Renegade? GQ , citing multiple campaign sources, says it has discovered the leading GOP candidates' Secret Service code names. Mitt Romney has chosen "Javelin," possibly in reference to a '60s muscle car made by the American Motor...

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

 Romney Way Up 
 in Illinois, But... 
primary preview

Romney Way Up in Illinois, But...

Some cite lackluster performance in state he could have dominated

(Newser) - A new poll puts Mitt Romney 15 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, Rick Santorum, in Illinois' primary tomorrow—but perhaps he shouldn't start celebrating yet. Public Policy Polling has Romney winning 45% of the vote to Santorum's 30% (it puts Newt Gingrich at 12% and Ron...

Republicans Brace for Brokered Convention

Leaders dusting off rule books, readying for big fight

(Newser) - For much of American history, brokered conventions were the norm, but the two big parties have not had one since Democrats chose Adlai Stevenson in 1952. The Republicans' last brokered convention was 1948 when they picked Thomas Dewey (Gerald Ford beat Ronald Reagan on the first ballot in 1976). But...

Chicago Tribune Endorses Romney

He gets backing ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - The United States is deeply in debt, and the "lethal pathology" of entitlement spending "threatens the career incomes of our children and grandchildren. They will spend their work lives as indentured servants to their elders." Which of the Republican candidates can fix that huge mess? Only Mitt...

Santorum: Yeah, 'They Caught Me Sunbathing'

Candidate was catching rays in Puerto Rico

(Newser) - Rick Santorum joins the shirtless candidates' club, notes Gawker . A photo appeared online yesterday of Santorum sunbathing at a Puerto Rican resort during his visit there ahead of tomorrow's primary, reports the Huffington Post . "I apologize to all of us, because I'm sure it's not a...

Santorum: Time to Ban Pornography

Candidate cites 'pandemic' of obscenity

(Newser) - Forget bird flu. There's already a "pandemic" sweeping America: It's called pornography, Rick Santorum says. "Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking." As president, he'd appoint...

GOP Liked McCain Way More Than This Year's Field

Poll: Only about a third would vote 'enthusiastically' for Romney, Santorum

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Republicans are not terribly excited about their presidential candidates. A new Gallup poll found that only 35% would vote "enthusiastically" for Mitt Romney, with an essentially identical 34% saying the same for Rick Santorum. To put those numbers in perspective, during the 2008 primaries, 47%...

GOP Race Could Come Down to ... California

State primary support might be critical to nomination

(Newser) - It sounds like a conservative GOP nightmare, but California could end up deciding who the Republican presidential candidate will be. It's looking more and more like the state and its June 5 primary—the second-to-last date on the primary calendar—will be key in the relentlessly fractured race. “...

Santorum to Puerto Rico: No English, No Statehood

Federal law requires English to be principal language, he claims

(Newser) - Rick Santorum arrived in Puerto Rico yesterday looking presidential, wearing a suit instead of a sweater vest, and with a Secret Service entourage in tow—but it went wrong after he opened his mouth, reports the New York Times . Asked about the territory's hottest topic, a referendum on statehood...

It&#39;s Over, Newt
 It's Over, Newt 
Opinion Roundup

It's Over, Newt

Gingrich must go after Alabama, Mississippi losses, pundits agree

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich lost both Mississippi and Alabama last night, and the calls for him to drop out have risen to a deafening roar. Here's what pundits are saying:
  • "If Newt Gingrich can't win Alabama and Mississippi, where can he win?" asks CNN . The states are "virtual

It All Comes Down to Illinois Now
 It All Comes Down 
 to Illinois Now 

It All Comes Down to Illinois Now

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum both need this

(Newser) - Having failed to seal up the nomination in yesterday's Southern primaries , it's all about Illinois now for Mitt Romney. That state's Tuesday primary is the next big one, though Missouri will hold caucuses Saturday and Puerto Rico holds its primary Sunday. Politico calls Illinois "the new...

Pundits: It&#39;s a Two-Man Race
 Pundits: It's a Two-Man Race 

Pundits: It's a Two-Man Race

Ala., Miss. results give Santorum a clear shot at Romney

(Newser) - Only a few percentage points separated the top three candidates in Alabama and Mississippi's GOP primaries, but the results left Rick Santorum looking like a big winner, and Newt Gingrich looking like a goner, say pundits, who predict tough times ahead for Mitt Romney.
  • Santorum's wins in Gingrich'

Santorum: Fox News 'Shilling' for Romney

He gets into heated debate during radio show

(Newser) - The big political focus today is on Alabama and Mississippi, but Rick Santorum managed to draw some attention with a volatile charge against Fox News. The network is "shilling" for Mitt Romney, he said today on Brian Kilmeade's show on Fox News Radio, according to the Hill . The...

How Palin Destroyed US Politics
 How Palin 
 US Politics 

How Palin Destroyed US Politics

Richard Cohen: Now, ignorance is a virtue

(Newser) - HBO's Game Change is aptly titled: Sarah Palin did indeed change American politics, and not for the better, writes Richard Cohen in the Washington Post . Palin aides have confirmed the accuracy of the film's portrayal of an "ignoramus" who was "determinately incurious"; this year's "...

What to Watch for in Today&#39;s Primaries
 What to Watch for 
 in Today's Primaries 

What to Watch for in Today's Primaries

Alabama, Mississippi primaries could seal the deal for Romney

(Newser) - Today's primaries in Mississippi and Alabama are playing an unexpectedly pivotal role in the GOP presidential race. What to keep an eye on, per NPR and Politico :
  • Will Mitt finally win in the South? He's failed to take any of the southern states so far, but he's

Another Poll: Obama Tumbling

Approval rating drops 9 points in a month

(Newser) - Another poll has found President Obama's approval ratings falling sharply, and the Republican contenders gaining. The New York Times / CBS poll found that Obama's approval rating has dropped 9 points from just a month ago to 41%, with voters increasingly unsure about his handling of foreign affairs....

Razor-Thin Margins in Alabama, Mississippi

 It's a Tossup 
tomorrow's primaries

Alabama, Mississippi: It's a Tossup

Gingrich, Romney, Santorum in race to the finish

(Newser) - As Alabama and Mississippi prepare to head to the polls tomorrow, both states remain up for grabs. Mitt Romney has the thinnest of edges in Alabama, Public Policy Polling finds: He's currently poised to take 31% of the vote to Newt Gingrich's 30%—but Rick Santorum is right...

Gas Price Hikes Sink Obama in Poll

Latest poll shows Republicans are closing the gap

(Newser) - Just when it looked like the improving economy would lift President Obama's popularity ratings, along come soaring gas prices to drag them down. A record 50% of people now "strongly disapprove" of Obama's handling of the economy, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Gas prices...

Santorum Still Ripping JFK Speech

Absolute separation is 'not America,' it's France, he argues

(Newser) - Rick Santorum just cannot let this John F. Kennedy speech go: He again slammed JFK's remarks on the separation of church and state last night, although this time he didn't go so far as to say that they made him want to vomit . "Obviously, the language that...

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