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Octuplet Mother Happy To Be Single Mom

(Newser) - The mother who recently gave birth to octuplets did so determined to raise them as a single parent, Us magazine reports. "She did have boyfriends. She did have someone who really wanted to get married," said the mother of Nadya Suleman. But those relationships just didn't work out....

Mom on Pill Has Twins&mdash;Twice
 Mom on Pill Has Twins—Twice 

Mom on Pill Has Twins—Twice

Docs say odds are over 11 million to one

(Newser) - A British woman has given birth to her second set of twins conceived while on birth control pills, the Daily Mail reports. Doctors say the odds are more than 11 million to one. Carly O'Brien—who switched to a stronger pill after the first pair came along—says she was...

Octuplets' Mom Already Has 6 Kids at Home

She lives with parents; babies' grandpa plans to return to work

(Newser) - The California woman who gave birth to octuplets last week already has six kids at home, and never expected that fertility treatment would leave her with a brood of 14, her mother tells the Los Angeles Times. The woman declined the option of having any of the embryos selectively removed...

Octuplet Babies Doing 'Amazingly Well'

(Newser) - The mother who gave birth to eight babies is expected to be able to touch them tonight for the first time since delivery, the Los Angeles Times reports. The newborns are kicking and "doing amazingly well," said a doctor who helped in Monday's delivery. The six boys and...

Early C-Sections Raise Babies' Health Risks

(Newser) - Doctors and parents often schedule elective C-sections too early, raising the risk of health problems for the baby, USA Today reports. Nearly one in four such Caesarians occur before the recommended 39th week of pregnancy, a new study shows. It makes a difference: Babies delivered by elective C-section at 37...

Facebook Moms Protest Breast Ban

Breast feeding not obscene, angry group declares

(Newser) - A 58,000-strong Facebook group plans to protest the site's ban on breast feeding photos through, er, Facebook. Cyber-organizers are asking users to temporarily swap their profile photos this weekend for breastfeeding pictures banned by the Facebook policy, reports the New York Daily News. The revolt started when the networking...

Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18
 Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18 

Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18

'I like to snuggle,' says Arkansas woman

(Newser) - And you thought Angelina Jolie had a lot of kids. An Arkansas mom has just given birth to her 18th. The baby, Jordyn-Grace Makiya, joins a crowd of sibs with names that start with the letter J and star in the TLC series 17 Kids & Counting. The spree began...

Indian Woman, 70, Is Oldest First-Time Mom

She and husband say they'd wanted a child together for 50 years.

(Newser) - A 70-year-old woman in India says she gave birth to her first child in late November, making her the world’s oldest new mother, the BBC reports. Rajo Devi underwent fertility treatment so she and her husband, Bala Ram, could realize their 50-year dream of having a child. Ram is...

Move Over, Lullabies: Moms Today Use Pop Songs

(Newser) - Modern moms are more likely to sing their babies to sleep with pop songs than with classic lullabies, the BBC reports. For two-thirds of mothers, "Rock-a-Bye-Baby" and its ilk take a back seat to songs such as "Take That" by Patience or "I Kissed a Girl" by...

Mom Hatches Sexy Plan to Free Convicted Son

46-year-old woos juror into confession

(Newser) - A Brooklyn mother's bid to have her son's murder conviction overturned reads like a Hollywood script. The married 46-year-old got a makeover, hit the gym, rented an apartment under an alias, then strutted around a juror's neighborhood in six-inch heels and a push-up bra. She taped their flirtatious encounters and...

Mickey Dee's Looks to Moms for Healthier Image

Gives 6 bloggers a peek at inner workings

(Newser) - McDonald's is trying to harness mom power to help shake its unhealthy image, reports the Washington Post. The burger joint has recruited six mothers to serve as "quality correspondents" and is giving them unprecedented access to the company's operations in the hope they will share their favorable findings about...

Teary Angie Dedicates Role to Mom

Turn as mother in Changeling puts Jolie in mind of 'fierce' Marcheline Bertrand

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie choked up while mentioning her mother at a press conference yesterday, Us Magazine reports. The actress cursed when tears came, then dedicated her role as a strong mother in Changeling to her own mom, who died of cancer last year. “When it came to her kids, she...

Fritzl Bricked Up Own Mother for 21 Years

Monster confesses to new outrage

(Newser) - The Austrian who fathered seven children with the sex-slave daughter he kept locked in a dungeon has confessed to imprisoning his own mother in a bricked-up room for 21 years. Josef Fritzl, 73, locked his mother in a room and bricked over the only window "so that she never...

Moms' Stress Can Lead to Fat Children: Study

Kids seek comfort in food as mothers worry about money, job

(Newser) - Moms stressed out by poverty could be driving millions of US kids younger than 10 to take refuge in food and become overweight, a study finds. The stress may be linked to heavy work schedules and health-insurance troubles, among other issues, Reuters reports. The study argues for better aid to...

Are We Happier Without Kids?
 Are We Happier Without Kids? 

Are We Happier Without Kids?

Childless Americans enjoy life more, studies say

(Newser) - Little bundles of joy may not be delivering as much pleasure to their moms and dads as they're reputed to, Newsweek reports. Parents are about 7% less happy than the childless, one study says, while another concludes that "no group of parents reported significantly greater emotional well-being than people...

We Are What Our Moms Ate
 We Are What Our Moms Ate 

We Are What Our Moms Ate

Health problems may stem from mom's junk food diet, study says

(Newser) - Long-term health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease may begin in the womb with mothers who eat junk food during pregnancy, the Guardian reports. A new study suggests expectant mothers who eat unhealthy diets not only risk the health of their newborns, but may set the child up...

Stay-At-Home Mom, Indeed
Stay-At-Home Mom, Indeed

Stay-At-Home Mom, Indeed

Home-birthing 'strange and magical,' but trade-offs hurt—like Mo. law against midwives

(Newser) - Home-birthing isn’t only strange and magical—it requires some covert-operation skills, Madeline Holler writes in Babble. After finding she preferred an attending midwife in the birth of her first child, Holler found using one for her second to be illegal in Missouri, where she'd moved. As such, she found,...

Pregnancy Stress Ups Kid's Asthma Risk

Babies' immune systems respond to pressures on moms

(Newser) - Stress an expectant mother experiences can increase her child’s predisposition to allergies and asthma, Reuters reports. Mothers-to-be with high stress levels gave birth to babies with high levels of an immune compound involved in the allergenic response, Harvard researchers found—even when their environmental exposure to allergens was low.

The 'Gayby' Boom
 The 'Gayby' Boom 

The 'Gayby' Boom

More gay men seek surrogates for genetically linked kids

(Newser) - What’s the latest in the gay lifestyle? Babies—lots of them. Smashing the old cliché of wild and fabulous freedom, more gay men are settling down with kids, in some cases partnering with surrogates to forge a genetic link. And it’s not just for couples. Singles are also...

Time's 10 Best Mothers Ever...
 Time's 10 Best Mothers Ever... 

Time's 10 Best Mothers Ever...

Mother Earth, Marge Simpson make the cut

(Newser) - No one's perfect, but some moms get pretty close—even if they do have control issues, out-of-wedlock kids, or a little drug habit. Time picked these winners for going against the grain.
  1. Dumbo's mom: for giving her child wings
  2. The moms of The Joy Luck Club: for caring a bit

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