
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Drug Costs $3, Is OTC, and Could Save 30K Lives a Year

Tranexamic acid could save one-third of moms suffering from postpartum bleeding

(Newser) - Each year, more than 100,000 women around the world die from hemorrhaging after giving birth, mainly in underdeveloped nations. But the Guardian reports a cheap, safe drug that's been used for other conditions may be able to reduce that number, to the tune of 30,000 lives saved...

Study: Older Mothers Raise More Emotionally Secure Kids

Their kids have fewer emotional and behavioral problems

(Newser) - Doctors have long warned women about the physical risks of having children later in life, but a team of scientists out of Denmark is reporting in the European Journal of Developmental Psychology that there are also benefits to rearing children later in life, and these benefits tend to be emotional....

Trio of Supplements Could Fend Off Baby Blues
Baby Blues
Are Common.
Solution Could
Be Simple
new study

Baby Blues Are Common. Solution Could Be Simple

A trio of supplements, taken for just 3 days, might have dramatic results

(Newser) - Could new mothers fight off the baby blues by taking a trio of supplements? Researchers at Canada's Center for Addiction and Mental Health are reporting in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that their small new study suggests so, and they say there's something novel...

10-Year-Old's Idea of 'Fun' Gets Mom Arrested: Cops

Police say Connecticut mother live-streamed son cruising around neighborhood

(Newser) - Not surprising: a 10-year-old boy proclaiming, "This is fun!" as he zips around town behind the wheel of his mom's Jeep Grand Cherokee. Even less surprising: the mom getting arrested for allegedly letting him do so. Per the Connecticut Post and Hartford Courant , that's what police...

Mothers Tend to Hold Babies on the Left
Signal Dictates
Where Mom
Holds Baby
new study

'Ancient' Signal Dictates Where Mom Holds Baby

'Positional bias' is common among humans and wild animals

(Newser) - It's long been observed that mothers tend to cradle their infants on their left side, and this has long been at least informally attributed to handedness (so that right-handed mothers have the right hand free). Now researchers report in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution that "positional bias"...

13 Babies Had Heads of Normal Size. Then 11 Didn&#39;t
13 Babies Had Heads of
Normal Size. Then 11 Didn't
new study

13 Babies Had Heads of Normal Size. Then 11 Didn't

Researchers find Zika can cause microcephaly well after birth

(Newser) - Even babies whose heads appear to be of normal size at birth can go on to develop microcephaly, according to new research out of Brazil. Writing in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report , scientists say that of the 13 babies they tracked who were born without any outward...

Mom Births 3rd Kid at 62, Feels Awesome

Lina Alvarez shakes off criticism that she's too old

(Newser) - Lina Alvarez had her second child through IVF treatment at the age of 52, but "I always wanted to be a mother again." Last Monday, her wish came true when the 62-year-old doctor gave birth to a baby girl weighing 5.2 pounds via Caeserean section at a...

There's Now a Tinder of Sperm Donors

Gone are the days of flipping through binders of donor profiles

(Newser) - Sperm banks are keeping up with the times, and it's driving some people crazy. Back in the old days (say, the dark ages of the 1990s), those on the hunt for the perfect sperm donor had the time-sucking task of flipping through binders of prospective donors to weed out...

Nursing Mom Brashly Takes On Uncooperative Hotel

Lynda Nguyen only wanted a place to pump

(Newser) - When Lynda Nguyen asked employees at Embassy Suites in San Francisco for a place to pump breast milk while attending a work conference, she says she was offered a public bathroom. "I told them they don't eat lunch in the bathroom, so it's gross to expect me...

What It Means When Moms Go Baby Crazy on Facebook

They might be trying to live up to societal expectations

(Newser) - Baby pictures clogging up your Facebook feed could signal a new mom on a risky search for approval, according to a study of 127 working moms from Ohio. The fact that 98% uploaded photos of their baby to Facebook wasn't surprising. What interested researchers, however, was that those who...

Mom of Boy Who Got Gorilla Killed: 'I Watch My Kids'

Michelle Gregg returns fire on Facebook

(Newser) - Michelle Gregg, a bad parent? Not according to Michelle Gregg, the mother of a 4-year-old boy who got into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo on Saturday, prompting a response team to shoot the animal dead , reports People . "My son ... fell in the gorilla exhibit at the zoo,...

Mom&#39;s Voice Really Fires Up a Kid&#39;s Brain
Mom's Voice Really
Fires Up a Kid's Brain

Mom's Voice Really Fires Up a Kid's Brain

Researchers use MRI scans to observe the impact a mother's voice has

(Newser) - Newborns can pick out their mother's voice in their first days of life, and while the stimulating sound of mom's voice has long been connected to the early emotional and social development of children, little is understood neurologically. Now researchers report in the Proceedings of the National Academy ...

A 'Dads' T-Shirt Starts a Conversation on Parenting

'Aww, it's so nice of you to babysit' doesn't go over well with male primary caretakers

(Newser) - The message may seem so obvious as to not require stating, but a photo of a shirt that reads "Dads Don't Babysit (It's Called 'Parenting')" has sparked a larger conversation about parenting on Reddit and beyond. The man behind the shirt, Al Ferguson of The...

Good News for Moms Who Wait to Have Kids

Study: Children of older moms are healthier, taller

(Newser) - Women who wait until 35 or later to have kids face a higher risk of problems, everything from miscarriage to diabetes to chromosomal problems with the newborn. But as Medical Today notes, that hasn't kept the average age of first pregnancies from creeping steadily up. Now, however, Swedish researchers...

Ohio Politician Questioned for Running as a Young Mom

Jennifer Herold has two sons, ages 1 and 3

(Newser) - Ohio state Sen. Tom Patton is a term-limited Republican who's now going after an Ohio House seat, and he's running against a real "sweetie." At least, that's what the 62-year-old called his chief Republican opponent in a radio interview last week, but it's a...

When It Comes to Mood Disorders, Girls May Be Like Mom

Mothers and daughters have similar brain circuitry

(Newser) - A woman with depression might have her mother's brain circuitry at least partly to blame, suggests a new study out of the University of California San Francisco . In the small but potentially groundbreaking study led by psychiatry professor Fumiko Hoeft, researchers discovered that the structure of the part of...

Age of New US Moms Higher Than Ever

26 years, 4 months

(Newser) - The average age of first-time mothers is at an all-time high in the US—over 26. The change is largely due to a big drop in teen moms, but more first births to older women also are pushing the number up, says TJ Mathews of the Centers for Disease Control...

Need a Mom? Now You Can Rent One for $40 an Hour

Nina Keneally offers her motherly services to Bushwick millennials

(Newser) - Nina Keneally has been there, done that. The 63-year-old mother of two who recently relocated from suburban Connecticut to Brooklyn has been everything from a drug and rehab counselor at a methadone clinic to a Tony-winning theater producer. All while making dinner, going to soccer games, serving on the PTA,...

Mom&#39;s Favorite Kid Is More Prone to Depression
Mom's Favorite Kid Is More Prone to Depression

Mom's Favorite Kid Is More Prone to Depression

Sibling rivalry may be to blame

(Newser) - Always hoped you're mom's favorite? A new study out of Purdue University finds that the favorite child is actually more prone to be depressed as an adult, researchers report in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences . Looking at 725 adult children from 309 families in the Within-Family Differences...

Battered Woman to Stay in Jail Until 2030 for BF's Abuse

Tondalo Hall denied clemency in Oklahoma for not protecting kids from partner

(Newser) - Tondalo Hall wasn't accused of abusing her two young children but was handed a 30-year sentence for failing to protect them from her abusive boyfriend. Her partner, meanwhile, nabbed a plea deal and served just two years for breaking the ribs and femur of their 3-month-old infant; he was...

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