
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

In Defense of 'Ambivalent' Western Moms
In Defense of
'Ambivalent' Western Moms

In Defense of 'Ambivalent' Western Moms

Op-ed: 'Roaring like a tiger' might not work for all kids

(Newser) - In response to Amy Chua's much-discussed book excerpt in praise of ultra-strict Chinese mothers, Ayelet Waldman begins her defense of "ambivalent" Western moms by rattling off a bunch of supposed no-nos she's allowed her four kids to do—quit music lessons, sleep over at a friend's, surf the web,...

Theory: Women With Daughters Don't Need Husbands
Theory: Women With Daughters Don't Need Husbands

Theory: Women With Daughters Don't Need Husbands

It's a new take on divorce statistics

(Newser) - Sociologists have puzzled over an odd stat for years: Parents are more likely to divorce if they have girls instead of boys. The New York Times parenting blog today takes note of a new theory by a Notre Dame psychologist: Women who have daughters don't need a husband as much...

Postpartum Depression Is Preventable

... if trained nurses get involved

(Newser) - The solution to preventing postpartum depression may lay in the hands of ... nurses, according to a new study. Researchers in the UK found that women who received a visit from a nurse who had been trained to assess and psychologically support new moms were 30% less likely to have become...

Top City for Working Moms: Minneapolis
 Top City for Working 
 Moms: Minneapolis  
no. 2: Washington, dc

Top City for Working Moms: Minneapolis

Forbes weighs women's salaries, safety, unemployment

(Newser) - With its low rates of unemployment and violent crime, combined with relatively high salaries for women, the Minneapolis/St. Paul area tops the Forbes list of best cities for working mothers. The magazine gave added weight in this year's rankings to women's income, and when the numbers were crunched, the Minnesota...

Meddling Moms Get Dating Site
 Meddling Moms Get Dating Site 

Meddling Moms Get Dating Site

New feature makes it even easier to set up your kid

(Newser) - Concerned moms who constantly set up their single kids with—well, almost anyone now have a dating site of their very own. Geri Brin launched the “Date My Single Kid” feature on after many unsuccessful attempts at matching up her son Colby with, among others, “the...

Dads Even More Stressed Out Than Moms
 Dads Even More 
 Stressed Out Than Moms 
Happy father's day

Dads Even More Stressed Out Than Moms

Expected to do more, fathers now feel mothers' pain at the balancing act

(Newser) - Happy Father's Day, Tara Parker-Pope writes in the New York Times: You deserve it, because it's gotten a lot harder to be a dad. Fathers, increasingly expected to pull their weight at home as well as in the office, are now as stressed about juggling it all as their wives,...

Son Sues Mom for Not Stopping Dad's Beatings

British man says she failed a mother's basic duty

(Newser) - A man in Britain who suffered daily beatings from his father is suing his mother for not stopping them. The 32-year-old wants more than $70,000 because he says his mom failed a mother's basic duty—protecting her offspring. "She should not have allowed her volatile husband to remain...

Day-Care Kids Take Bigger Risks
 Day-Care Kids Take Bigger Risks

Day-Care Kids Take Bigger Risks

New fuel for mommy wars

(Newser) - Teenagers who spent long hours in day-care as toddlers are more likely to take risks and act impulsively than peers who spent those years at home, finds the largest and longest study of child-care in America. The findings—sure to stir controversy among parents and policy makers—found that teens...

Is the Tea Party Feminist?
 Is the Tea Party Feminist? 

Is the Tea Party Feminist?

Sort of, argues Hanna Rosin on Slate

(Newser) - "While no movement that uses Michelle Malkin as a poster girl could fairly be described as feminist," writes Hanna Rosin on Slate, the Tea Party actually comes surprisingly close. More than half of the movement's members are women and there are many women in leadership roles. That, of...

Twilight's Secret Superfans: Moms

The secret group of Twilight fans even reports better sex lives

(Newser) - Twilight’s “unthinkably cheesy,” unabashedly adolescent take on love—vampire love, at that—is inspiring adoration in a hidden cache of fans: “smart, sophisticated, well-read mothers.” Why would an otherwise mature adult turn to mush over Stephenie Meyer’s teen saga—even putting a photo of...

Today's Hot Dieting Tool: Breast Feeding

Study shows breastfeeding women slim faster

(Newser) - It's not the most PC thing to admit, but more and more moms are jumping on the breast-feeding wagon for the love of their...waist, reports Catherine Saint Louis for the New York Times. "For those incredibly shrinking women, the time they nurse is precious not only for its...

The Mommy Industry Is Killing Moms
 The Mommy 
 Industry Is 
 Killing Moms 

The Mommy Industry Is Killing Moms

Selling advice to parents is just adding stress

(Newser) - Thanks to offhand comments from her son ("You're a mean mom!") and underhanded comments from other parents ("Your son's very competitive!"), Karen Houppert wakes up at 2:30am every day, wrestling with self-doubt. The newest parenting trend—family coaches to perfect your child-raising skills—...

Most Stay-at-Home Moms Aren't 'Opting Out': Census

Contrary to 'opt-out revolution' notion, most stay-at-home moms start that way

(Newser) - The so-called opt-out revolution by stay-at-home moms “is not and never has been and will not be a revolution,” says one sociologist—and statistics from the most recent census support that point. The term was coined to describe well-educated women leaving high-powered careers to raise children, but census...

Easier Prenatal Tests May Replace Invasive Amnio

(Newser) - Amniocentesis may become a thing of the past, as new procedures are developed that can non-invasively but definitively test for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities, writes Amanda Schaffer for DoubleX. The procedures, expected to be available in the next few years, take advantage of a recent discovery: Early in...

Boozing Author/Mom Hits the Wagon

(Newser) - Stefanie Wilder-Taylor made a name for herself penning light-hearted accounts of life as a hard-drinking mom, so her blog readers were shocked when she announced that she was laying off the sauce, the New York Times reports. Drinking-while-parenting “was a way to express that we’re still fun people,...

Let's Heed Moms' Warning Signs
 Warning Signs 

Let's Heed Moms' Warning Signs

(Newser) - It’s easy to demonize Otty Sanchez, the Texas mother who allegedly killed and ate parts of her weeks-old son, but the case suggests “some steps we as a society should be taking to support new mothers,” Karen Houppert writes in Salon. Even the medical community is ignorant...

Retailers Pitch Tweens, Moms Age-Appropriate Wares

Marketers seek positive messages for their products

(Newser) - Tween girls are a $43 billion market—but they’re not the ones with the wallets. Marketers are aiming for parents concerned about kids facing a barrage of ads that may not be “age-appropriate,” the Washington Times reports. “Many products are about making them older faster, but...

Moms Deserve a Break Today
Moms Deserve
a Break Today

Moms Deserve a Break Today

Think before offering 'constructive criticism,' then ... keep it to yourself: Warner

(Newser) - The maternal resentment has evidently been building up for a while, and New York Times blogger Judith Warner is letting loose. She recounts slights perpetrated against her and her friends and wonders: "Why do people so often permit themselves to dump—verbally, emotionally, with a surgically precise ability...

We Love Dad, Too; We Just Don't Spend as Much

But that doesn't mean we don't love him as much

(Newser) - It’s a good thing that it’s the thought that counts, because research shows that while moms are lavished with gifts on Mother’s Day, fathers, by comparison, tend to be short-changed on Father’s Day, the Washington Post says. Americans spend about $130 on their moms, $90.89...

Best and Worst Celeb Moms
 Best and Worst 
 Celeb Moms 

Best and Worst Celeb Moms

Mother's Day survey reveals holiday activities, too

(Newser) - In a poll of 10,000 readers ahead of Mother's Day, more would trust their kids to Jennifer Aniston than Brangelina, reveals. More from the survey
  • Most trustworthy babysitter: Ellen DeGeneres and her partner Portia De Rossi.
  • Best mom: Jennifer Garner, followed by a tie between Reese Witherspoon

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