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Kids With Pink Eye Shouldn't Take Antibiotics. Most Do
There's a Pink-Eye
Problem Proliferating

There's a Pink-Eye Problem Proliferating

Researchers find most kids, teens are prescribed antibiotics, in spite of guidance discouraging that

(Newser) - Doctors are prescribing antibiotics to most kids and teens who have pink eye, despite guidelines that discourage their use, researchers reported Thursday. More than two-thirds of US children and teens who saw a doctor for pink eye left with a prescription for antibiotic eye drops, their research found. The American...

Chick-fil-A Dropping 'No Antibiotics Ever' Pledge

It will shift to 'No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine'

(Newser) - Chick-fil-A will drop its decade-long commitment to serving antibiotic-free chicken, the fast food company announced Monday. Starting this spring, the chicken chain's "No Antibiotics Ever" pledge, launched in 2014, will shift to a "No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine" (NAIHM) pledge, the firm said in its statement...

Drug-Resistant Superbug May Have Met Its Match

Zosurabalpin targets superbug with 'novel approach'

(Newser) - Scientists believe they've made a major breakthrough in the battle against a superbug that topped a World Health Organization list of the bacteria most dangerous to humans . In a study published in the journal Nature , researchers say they have discovered a new class of antibiotic that can kill carbapenem-resistant...

CDC May Soon Recommend Use of Popular Antibiotic to Prevent STIs

Only certain STIs, and only among certain at-risk groups, however

(Newser) - There's now a "morning after" pill, of sorts, for the prevention of certain STIs within certain groups. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday posted a draft recommendation of guidelines for health care providers; under the new guidance, doctors would be advised to consider prescribing a...

Pfizer Says It's Running Out of Penicillin Products

Company blames 'complex combination of factors' including rise in syphilis infections

(Newser) - In the early days of penicillin use, the antibiotic was so scarce that scientists recycled it from patients' urine . The current situation is nowhere near as desperate, but Pfizer says it is dealing with a shortage and inventory of some items probably won't recover until the middle of next...

Doctors Are Very Worried About a New Strain of Gonorrhea

Strain highly resistant to antibiotics has been detected in the US for the first time

(Newser) - Health authorities say they're very concerned about a new strain of gonorrhea that has been detected in the US for the first time. The strain, found in two Massachusetts residents with no known connection to each other, showed resistance to every kind of antibiotic used to treat the bacterial...

UK Health Chief Slammed for 'Monumental Stupidity'

Therese Coffey admitted to sharing antibiotics with pal, a move BMA blasts as dangerous, unlawful

(Newser) - Rule No. 1 of taking antibiotics: Finish the entire bottle you're prescribed, even after you start to feel better. Rule No. 2: Don't share those antibiotics with friends. Rule No. 3: Be especially careful not to break the first and second rules if you're the UK's...

A Powerful New Antibiotic Is Found in a Novel Way
A Powerful New Antibiotic
Is Found in a Novel Way
new study

A Powerful New Antibiotic Is Found in a Novel Way

MIT researchers use artificial intelligence and report a breakthrough

(Newser) - The rise of superbugs means the world needs powerful new antibiotics. A team at MIT says it has just made a major breakthrough using artificial intelligence for the first time. They discovered a compound that looks able to conquer some of the most dangerous bacteria in existence, including some that...

An Antibiotic for Syphilis Is Being Sprayed on Orange Trees
You Know About Antibiotics
and Meat. How About Oranges?

You Know About Antibiotics and Meat. How About Oranges?

Two antibiotics are being sprayed on some of America's orange, grapefruit trees

(Newser) - We hear a lot about antibiotics used to produce our meat. Oranges, not so much. But that's the reality, reports Andrew Jacobs for the New York Times . It's all due to citrus greening disease, which is caused by a bacteria that is spread to orange and grapefruit trees...

Burger Chains' Antibiotics Grades: Two As, 22 Fs

Report raises concerns over 'spread of antibiotic resistance'

(Newser) - Craving a fast-food burger? You'll be hard-pressed to find one that gets a passing grade from experts on antibiotic use in meat. A report out Wednesday—a collaboration by the Natural Resources Defence Council, Consumer Reports, Center for Food Safety, and other groups—gives 22 of 25 top US...

You Might Avoid Surgery for Appendicitis
You Might Avoid
Surgery for Appendicitis
new study

You Might Avoid Surgery for Appendicitis

New study says antibiotics are an option for some

(Newser) - A new study says surgery isn't always needed for appendicitis and that antibiotics instead can often do the trick, the AP reports. The results from Finland contradict decades of thinking about the best way to treat an inflamed appendix. The condition has long been thought to be a medical...

CDC: 'Nightmare' Superbugs Are Here

Hunt found more than 200 cases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria last year

(Newser) - "Nightmare bacteria" with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the US last year in a first-of-a-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. That's more than health officials expected to find, and the true...

Twice as Many White Kids Get Unnecessary Antibiotics

Researchers call for investigation of parental expectations

(Newser) - It's becoming something of a mantra: Antibiotics do nothing to treat the flu or common cold. And it apparently needs repeating, because even though antibiotics treat bacterial instead of viral infections, as many as 75% of kids with viral respiratory infections like a cold are prescribed them, reports Health...

General Rule About Antibiotics Might Be Wrong
General Rule
About Antibiotics
Might Be Wrong

General Rule About Antibiotics Might Be Wrong

Finishing courses of antibiotics may boost resistance risk: experts

(Newser) - You've heard the spiel: Always finish your course of antibiotics, even if you feel better sooner. The idea is that even though you may feel better, the harmful bacteria in your body needs to be completely wiped out to keep it from developing antibiotic resistance. But that might be...

Neanderthals Used Aspirin, Too
Neanderthals Used Aspirin, Too
new study

Neanderthals Used Aspirin, Too

Plaque on their teeth reveals their dietary and medical ways

(Newser) - Scientists are thrilled to have discovered a gross buildup on a few fossilized teeth, and with reason. Not only were they able to discern the three Neanderthals' diets (two ate primarily meat, one primarily plants), they're also feasting their eyes on prehistoric microbiomes that are shedding more light on...

Decades-Old Mold Sold for 'Bargain' Price of $15K

Fungus said to come from pioneer Alexander Fleming's original penicillin culture

(Newser) - How much would you pay for a piece of mold? If your answer is "nothing," it may surprise you to know that someone else's answer was $14,617. A patch of green bacteria encased in a round glass dish sold for that sum to an unnamed buyer...

If Dad Smokes, He May Pass an Unwanted Trait to Kids
Men Who Smoke Affect
Future Kids in Surprising Way

Men Who Smoke Affect Future Kids in Surprising Way

Life-saving drugs may be less effective for them, study suggests

(Newser) - When research began to trickle out 10 years ago suggesting that what we do today can affect the health of our unborn children, it was largely "considered heretical," medical biochemistry professor Dr. Oliver Rando tells the Boston Herald . Not anymore. Habits like cigarette smoking have since been shown...

Woman Dies of Superbug No Antibiotic Could Treat

Experts are calling it a 'harbinger of future badness'

(Newser) - This is the kind of case researchers warned about for years: A Nevada woman in her 70s died months ago from an infection that no antibiotic in America could have defeated, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Thursday. The woman was hospitalized in August last...

CDC Wants to Be Sure You Know What Sepsis Is

Cases are on the rise

(Newser) - The CDC has declared a "medical emergency" about sepsis , a common medical complication it says is on the radar of too few people—including medical professionals, reports the Washington Post . The idea is for more people to raise the possibility of sepsis should symptoms appear. They range broadly from...

Cure for Deadly 'Superbug' May be Hiding in Our Noses

'Totally unexpected'

(Newser) - A team of German bacteriologists says our noses may contain more than boogers; there might also be a cure for the "hospital superbug" MRSA hiding up there, the Guardian reports. According to the Los Angeles Times , MRSA kills about 11,000 US patients every year and sickens another 80,...

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