
Stories 61 - 70 | << Prev 

Don't Rejoice Over Starbucks' Closing Doors
Don't Rejoice Over Starbucks' Closing Doors

Don't Rejoice Over Starbucks' Closing Doors

Anti-capitalist fools celebrate as 12,600 lose their jobs

(Newser) - Starbucks is closing 600 stores in the US and 61 in Australia, and anti-capitalists everywhere are thrilled. Never mind 12,600 losing their jobs: It’s “a small price to pay if it means being able to walk one’s labradoodle … without having to see or smell a...

Hard Workers in Cuba Will Finally Get Their Due

Wages will be tied to productivity

(Newser) - Raul Castro has ordered employers to create new salary structures that include extra pay for increased productivity—a bold departure, by Cuban standards, from Socialist orthodoxy, the Miami Herald reports. Under the current system, workers get a flat fee based on their job descriptions with no hope for incentives. Low...

Obama Senior's Long-Lost Political Writing Surfaces

Elder Barack critiqued Kenyan socialism

(Newser) - A mid-'60s treatise on Kenyan socialism has been causing a stir in the 2008 US presidential election, Politico reports, because of its author—Barack Obama Sr. Titled “Problems Facing Our Socialism,” conservative bloggers believe the paper reveals the elder Obama’s hidden communist leanings. But the scholarly paper...

Former Ally Now Rivals Chavez
Former Ally Now Rivals Chavez

Former Ally Now Rivals Chavez

Ex-defense minister pressed Chavez to admit referendum defeat

(Newser) - An ex-ally has become a formidable rival for Hugo Chavez after the president's defeat in a constitutional referendum that would have given him more power and the right to unlimited reelection. The Wall Street Journal explores the career of Raul Baduel, Chavez’ former friend and defense minister, who protected Chavez...

Exit Polls Give Chavez Victory
Exit Polls Give Chavez Victory

Exit Polls Give Chavez Victory

Opposition doubts early results as supporters party in the streets

(Newser) - Chavez supporters waved flags in the streets today as exit polls showed him winning a referendum by six to eight points, Reuters reports. Anti-Chavez forces rejected the numbers, leaked by government-connected sources. "According to our information, it is a statistical tie," said the popular mayor of Caracas. He...

Venezuela Calmly Goes to Polls
Venezuela Calmly Goes
to Polls

Venezuela Calmly Goes to Polls

Chavez seeks to end prez term limits, enact socialist reforms

(Newser) - Polls are orderly today as Venezuelans decide on an amendment that may make Chavez president for life, Reuters reports. Most surveys say voters are split 50/50 on the referendum, which Chavez vows will win by 10 points and usher in “21st century socialism.” Opponents say the changes, which...

Chavez Threatens Oil Cutoff
Chavez Threatens Oil Cutoff

Chavez Threatens Oil Cutoff

Warns US against trying to sabotage vote

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez has threatened to cut off oil to the US if it tries to sabotage tomorrow's referendum, which will allow the Venezuelan president to run for re-election indefinitely, Reuters reports. He's sent the army to protect oil fields in case violence follows the vote to change the constitution and...

MLB's Future in Venezuela Uncertain
MLB's Future
in Venezuela Uncertain

MLB's Future in Venezuela Uncertain

Political mandates could push baseball out of huge talent pool

(Newser) - Baseball is big in Venezuela, and vice versa: 200 Venezuelans have played in MLB, including 50 who are currently active. You’d expect clubs to be racing to the country in search of talent, but concerns about Venezuela’s political climate are actually scaring them away: The Padres, Orioles, Red...

Chavez Vision Roils Nation
Chavez Vision Roils Nation

Chavez Vision Roils Nation

Constitution overhaul expected to pass, would make him re-electable for life

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez's grasp on Venezuela is about to tighten as the country inches toward a virtual dictatorship and expanded socialism—a development that has support among the poor but is drawing dissent from economists and former army officials. An expected revision of the Constitution would drop the workday to six...

Chavez Decrees Dry Holy Week
Chavez Decrees Dry Holy Week

Chavez Decrees Dry Holy Week

Ban on booze aimed at drink-fueled accidents, inspires secret imbibing

(Newser) - No Easter imbibing, decrees Venezuelan president and socialist icon Hugo Chavez. Chavez has instituted a Holy Week liquor ban in restaurants to combat the hundreds of drunk driving deaths that occur during holidays in Venezuala. While some citizens applaud his boldness, others say they cannot follow their fearless leader quite...

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