Bush administration

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Hillary's Wrong: Bush, Israel Agreed on Settlements

Sharon talks resulted in "understandings": Abrams

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton said last week that the Bush administration hadn’t made any “informal or oral agreements” on Israel settlements, but that’s simply not true, writes Bush adviser Elliott Abrams in the Wall Street Journal. In fact, talks between the administration and Israel’s then-PM resulted in Ariel...

Obama Razes 'No Child Schoolhouse'
Obama Razes 'No Child Schoolhouse'

Obama Razes 'No Child Schoolhouse'

Bush-era name ditched as administration seeks to overhaul education law

(Newser) - A model of a little red schoolhouse used to promote the launch of the federal policy "No Child Left Behind" is no more, the Washington Post reports. In a highly symbolic move, the structure at the entrance of the Department of Education and policy logos of the Bush administration...

Daily Show Argument Exposes Obama as Bush Lite
Daily Show Argument Exposes Obama as Bush Lite

Daily Show Argument Exposes Obama as Bush Lite

Judge questions DoJ's claim about Cheney

(Newser) - A Justice Department lawyer argued in court yesterday—with a straight face—that releasing statements Dick Cheney made during the Valerie Plame investigation could cause future administration officials to hold back out of fear their statements would “get on The Daily Show.” The judge overseeing the hearing seemed...

Obama Should Support Iran's Reformers
Obama Should Support Iran's Reformers

Obama Should Support Iran's Reformers

Let Mousavi know the US is there for them, ex-Bush officials advise

(Newser) - Whether or not Iran’s protests coalesce into a full-scale revolt, it seems clear that the Iranian people would like to change their totalitarian government. Barack Obama should help them do it, Bush administration officials Dan Senor and Christian Whiton write in the Wall Street Journal. He could start by...

Cheney Hopes 'Old Friend' Panetta Was Misquoted

(Newser) - As the CIA scrambled to do damage control today in the wake of director Leon Panetta's New Yorker interview, Dick Cheney fired back. The former VP's office released a statement that reads in full: "I hope my old friend Leon was misquoted. The important thing is whether the Obama...

Rove: Maureen Dowd Has 'Bitter Little Heart'

(Newser) - Karl Rove fired back today at Maureen Dowd for criticizing former President Bush’s frequent vacation time in Texas, Politico reports. “I think Maureen Dowd is a bitter, twisted, deranged columnist for the New York Times,” Rove told Fox News, “who misses no opportunity to show her...

Republicans See Rising Debt as Obama's Soft Spot

(Newser) - Republicans think they’ve found one chink in President Obama’s armor: public fear over rising national debt. Some 51% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s efforts to control federal spending, according to a recent poll. In every other area, Obama enjoys positive ratings. “The president is still popular,...

How We Wound Up With a $1.2T Deficit
How We Wound Up With
a $1.2T Deficit

How We Wound Up With a $1.2T Deficit

(Newser) - President Obama’s agenda plays a very small role in the massive deficits facing the country, but it won't do anything to correct them, wither the New York Times reports. After reviewing a decade’s worth of Congressional Budget Office reports, the paper explains how the government turned a $800...

Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum
Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum

Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum

Ex-Bushie: Media won't call White House on its unmeasurable metric

(Newser) - President Obama confidently declared yesterday that the stimulus plan had already “saved or created” 150,000 American jobs and would “save or create” another 600,000 by this summer. Which is pretty surprising, former Bush official William McGurn writes in the Wall Street Journal, because the economy’s...

Laura Bush: Sotomayor a 'Good Nominee'
Laura Bush: Sotomayor a 'Good Nominee'

Laura Bush: Sotomayor a 'Good Nominee'

Former first lady says hubby is too gracious to attack Obama

(Newser) - George and Laura Bush aren’t interested in criticizing the new administration, Laura Bush tells ABC News, and she actually supports Sonia Sotomayor. The former first lady called Sotomayor “a very interesting and good nominee,” adding, “As a woman, I’m proud that there might be another...

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins
The GOP 
Needs More Sarah Palins

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins

Lack of high-profile women hampers credibility on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Since Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, something has been missing from the ranks of her GOP detractors: women. The departure of Sarah Palin and President Bush’s estrogen-packed Cabinet from the national spotlight has exposed the dearth of Republican women, David Bernstein writes for the Boston Phoenix....

US Judge Boots Warrantless Wiretap Cases Vs. Telecoms

(Newser) - A federal judge has tossed out more than three dozen lawsuits filed against the nation's telecommunications companies for allegedly taking part in the government's email and telephone eavesdropping program that was done without court approval. The dismissals were widely expected after Congress in July agreed on new surveillance rules that...

Cheney Championed Interrogations Before Congress

Veep intervened when legislators got twitchy

(Newser) - Dick Cheney personally led at least four briefings with senior House and Senate members about harsh interrogation techniques, reports the Washington Post. The former vice president's interventions took place at critical moments when Congress was threatening to investigate or even outlaw techniques, such as waterboarding, that are widely considered torture....

Carter Wants Torture Pics Released

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter politely disagrees with the current president’s move to block photos depicting prisoner torture in Iraq and Afghanistan from public view. “I don't agree with him,” the former president said of Barack Obama. “But I certainly don't criticize him for making that decision,” he...

Obama, Tell W You're Sorry for Mocking His Policies

Prez slammed W's national security policy; now he's following it

(Newser) - President Obama’s national security policy has been surprisingly close to his predecessor’s—a policy he hammered on the campaign trail. For that, he “owes George W. Bush an apology,” writes Clive Crook in the Financial Times. But his supporters also deserve an apology. His election rhetoric...

Cheney Hunts Book Deal
 Cheney Hunts Book Deal 

Cheney Hunts Book Deal

Former veep selling story as a look at Republicanism from Nixon onwards

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is seeking as much as $2 million from publishers for a book on his life in politics, the New York Times reports. Insiders say the former vice president, who served in four Republican administrations, is selling the book as not just a look inside the Bush administration, but...

Obama Overrules the Overruling of State Laws

Bush policy protected business interests in the states

(Newser) - President Obama is rewriting another set of rules inherited from his predecessor. This time, the Washington Post reports, it’s President Bush’s policy of overriding state laws with federal regulations, known as “preemption.” Says an activist, “It's environmental law, it's drug law, it's mortgage law, it's...

Cheney, Obama Telling Same Lie About Bush: Brooks

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Dick Cheney conspired to perpetuate the same myth yesterday, writes David Brooks of the New York Times. In their telling, we have seen a sharp break between Bush-Cheney terror policies and Obama-Biden ones. “This is a completely bogus distortion of history.” In reality, the policies...

Cheney 'Answers' Obama, Defends Bush Policy

Says he's 'firm proponent' of 'enhanced interrogation program'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney offered an “answer” to President Obama’s national-security speech today, standing up for the policies of the Bush administration and saying he remained “a strong proponent of our enhanced interrogation program,” CNN reports. “In the fight against terrorism,” Cheney said, “there is...

Prodigal Dubya, Texas Slowly Get Reacquainted

(Newser) - Former President Bush is gradually reentering life as a private citizen in Texas, Newsweek reports, but he's doing it gingerly and on his own terms. While many Texans agree that Dubya's still the friendly, aw-shucks guy they sent to Washington eight years ago, he's definitely keeping clear of dissent. “...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>