Natalie Dylan

2 Stories

Student Sells Virginity Online for $30K

New Zealand 'Unigirl' Gives It Up as Long as It's 'Safe'

(Newser) - A poverty-stricken New Zealand college student has apparently sold her virginity online to a stranger for $30,000. It's continuing a trend begun last year by Natalie Dylan, a Yank who reportedly received bids in the millions when she auctioned off her virginity online to fund her master's degree. "...

Virgin-for-Sale Says She'd Go for a Woman —if It Was Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is ideal beauty for Dylan—who stresses that she's hetero

(Newser) - If virgin-for-sale Natalie Dylan had to lose it to a celebrity, who would she pick? Celebutante Kim Kardashian, the New York Daily News reports. “But I’m heterosexual,” Dylan clarifies. “I just admire her beauty.” Bidding on her virginity was up to $3.8 million as...

2 Stories