Abdul Qadir Khan

4 Stories

UN Examines Possible Syria-Pakistan Nuke Ties

AQ Khan may have helped Damascus in quest for nuclear bomb

(Newser) - Satellite images have provided UN investigators with fresh evidence that the Syrian government once worked with AQ Khan, the world's most prolific nuclear weapons merchant. The images reveal that a complex in northwest Syria appears to match Khan's designs for a uranium enrichment plant that were sold to...

Pakistan's Nuke Founder: We Sold Secrets to N. Korea

Letter, documents seem to verify claim

(Newser) - Pakistani military officials took more than $3.5 million in kickbacks from North Korea in exchange for essential nuclear weapons technology, according to Abdul Qadir Khan, the founder of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. Khan has given documents detailing the transaction, which would have taken place in the late 1990s,...

Swiss Judge: Put CIA Nuclear Spies on Trial

Three men helped infiltrate Pakistani nuclear smuggling program

(Newser) - A Swiss judge has recommended that charges be brought against three men who helped the CIA spy on an atomic smuggling ring headed up by Pakistani nuclear scientist AQ Khan. The men, Friedrich Tinner and his sons, Urs and Marco, helped Khan run the network, which supplied the likes of...

Pakistan Frees Nuke Scientist Khan From House Arrest

Admitted giving secrets to North Korea, Iran

(Newser) - The Pakistani scientist who admitted to giving nuclear secrets to rogue states was freed from house arrest today, the BBC reports. Abdul Qadir Khan was pardoned in 2004 but has remained under tight restrictions; the former head of Pakistan’s nuclear program can now leave his house and receive visitors....

4 Stories