Muzzammil Hassan

3 Stories

NY TV Station Owner Guilty of Beheading Wife

Muzzammil Hassan founded station to boost Muslim image

(Newser) - A man who set up a TV station in New York state to counter negative stereotypes about Muslims has been found guilty of beheading his wife in what lawyers say appears to have been an "honor killing." Muzzammil Hassan, the Pakistan-born owner of Buffalo's Bridges TV, will be...

Beheaded Wife Feared Abusive Husband's Wrath

Colleagues say woman tried to salvage struggling TV venture

(Newser) - Now that authorities have charged Muzzammil Hassan with beheading his wife Aasiya, reports are surfacing that he had beaten her for years, the Buffalo News reports. Local police knew of the violence, but didn't act because Aasiya refused to press charges. “She was afraid she would cause Bridges TV...

NY Wife Beheading Blasted as 'Honor Killing'

Divorce linked to gruesome murder

(Newser) - The gruesome beheading of a wife in upstate New York by her Muslim husband has been blasted as a retaliatory "honor killing" against a spouse seeking divorce, reports the Buffalo News. “This was apparently a terroristic version of honor killing, a murder rooted in cultural notions about women’...

3 Stories