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6 Digital Ways to Leave Your Lover

Breaking up via text or email? That's so outdated.

(Newser) - If couples are having fewer public fights nowadays, it might be because they're busy liveblogging their entire breakup on Twitter, NPR reports. Beyond dumping the dude in 140 characters, here are six other ultra-modern ways to become uncoupled:
  1. Watch "The Break-Up Poem" on for tips on

Be My Marilyn Monroe: Sarkozy on First Date

French prez proposed first time he met Carla: friend

(Newser) - Undeterred by his recent divorce, French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed the night he met Carla Bruni and promised that she would be his Marilyn Monroe, according to a new tell-all book. Author Jacques Seguela is the same pal who introduced the couple at Sarko's request, the Times of London reports....

Love Bites: Songs for the Dumped

Top songs to nurse rage this Valentine's Day

(Newser) - Roses and chocolates be damned. The pink-and-red holiday can be especially harsh on the recently dumped. MTV suggests tunes to nurse your inner rage:
  1. Ain't It Funny: Who knows breakups better than J-Lo?
  2. Shut Up and Let Me Go: Enough said in this tune by the Ting Tings.
  3. Before

Recession, Free Dating Sites Are Match Made in Heaven

Paid online dating sites see customers flooding to free upstarts

(Newser) - Traffic on free online dating sites has spiked, a trend fueled by the recession and by daters’ realization that finding love for free beats paying, reports BusinessWeek. “If it’s free, why would I go to Match?” asks a Florida woman who met her fiancé on, which...

Reality Show to Feature Arranged Marriage

Brains behind Top Chef , Project Runway team for venture

(Newser) - A series following arranged marriages is CBS’ next big reality-TV venture, James Hibberd writes on his Hollywood Reporter blog. The show, from the producers behind Project Runway and Top Chef, will follow four unlucky-in-love singles whose friends and family select a spouse; cameras will then continue to follow the couples...

Looking for Happiness? Forget Puppy Love

Early passion causes disappointment later, say researchers

(Newser) - If you’re stuck in a romantic rut, blame it on puppy love. Sociologists say the torrid affairs of youth lead to unrealistic expectations about relationships later in life, the Guardian reports. "Remarkably, it seems that the secret to long-term happiness in a relationship is to skip a first...

Actually, You Can Buy Me Love
 Actually, You Can 
 Buy Me Love 
personal essay

Actually, You Can Buy Me Love

New essay anthology explores love and personal finance

(Newser) - Freelance writer Marissa Belger married for love, relishing the warmth of her husband's clan and overlooking his lowly income—until he lost his job. In The Secret Currency of Love, a compilation of essays excerpted in Salon, Belger describes how her relationship to money surprised her. Adapting to poverty was...

Hubby Wants Kidney Back in Divorce
Hubby Wants Kidney Back
in Divorce

Hubby Wants Kidney Back in Divorce

Doc wants cheating wife to return donation or pony up $1.5M

(Newser) - A doctor is demanding that his soon-to-be ex-wife return his donated kidney—or at least the $1.5 million he says the transplant is worth—as the pair divvy up their assets in a divorce, Newsday reports. Richard Batista says his wife jumped into bed with her physical therapist just...

Scientist: Love's Just Brain Chemicals

...that could someday be reproduced in a lab

(Newser) - An American neurologist is determined to prove wrong the poets who say love is beyond understanding, reports the BBC. The Emory professor argues that neurochemical reactions in certain parts of the brain can explain love, raising the possibility that scientists could someday create drugs to bring love back to dying...

Should She Delay the L-Word?
 Should She Delay the L-Word? 

Should She Delay the L-Word?

Women should say 'I love you' first as much as men

(Newser) - It may seem dated to say women can kill relationships with a poorly timed or premature "I love you." Or it may just seem dated to women, observes Sarah Hepola, who read an article advising women never to be the first to show their cards, emotionally, and was...

Brain Scans Prove Love Can Last

Brain scans show some couples really do keep things fresh

(Newser) - It looks like conventional wisdom was wrong, and the old songs were right: You really can bring back that loving feeling. Or at least some people can, the Times of London reports. About one in 10 couples in 20-year relationships still showed the same brain responses to pictures of their...

Ladies, Beware This New Type of Cad

He's not your average womanizer—he's much worse

(Newser) - Traditional womanizers are easy to detect, but single girls have a new species of cad to watch out for—the Homme Fatale, writes Irina Aleksander in the Observer. They are smart, gentle, short of Hollywood good looks but confident in a self-deprecating way, "deceptively vulnerable," and conniving. Such...

Japan Fetes Genji , World's First Novel, at 1,000
Japan Fetes Genji, World's
First Novel, at 1,000

Japan Fetes Genji, World's First Novel, at 1,000

Three very different English translations available to get you caught up

(Newser) - Japan is celebrating the 1,000th birthday of The Tale of Genji, a story penned by a woman in an imperial court that is widely regarded as the first modern novel, the Economist reports. The chronicle of an aristocratic aesthete’s sexual adventures is many things to many readers, including...

'I Haven't Had Sex in 15 Years'
 'I Haven't Had Sex in 15 Years' 

'I Haven't Had Sex in 15 Years'

Found living without sex can be easier than looking for love—just not preferable

(Newser) - Writer Kit Naylor didn't intend for things to work out this way. She likes men. She likes love. And yet somehow, "here I am—55 years old, a spinster long past my sell-by date, no kids—and I haven't had sex in a decade and a half.” She...

US Marriage Age Oldest Ever
 US Marriage Age Oldest Ever 

US Marriage Age Oldest Ever

Women marrying at 26, men at 28

(Newser) - American couples are waiting longer than ever to get married, reports USA Today. The median age for a first marriage is almost 26 for women and 28 for men—the oldest since the US Census started keeping track in the 1890s. The increase holds true for all racial, ethnic, and...

Chronicler of Heartbreak Gets Happy
Chronicler of Heartbreak
Gets Happy

Chronicler of Heartbreak Gets Happy

Lucinda Williams hits high note after giving up 'bad boy' rockers

(Newser) - Having written more than 20 songs at the end of yet another troubled relationship, Lucinda Williams had doubts when she found love with a former music executive. She worried that her songwriting skills depended on ties to bad boys, but her new disc, Little Honey, proves that fear unfounded, writes...

Writer Stabbed Estranged Wife 222 Times

HuffPo blogger Carol Anne Burger killed gay partner, then herself

(Newser) - On Oct. 22, one day after last blogging about the election for the Huffington Post, writer Carol Anne Burger fatally stabbed her estranged gay spouse 222 times with a screwdriver, the Palm Beach Post reports; Burger committed suicide 2 days later. Burger and Jessica Kalish, a software executive, had been...

It's a Fine Line Between Love, Hate in the Brain

But hate appears to be a more calculating, rational emotion

(Newser) - Areas of the brain involved in hatred are also activated by love, a study suggests. Researchers took images of brain activity when subjects looked at a photo of someone they despised, ABC News reports. While not identical, the pattern of brain activation those images triggered involved some of the same...

Red Really Is the Color of Lust
 Red Really Is the Color of Lust 

Red Really Is the Color of Lust

(Newser) - Ladies looking to attract a man can ditch their magazines and follow some simple advice instead: Wear something red. So say researchers at the University of Rochester, who conducted five scientific-sounding experiments to conclude that men aren't all that complicated. The test subjects, all undergrads, judged women as sexier and...

Shopping in the Online Meat Market

Adult FriendFinder, with seemingly 30:1 male-female ration, poor choice for women

(Newser) - Adult FriendFinder may have 30 million users, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find partners for sex, love, or anything else with a few clicks. The site claims to have an even split of men and women, but from posts and chat rooms, it looks more like 30:1....

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