Paul Ryan

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Paul Ryan Won't Run for Senate

His decision clears way for Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin

(Newser) - Paul Ryan will stick with the House. The budget wonk has decided against running for the retiring Herb Kohl's Senate seat in Wisconsin, Ryan tells the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel . "It would make no sense to leave where I am right now because I have such a bigger impact,"...

Iowan to Gingrich: 'You're an Embarrassment'

Newt takes heat for undercutting Paul Ryan

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is taking heat on the right, after calling Paul Ryan’s Medicare revamp “right-wing social engineering,” and saying he supported a “variation” on an individual health care mandate. Asked about Ryan’s voucher plan on Meet the Press , Gingrich replied, “I think that that...

Paul Ryan Considers Senate Run

He and Russ Feingold leave open possibility of Wisconsin run

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's fans want him to run for president , but they may have to settle for the Senate. Today's surprise announcement from Democrat Herb Kohl that he won't run for re-election next year in Wisconsin raises the possibility for the House budget wonk. In a statement, Ryan...

Medicare Overhaul Looks Dead This Year

Republicans backing away from plan for now

(Newser) - After a day of conflicting reports and quotes, this now seems like a safe bet: The Republican plan to overhaul Medicare with a voucher system will be put off until after the 2012 election. Paul Ryan conceded as much even as John Boehner insisted "nothing is off the table....

GOP Backs Away From Budget Compromise Reports

Eric Cantor told Washington Post deal was unlikely to include Medicare

(Newser) - Eric Cantor moved quickly last night to dispel reports that he was aiming for a bipartisan budget compromise. With talks with the Democrats and the White House beginning today, the Washington Post had posted a story headlined “Medicare Dropped From GOP Budget Proposal,” in which Cantor was quoted...

Both Parties Look to Cut Corporate Tax

Lobbyists eager for next big legislative push

(Newser) - The Obama administration is planning to propose a new set of cuts in the corporate tax rate, hoping to strike a vein of bipartisan cooperation. “This would send a reassuring signal to the economy, and is something both parties should support in theory,” a senior administration official tells...

With Limp 2012 Field, GOP Seeks New Blood

Mitch Daniels among names being highly touted

(Newser) - Surveying an underwhelming field of presidential candidates, GOP party elders are scrambling to entice stronger politicians into the race, reports the New York Times . “The race needs more responsible adults who can actually do the job,” says a party official from New Hampshire. The first debate is Thursday,...

Ralph Nader: Obama Will Win in 2012
Nader on 2012: Sadly, Obama’s
a Shoo-In

Nader on 2012: Sadly, Obama’s a Shoo-In

But liberal firebrand is trying to drum up a primary challenger

(Newser) - Ralph Nader isn’t holding his breath waiting for President Obama to go down in flames Jimmy Carter-style. “The stars are aligned” for Obama’s reelection, Nader writes in a Bloomberg op-ed. Here’s why:
  • The Republican primary field is littered with hardcore ideologues. “Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich,

RNC Chief Explores Idea of 2012 Paul Ryan Run

Reince Priebus might have to step down if that happens: Jon Ward

(Newser) - This Paul-Ryan-for-president business is apparently gaining traction. The head of the Republican National Committee has begun investigating the possibility, writes Jon Ward at the Huffington Post . The reason? RNC chief Reince Priebus is a longtime friend and political ally of Ryan's—they both hail from Wisconsin—and Priebus has...

House Progressives Release Their Own Budget

Ends Bush tax cuts, adds public health care option

(Newser) - As the budget debate continues, the House Progressive Caucus has released a plan of its own—and it's all about taxes. Their proposal would end the Bush tax cuts, add new tax brackets for millionaires, and raise corporate taxes. It would also add a public option to health care...

Republicans Might Want to 'Rustle Up a Posse' to Draft Paul Ryan for 2012: Charles Krauthammer
GOP May Want to 'Rustle Up
a Posse' to Draft Paul Ryan
charles krauthammer

GOP May Want to 'Rustle Up a Posse' to Draft Paul Ryan

He's a great 'anti-Obama' for 2012: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer surveys the GOP's 2012 field and lays down his current odds, with Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty the frontrunners to be nominee at 5-1. He says this is "analysis, not advocacy," but ends with a glowing nod to Paul Ryan, who he thinks could emerge...

No One's Being Honest About the Budget

Both parties' fixes amount to 'wishful thinking': Robert Samuelson

(Newser) - Republicans and Democrats both claim to have a plan to fix the budget, but neither party is offering a realistic approach. It’s time for Dems to admit that “spending control requires genuine cuts in Social Security and Medicare”—and it’s time for the GOP to recognize...

Geithner: Congress Will Raise Debt Ceiling
 Will Raise 
 Debt Ceiling 


Geithner: Congress Will Raise Debt Ceiling

And 'Gang of 6' close to a deal

(Newser) - Congress is "absolutely" going to raise the debt ceiling, says Tim Geithner, because to do otherwise would be "catastrophic" and "the responsible people understand." "We’d tip the US economy and the world economy back into recession, depression," he said. "It would...

Democrats Nearly Trick GOP Into Legislative Blunder

They tried to dupe Republicans into adopting ultra-conservative budget

(Newser) - Democrats tried to pull a fast one today on Republicans on the House floor, reports Talking Points Memo . Before Paul Ryan's budget blueprint passed , a far more conservative offering from the Republican Study Committee came up for a vote, one that called for much deeper cuts in spending and...

House Passes Ryan Plan; All Democrats Vote No

His 2012 blueprint calls for overhauling Medicare and Medicaid

(Newser) - In a prelude to a summer showdown with President Obama, Republicans controlling the House today passed a bold but politically risky budget blueprint to slash social safety net programs like food stamps and Medicaid and fundamentally restructure Medicare. The GOP plan, authored by Rep. Paul Ryan, passed 235-193 with every...

Most Important Part of Obama Plan: The 'Trigger'

Congress would have to act if 'magical' growth fails to materialize

(Newser) - Amid the reaction to President Obama's budget speech (ranging from it was terrific to it was "a disgrace" ) at least two columnists think his proposed trigger—Congress would have to cut more spending or raise taxes if deficit targets aren't met—is significant. This "may be the...

GOP Blasts Obama Speech: 'I Missed Lunch for This?'

Republicans call it a partisan campaign speech

(Newser) - A sampling of Republican reaction to President Obama's budget speech today, from USA Today and Politico :
  • Paul Ryan: He called it "excessively partisan, dramatically inaccurate, and hopelessly inadequate" in getting the nation's debt under control. It was "a political broadside from our campaigner in chief."
  • Jeb Hensarling:

Jon Stewart on Paul Ryan's Budget Plan: Just Like Obamacare (Daily Show Video)
 Ryan's Plan? 
 Just Like Obamacare 
jon stewart

Ryan's Plan? Just Like Obamacare

But of course, now Republicans love it and Democrats hate it

(Newser) - Remember last year, when Republicans hated Obamacare because of "exchanges, difficult end-of-life decisions, cuts to vulnerable seniors"? Well, Jon Stewart does, and last night he informed America: "Guess what? [Paul] Ryan's plan is all that, plus a $750 billion cut to Medicaid. How do they characterize a...

What Obama Will —and Should— Say in His Budget Speech

Some advice for the POTUS ahead of today's address

(Newser) - Here’s what we know about President Obama’s budget speech today: He’s going to lay out a four-step, long-term budget-reduction plan. It’s going to involve defense cuts, tax code changes, and recommendations from his deficit commission. And he’s going to stress keeping domestic spending low and...

Romesh Ratnesar: Pentagon Budget Must Shrink to Fix Deficit
Face It, Washington:
Defense Budget Must Shrink

Face It, Washington: Defense Budget Must Shrink

Pentagon's policies 'outdated'; deficit's the biggest threat: Romesh Ratnesar

(Newser) - The latest budget compromise may have resulted in “sweeping” and “historic” cuts, as the White House, Congress, and the media have claimed—yet “not a solitary penny” was cut from defense spending. Instead, spending will break $700 billion in 2011, which happens to be a post-World War...

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