Capitol Hill

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Capitol Gunman May Have Had a Pellet Gun

Larry Russell Dawson charged with assault

(Newser) - Officials confirm the man accused of pulling a weapon only to be shot by US Capitol police at the Capitol Visitor Center on Monday is Larry Russell Dawson, a minister from Antioch, Tenn., who is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and assault on a police officer while armed,...

Thanks to Congress, You Can Sled Down Capitol Hill

Capitol Police used to reluctantly enforce a ban

(Newser) - It took an act of Congress, but people are now welcome to sled down Capitol Hill. With a major blizzard bearing down on Washington, the US Capitol Police on Thursday said they won't be enforcing—as in years past—a longstanding sledding ban. In legislation that cleared Congress last...

Hillary Agrees to Testify on Benghazi, Emails

But not for two days, thank you very much

(Newser) - Hillary Rodham Clinton is willing to testify once on Capitol Hill later this month about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya , and her email practices during her tenure as secretary of state, her attorney told lawmakers in a letter today. Lawyer David Kendall says the Democratic presidential candidate will appear for...

US Capitol on Lockdown After Suicide Attempt

Suspected shooter said to be 'neutralized'

(Newser) - Police say the US Capitol is on lockdown as a precaution after shots were fired in what appears to be an attempted suicide. Capitol Police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider says the suspected shooter was "neutralized" after a self-inflicted gunshot wound. It's unclear whether the man is dead. No one...

100+ Congressional Staffers Stage Walk-Out for Garner, Brown

Dozens participate, hold their hands up

(Newser) - In protest of the grand jury decisions not to indict the police officers involved in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, dozens of congressional staffers walked out of the Capitol this afternoon, NPR reports. They stood on the steps of Capitol Hill holding their hands up in the...

Gillibrand: Colleagues Called Me 'Fat,' 'Porky,' 'Chubby'

Your elected politicians behave badly in her book, 'Off the Sidelines'

(Newser) - New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has a new book, Off the Sidelines , out next month, and it takes a frank look at the reality of being a woman on Capitol Hill. Among the more surprising and perhaps not-so-surprising tidbits:
  • Gillibrand reveals she had lost 50 pounds after giving birth when

Congresswoman Mugged on Capitol Hill

NYC's Grace Meng left bruised, disoriented

(Newser) - Freshman lawmaker Rep. Grace Meng was shaken up but escaped serious injury in a mugging near her Capitol Hill home Tuesday evening, her office says. She was hit in the head and knocked to the ground by an attacker as she was walking home after dinner with a friend, Politico...

Officials Identify Woman Killed in DC Chase

Miriam Carey, 34, suffered from mental health issues

(Newser) - Law enforcement officials have identified the woman killed during a high-speed chase near the White House today as 34-year-old Miriam Carey of Stamford, Conn, NBC News reports. The Daily News reports that Carey, a dental hygienist who once lived in Brooklyn, had mental health issues and was let go from...

See Video of DC Chase
 See Video of DC Chase 

See Video of DC Chase

CNN airs footage of driver on the run

(Newser) - It didn't take long for video to surface of today's car chase on Capitol Hill that ended with police fatally shooting the female driver. Slate offers this via CNN.

Female Driver in Capitol Car Chase Is Dead

She set off alarms on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - It's not entirely clear what led to today's bedlam on the streets around Capitol Hill, but the female driver at the center of it is dead, reports AP . Police shot and killed the unidentified woman as she led them on a high-speed chase from the White House toward...

'Isolated Incident': Capitol Lockdown Is Lifted After Gunfire

Incident began near White House barricade

(Newser) - Police have lifted a security lockdown at the US Capitol after gunfire rang out on Capitol Hill this afternoon. Details were still developing, but Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine said it appeared to be an "isolated incident" unrelated to terrorism. Eyewitnesses say that police fired on a black sedan...

Today&#39;s Inauguration Timeline
 Today's Inauguration Timeline 

Today's Inauguration Timeline

Crowd of up to 800K expected to watch Obama take oath

(Newser) - Today, President Obama will become just the 17th president to deliver a second inaugural address and a crowd of up to 800,000 is expected to watch him take the oath of office—though the real inauguration happened yesterday . A guide to today's events, as per Reuters and the...

Trayvon's Parents Find Support on Capitol Hill

'Trayvon was our son, but Trayvon is your son,' says his mother

(Newser) - In a packed forum on Capitol Hill today, the parents of Trayvon Martin got support from members of Congress who turned the death of their 17-year-old's son into a rallying cry against racial profiling. Martin's parents spoke briefly before a Democrats-only congressional panel as cameras clicked noisily in...

Wannabe Suicide Bomber Nabbed on Way to Capitol

FBI had given him a fake suicide vest in sting operation

(Newser) - The FBI today arrested a man who allegedly thought he was on his way to blow himself up on Capitol Hill—but who was actually wearing a harmless vest provided to him by undercover FBI agents. The suspect, a man about 30 of Moroccan descent, thought he was working with...

Obama: 'State of Our Union Is Getting Stronger'

President says restoring American dream our 'defining issue'

(Newser) - President Obama delivered his third State of the Union address tonight, with a focus as expected on economic inequality and the need for all Americans to get a "fair shot" at success, reports CNN . In fact, Obama called keeping the promise of the American dream alive the "defining...

Lawmakers Give Inside Info to Big Investors—Legally

Brokerage firms arrange meetings with legislators

(Newser) - Congressmen aren’t the only ones trading on their inside info . A lucrative practice has sprung up in Washington, in which hedge funds and other investors pay handsomely for private meetings with top lawmakers or their aides, who give them an early scoop on market-moving news, the Wall Street Journal...

Capitol Hill Buried in Avalanche of Angry Mail

One office seeing 1,422% more mail than in 2002

(Newser) - Could the USPS' last great hope be angry Americans? An avalanche of letters and emails are pouring into Congress, with offices reporting that they're dealing with, in one case, as much as 1,422% more constituent-penned correspondence than they did in 2002. Politico reports that House offices are seeing...

Capitol Cops Steaming About Shorts Ban

Officers at the Capitol building say pants hold them back

(Newser) - Apparently, cops aren't above the law when it comes to crimes of fashion. Officers assigned to the Capitol are upset with a top brass decision to ban them from wearing shorts. Union reps say the decision was made because cops carrying automatic rifles don't look imposing in shorts,...

Capitol Hill Workers Owed $9.3M in Back Taxes in 2009

They should be fired, critics say

(Newser) - The IRS doesn't have to go far to track down tax scofflaws: Capital Hill employees owed $9.3 million in overdue taxes at the end of last year, reports the Washington Post . And while their debt is only a sliver of the $1 billion owed by all federal workers, according...

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss
Obama Shows Congress
Who's Boss 

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss

President takes more hands-on approach to legislation

(Newser) - President Obama is growing more assertive on Capitol Hill. Since he took office, the president's supporters have criticized him for not exerting enough control over the details of legislation, instead letting Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi hammer out specifics—even on major administration goals, like the health care bill. On...

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