Jason Biggs

4 Stories

Jason Biggs' Wife: I Dropped Son on His Head

Jenny Mollen assures other parents in similar situations they're not alone

(Newser) - Jason Biggs' wife, Jenny Mollen, revealed Wednesday on Instagram that the family has had a "traumatic week": "On Saturday evening, I dropped my son on his head causing him to fracture his skull and landing him in the ICU," she wrote of son Sid, 5. He "...

Jason Biggs Apologizes for Malaysia Air Jokes

Ends up deleting controversial tweets

(Newser) - Jason Biggs apparently hasn't yet taken What Not to Tweet 101. Yesterday the Orange Is the New Black and American Pie star tweeted, "Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?" He followed that up with a slightly less controversial tweet ("In all seriousness, tho- HOW...

American Reunion 'Should Be Last Slice of Pie'

'American Pie' cast returns for comedy about getting older

(Newser) - The latest installment in the American Pie franchise brings back Jason Biggs and Seann William Scott—but it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's the same story of sexual anxiety, but this time with thirty-somethings.
  • "Remember American Pie? If you do, this movie is redundant

Mountain Gorillas Take Fight to Survive Online

Ugandan animals' advocates embrace social networking

(Newser) - Not only can your online buddies be any age and in any location, they don't even have to be your species. Tech-savvy advocates of the endangered mountain gorilla are about to launch an umbrella site, friendagorilla.org, that will feature videos, social networking, and blogs—by park rangers, not gorillas....

4 Stories