Don Draper

14 Stories

Heinz Finally OKs Don Draper's Ketchup Ad

Good things come to those who wait, 'Mad Men'

(Newser) - Don Draper just landed a big account at the ripe old age of 91, as Heinz has decided that the fictional version of itself depicted in a 2013 Mad Men episode made a judgment error in rejecting his 1960s ketchup idea. Draper's pitch—the burger, the fries, the steak,...

Trump Campaign Paid $35K to 'Draper Sterling' for Advertising

And it only gets weirder

(Newser) - Among the revelations in the Trump campaign's May FEC report—it spent more than $200,000 on hats, is basically broke —was the intriguing detail that it paid $35,000 to Mad Men characters. ThinkProgress reports the campaign made four total payments on the same day to "...

Jon Hamm Completes Alcohol Rehab

He seeks help ahead of final 'Mad Men' season debut

(Newser) - Jon Hamm, who stars as hard-drinking Don Draper in Mad Men, has taken steps to deal with issues of his own. He has completed a 30-day rehab program for alcohol addiction at what TMZ calls a "high-end facility" in Connecticut, just ahead of the April 5 debut of the...

Obama Camp Depicts Romney as Don Draper

Strategy is to depict him as living in the past: Politico

(Newser) - The political story generating the most buzz today seems to be "The Draperizing of Mitt Romney" by Politico . In it, the writers make the case that team Obama is trying to equate Romney with Don Draper of Mad Men, basically "a hopelessly retro figure who, on policy and...

Mad Men Releasing 'Zou Bisou Bisou'

Sexy earworm single a sign of their times

(Newser) - It's a product campaign worthy of Madison Avenue brains: Introduce a catchy "earworm" song during a popular TV series, then release it as a single. That's what Mad Men is doing with the addictive sexy French ditty everyone is humming: "Zou Bisou Bisou," sung to...

Mad Men Return Slow but Satisfying
 Mad Men 
 Return Slow 
 but Satisfying 
tv review

Mad Men Return Slow but Satisfying

Critics just happy Don Draper is back

(Newser) - Critics eager for the return of Mad Men weren't blown away by the first episode of the fifth season—but that doesn't mean the show has lost its magic. What they're saying:
  • "I'm glad to have Mad Men back, but 'A Little Kiss' was

Mad Men 's Back With a Bang
 Mad Men's Back With a Bang 
in case you missed it

Mad Men's Back With a Bang

Fifth season debuts tomorrow

(Newser) - Get ready for the booze-guzzling, nicotine-addicted, super suave sexists to grapple with the '60s again as Mad Men launches its fifth season. Devoted fans waiting 17 long months for the Madison Avenue ad men—and Peggy—to strut again will be rewarded tomorrow with a "brilliant" two-hour debut,...

Give Your Valentine a ... 'Hamm-O-Gram'

$5 gets you Jon Hamm's face and a unique love note

(Newser) - Roses. Chocolate. Scented Candles. Jon Hamm's face. These are the perfect Valentine's Day gifts. The first three you'll have to take care of yourself, but for only $5, you can send your sweetheart a Hamm-O-Gram , a valentine card featuring the handsome mug of Mad Men's Don...

Kid Actor Slams Chilly January Jones

Be careful around her, 'son' Jared Gilmore warns replacement

(Newser) - Sounds like January Jones is as icy as the mom she portrays on Mad Men. Kid actor Jared Gilmore, who plays the son of Jones' Betty and Don Draper, had some dissing words of advice for his replacement. "Be careful around January. She's not as approachable as the...

Reality TV Examines Ad World and ... Homeland Security?

AMC plans two new shows

(Newser) - Do real ad men look like Don Draper? How many threats does the Department of Homeland Security investigate on a daily basis? The answers to these questions and more will be discovered with AMC's first foray into reality TV. The Mad Men network plans two new, real-life series: The ...

Mattel Rolls Out Mad Men Barbie Dolls
 Mattel Rolls Out 
 Mad Men Barbie Dolls 
don, betty, and more

Mattel Rolls Out Mad Men Barbie Dolls

Mattel unveils dolls based on the TV characters

(Newser) - Have you ever wanted to dress up Don Draper? Well, now you can. Mattel is rolling out a line of Mad Men Barbie dolls. They’ll be the first offering in the Barbie Fashion Model Collection, a high-priced line of figures aimed at adult collectors based on TV properties. Only...

Scorned Women Come Out Swinging

 Scorned Women 
 Come Out Swinging 

Scorned Women Come Out Swinging

Stand by your man? In 2009, his Escalade meets your golf club

(Newser) - The meek may inherit the earth, but swinging a mean golf club may do a lot more for the soul. Shutting up and smiling through a husband's humiliating infidelities appears to be a thing of the past as women from Elin Nordegren Woods to Jenny Sanford, Betty Draper and even...

Dress Like a Mad Man for $998
 Dress Like a Mad Man for $998 

Dress Like a Mad Man for $998

Mad Men 's Don Draper, John Slattery inspire real-life Brooks Brothers suits

(Newser) - Need an excuse to chain smoke and drink excessively in true 1960s style? No problem: Come Monday, you can dress up like Mad Men’s Don Draper for a mere $998. Brooks Brothers, which has collaborated on the show’s costumes, is rolling out 250 of the “Mad Men...

Most Influential Man of 2009 Is... Don Draper?

The winner isn't even real, and Usain Bolt leaves Obama in his dust

(Newser) - The most influential man of 2009—at least in the eyes of readers—isn't actually a man. He's a fictional creation, none other than Don Draper of Mad Men. "In a turbulent 2009, men are seeking the stability of tradition in the masculine qualities that they imagine...

14 Stories
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