live earth

2 Stories

Live Earth Fights Warming, Skepticism

Concerts will heat up stages, possibly the Earth

(Newser) - Today's concert in Sydney kicks off the 24-hour Live Earth series, which puts over 100 acts on stages on seven continents to fight climate change. Along with raising awareness, the concerts are raising eyebrows at  the hypocrisy of using jet-setting rockers as role models for reducing greenhouse gases, and questions...

Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban
Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban

Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban

Environmental show will go ahead as planned

(Newser) - The Rio incarnation of Live Earth, the ecofriendly concert extravaganza scheduled for tomorrow on all seven continents, is back on. Security concerns led a judge to put the kibosh on the event, which is expected to draw up to a million would-be environmentalists to Copacabana beach, but organizers have lined...

2 Stories