
Stories 261 - 277 | << Prev 

Psych Prof Puts Bush on the Couch
Psych Prof
Puts Bush
on the Couch

Psych Prof Puts Bush on the Couch

Snarky summary has implications prez should take seriously

(Newser) - President Bush recently scorned a reporter’s “Psychology 101,” but one mind-minded professor says he could benefit from a few lessons. Bush should start by trying “pattern matching,” Jonathan Haidt writes in the LA Times, with no little humor: If he’d stop equating Islam with...

Iraq Vet Faces Life Over Suicide Try

Shrinks say she's mentally ill, but Army calls it 'psychobabble'

(Newser) - First Lt. Elizabeth Whiteside faces possible life in prison. Her crime? Attempting suicide in Iraq. At a military hearing this week, her diagnosed mental illness was spurned by superiors as an "excuse” and labeled “psychobabble." Suicide tries remain illegal in a military culture that scorns mental disorder,...

Freud Is Everywhere but in Psych Dept
Freud Is Everywhere but in Psych Dept

Freud Is Everywhere but in Psych Dept

Psychoanalysis is thriving in culture, obsolete in psychology

(Newser) - Sigmund Freud's ideas have seeped into every corner of popular culture and academia, from film to foreign policy. The one place they've seeped out of is university psychology departments, where psychoanalysis is now viewed as obsolete, the New York Times reports. A new survey of 150 top colleges and universities...

Brain Holds Stress-Coping Mechanism
Brain Holds Stress-Coping Mechanism

Brain Holds Stress-Coping Mechanism

Scientists find chemical that's key to keeping your cool—or not

(Newser) - Turns out keeping your cool really is all in your head—scientists now pinpoint those most susceptible to stress as having too much of a chemical in a region of the brain that regulates reward signals, Reuters reports. The discovery could shed light on treatments for PTSD and depression, which...

Smell is Key for Sex and Sanity
Smell is Key for Sex and Sanity

Smell is Key for Sex and Sanity

Psychologist calls it the most emotionally evocative in new book

(Newser) - Sight may be key for survival, but sex and sanity need the oft-overlooked sense of smell, says a Rhode Island psych prof. Rachel Herz’s The Scent of Desire argues that smell sparks the strongest feelings and memories, often in surprising ways: One woman hated the scent of roses because...

Aussie Navy Busted Over Free Boob Jobs

$10,000-a-pop operations address "psychological issues"

(Newser) - The Royal Australian Navy has footed the bill for $10,000 breast-enhancement surgeries for sailors, says a plastic surgeon who told Australia's News Network that he performed breast enlargements for two such women—although neither had any injury. Officials insist the Navy pays for cosmetic operations only when there are...

Caught My Yawn? Aren't You Sweet
Caught My Yawn? Aren't You Sweet

Caught My Yawn? Aren't You Sweet

Study discovers contagious yawning is sign of empathy

(Newser) - If you yawn when someone nearby does, it may mean you're an empathetic person, a new study has found. Research shows that infectious yawning is a psychological phenomenon, limited to humans and some of their ape relatives, and that those more likely to "catch" yawns appear to be more...

Online Book Links Torture Tests to Government

'Torture bible' details studies

(Newser) - A "torture bible" recently unearthed online indicates that the US government sanctioned and funded the torture of test subjects in psychological experiments in the '50s, apparently to perfect interrogation techniques, Boing Boing reports. The studies were commissioned by the government and involve methods "likely to be regarded as...

The Heart of Geekness Will Save Us All

Nerds grasp large-scale human suffering much better, Wired says

(Newser) - Why is Bill Gates, “practically a social cripple,” going to save the world? Because of numbers, says Clive Thompson in Wired. More than most, the Microsoft maverick -- who spearheads tireless crusades against poverty and AIDS -- can comprehend large quantities, while research shows that most of us...

If I Said You Had an Incredible Body...

...would you be in this study? Researchers examine pickup lines

(Newser) - Cheesy pickup lines aren’t just a turn off, but a measure of a man’s “genes and fitness,” according to a new study in Personality and Individual Differences. They also reveal the personality the man is looking for. Men know ladies aren’t fond of sexual jokes,...

Psychologists Won't Impose Gitmo Ban

Group votes to list interrogation techniques it won't help with

(Newser) - The American Psychological Association has voted not to ban members from assisting with interrogations at Guantanamo and other military prisons, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Instead, the group approved a measure listing specific procedures members won't help with, including sleep deprivation and water-boarding. "If we remove psychologists from these...

Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics
Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics

Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics

Professional group to condemn interrogation techniques

(Newser) - The American Psychological Association, long chummy with the CIA, is set to condemn tactics the spy agency has been using to interrogate terror detainees, writes Salon. Members have in the past worked with the CIA to design techniques: now the group wants to distance itself by formally opposing a long...

Young Athletes Turning to Sports Shrinks

Even kids under 10 are getting coached on their 'mental' game

(Newser) - Young, driven athletes who already have all the coaching money can buy—personal strength experts, conditioning coaches, and specialized instructors for every part of their game—are now adding shrinks to the roster, the New York Times reports. Athletes as young as 9 are working out their on-field (or on-parallel-bar)...

The Mind Thinks More Than It Knows
The Mind Thinks More Than It Knows

The Mind Thinks More Than It Knows

Subconscious works behind the scenes of decisions, judgments

(Newser) - After just handling a stranger’s coffee, people make subconscious judgments about personality, psychologists say. Asked to hold a lab assistant’s cup of hot or iced coffee, Yale students associated cold drinkers with selfish personalities, the Times reports. The experiment is part of a body of research that leads...

Had Any (Music) Lately?
Had Any (Music) Lately?

Had Any (Music) Lately?

Good vibrations as beneficial as sex and food, doc says

(Newser) - Listening to music can unleash the same "feel good" brain chemicals as eating or having sex, researchers have found. Now neuroscientist Daniel Levitin—a former rock producer—says he has located the 'sex, drugs and rock n' roll center of the brain,' after pulling together research to be...

10 Books to Blow Your Mind
10 Books
to Blow
Your Mind

10 Books to Blow Your Mind

Best takes on psychological journeys, from a British novelist/therapist

(Newser) - Sebastian Beaumont, the author of Thirteen, offers his list of books that "blur the boundaries of consensus 'reality' and psychological reality."
  1. Journey to the East, Hermann Hesse
  2. Le Grand Meaulnes, Henri Alain-Fournier
  3. Fight Club, Chuck Palahnuik
  4. Vurt, Jeff Noon
  5. Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse

10 Un-PC Truths About Human Nature
10 Un-PC Truths About Human Nature

10 Un-PC Truths About Human Nature

From gender dynamics to suicide bombers, facts are facts

(Newser) -
  1. Men like blond bombshells (and women want to look like them)
  2. Humans are naturally polygamous
  3. Most women benefit from polygamy, while most men benefit from monogamy
  4. Most suicide bombers are Muslim
  5. Having sons reduces the likelihood of divorce

Stories 261 - 277 | << Prev