Laura Dekker custody

2 Stories

Mom of Dutch Sailor, 14: OK, She Can Go

Laura Dekker gets greenlight for around-the-world trip

(Newser) - The mother of a 14-year-old Dutch girl who wants to sail solo around the world has given up her opposition to her daughter's planned trip. Laura Dekker's dream of becoming the youngest person to sail alone around the globe has been thwarted by a Dutch court that last year made...

Teen Sailor Can Stay With Dad
 Teen Sailor Can Stay With Dad 

Teen Sailor Can Stay With Dad

Ruling paves the way for another attempt at round-the-world sail

(Newser) - A Dutch court ruled today that 14-year-old sailor Laura Dekker can remain in her father's custody after she ran away from home and traveled alone to the Caribbean. The ruling clears the way once again for Dekker to pursue her goal of becoming the youngest person to sail solo around...

2 Stories