ammonia meat

5 Stories

Ammonia an Ingredient in More Than Pink Slime

Health officials gave ammonium hydroxide the OK in 1974

(Newser) - If you were appalled by the revelation that the meat industry grinds up beef byproducts and gives them a nice ammonia bath, steel yourself: Experts say ammonia compounds are pretty commonly used in food. Ammonium hydroxide, which was given the OK by health officials in 1974, is added to milk...

Pink Slime a Symptom of a Darker Disease

 Pink Slime a Symptom 
 of a Darker Disease 
Mark Bittman

Pink Slime a Symptom of a Darker Disease

Mark Bittman reminds us that there's far worse stuff in our meat

(Newser) - Public outcry appears to have essentially killed "pink slime" (or as its producers would prefer you refer to it, "Lean Finely Textured Beef"), and Mark Bittman can't help but find that encouraging—and a little ironic. "The stuff is gross, for sure, but it’s...

Governors Defend Pink Slime by Eating It

In attempt to combat 'unwarranted food scare'

(Newser) - Pink slime is perfectly safe to eat, but it has a bit of a PR problem, according to federal authorities and a coalition of at least four governors. Department of Agriculture officials say the "slime"—leftover beef trimmings sometimes treated with ammonium hydroxide—is actually a low-cost way...

Work Halted at 75% of 'Pink Slime' Maker's Plants

Move follows public outcry

(Newser) - The company that makes "pink slime" is suspending operations at three of four plants where the low-cost beef filler is made amid a public outcry over concern about the ingredient. A Beef Products Inc. rep today told the AP about the operations suspensions at plants in Texas, Kansas, and...

Danger Lurks in Ammonia-Treated School Lunch Beef
Danger Lurks in Ammonia-Treated School Lunch Beef
it's in fast food burgers, too

Danger Lurks in Ammonia-Treated School Lunch Beef

E. coli, salmonella found in product exempted from testing

(Newser) - Most school lunches and fast-food burgers contain processed beef, a product considered so safe from contamination that the USDA exempted it from meat testing—but that has in fact been found to include E. coli and salmonella, according to a lengthy expose in the New York Times . The product, made...

5 Stories
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