
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Teen's Sentence: 10 Years of Church

ACLU files complaint against judge's decision

(Newser) - What sounds better to you: Having to attend church for 10 years, or going to prison for manslaughter? If you said the former, you're not the ACLU. Tyler Alred, 17, was behind the wheel in a 2011 alcohol-related crash that killed his passenger, and Oklahoma Judge Mike Norman last...

Would-Be Juror: Don't Pick Me, I'm A Racist Homophobe

Man admits serving would "be a serious injustice to the legal system"

(Newser) - Today's award for honesty goes to a would-be juror in Southampton, UK, by way of The Daily Echo . The man, whose name was withheld, wrote a letter to the Crown Court saying that he shouldn't be selected to serve on a dangerous driving case because he, in his...

Judge to Battered Wife: Stop Whining

Justice Bhaktavatsala stripped of all family cases

(Newser) - A high court judge in India has received a slap on the wrist for telling an allegedly battered wife to keep quiet, go home, and take care of her husband, The Hindu reports. Last month, Justice Bhaktavatsala ruled on a domestic violence case involving a 28-year-old woman who claimed she...

Judge Nixes Feds' Move to Restrict Lawyers at Gitmo

Government confusing 'roles of jailer and judiciary'

(Newser) - The US government was hoping to boost its control over when a Guantanamo detainee could see a lawyer, but a federal judge shot down the effort yesterday. As it stands, private lawyers have a protected right to visit detainees at Guantanamo and make their cases. But the Obama administration argued...

Randy Jackson Done Judging American Idol

But he'll stick around as a 'mentor'

(Newser) - Randy Jackson's career as an American Idol judge is over. He'll stay on with the show in some capacity as a "mentor," because its bosses believe he's the "glue that helps keep the show together," as TMZ puts it. It's not clear...

Judge Won't Block Pennsylvania Voter ID Law

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania judge today refused to stop a tough new voter identification law from going into effect, which Democrats say will suppress votes among President Barack Obama's supporters. Opponents are expected to file an appeal within a day or two to the state Supreme Court as the Nov. 6...

American Idol's New Judge: Mariah Carey

Diva has officially signed on

(Newser) - J.Lo, who? Mariah Carey has officially signed on to be American Idol's newest judge, reports TMZ . The singer/notorious diva is reportedly snagging a $12 million paycheck, but sources are already muttering, telling TMZ that Carey was a "nightmare to work with" when she appeared as a guest...

No More Cowbell: Austria Court Bans Noisy Clangers

Judge sympathizes with neighbors losing sleep

(Newser) - More cowbell is no longer an option in a small Austrian town. A judge has ordered a farmer near the small town of Stallhofen to remove the noisy apparatuses from his cattle because neighbors were losing sleep, reports Der Spiegel . The farmer had refused their pleas, claiming the bells...

George Zimmerman Wants a New Judge—Again

Says current judge's remark showed bias

(Newser) - The ex-neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing Trayvon Martin asked for a new judge yesterday, claiming the current one is biased because he said George Zimmerman had "flaunted the system." Zimmerman said in a motion he feared he would be unable to get a fair "stand your...

Galaxy Tab Not 'Cool' Enough to Be iPad Ripoff

British court rules in favor of Samsung

(Newser) - Samsung won a bittersweet victory in a British court today: A judge ruled that Samsung's Galaxy Tab wasn't an Apple rip-off, but only because it was entirely too stodgy to be mistaken for the iPad, reports Bloomberg . The Samsung gadgets "do not have the same understated and...

Breivik Judge Caught Playing Solitaire in Court

'There are different ways of staying focused,' says spokeswoman

(Newser) - The trial of mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is now in its eighth week, and it looks like some of the testimony has been less than riveting. One of the five judges in the case has been photographed playing computer solitaire in court, reports the Independent . As a Swedish professor...

School Tries to Squash 4/20 Bash With Stinky Fertilizer

10K flocked to University of Colorado-Boulder last year

(Newser) - Last year, 10,000 people showed up for a giant marijuana rally at the University of Colorado-Boulder—and school officials don't want it to happen again. They got a helping hand from a judge yesterday, who supported the university's plan to bar outsiders from its campus today—4/20,...

Trayvon Martin Case Gets New Judge

Original one steps aside over conflict of interest

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's defense team got its wish : The judge assigned to the case has recused herself over a conflict of interest, reports AP . Judge Jessica Recksiedler's husband works with Mark NeJame, who is being paid by CNN to comment on the case. NeJame also turned down a request...

Zimmerman Wants New Trial Judge

Trayvon Martin shooter not happy with Judge Recksiedler

(Newser) - The neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing an unarmed black teenager in Florida asked a judge in the case to step down today after she revealed a potential conflict of interest. George Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, filed the request and said Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler revealed the potential...

Man Tries to Enter Plea, Gets Jailed for Saggy Pants

Judge tells LaMarcus D. Ramsey to buy a belt when he gets out

(Newser) - LaMarcus D. Ramsey had to appear in Alabama court yesterday to enter a plea on a charge of receiving stolen property—and was found guilty of something else entirely. Authorities say Ramsey has been given a three-day jail sentence for contempt of court for wearing so-called saggy pants. Circuit Judge...

Cops: Nameplate Thief Posts Facebook Photo

Steven Mulhall accused of taking it ... from a judge

(Newser) - If you're going to steal the nameplate of a judge off his door, fine, have fun. But don't have a photo snapped of yourself holding the nameplate and then post it on Facebook, as Steven Mulhall, 21, of Coral Springs, Florida, is accused of doing, reports the Sun ...

Gay Texas Judge Refuses to Marry Straight Couples

No marriages until all can marry, says Tonya Parker

(Newser) - Dallas judge Tonya Parker says she won't be conducting any marriage ceremonies until she and every other gay person in Texas have the same right to marry. When she turns straight couples away, Parker tells them: "I’m sorry. I don’t perform marriage ceremonies because we are...

Judge Orders Man to Take Wife on Date
 Judge Orders Man 
 to Take Wife on Date 

Judge Orders Man to Take Wife on Date

Joseph Bray ordered to take his wife bowling, to Red Lobster

(Newser) - Let the punishment fit the crime? A Florida man who appeared in court this week on a domestic violence charge was ordered by the judge to ... take his wife on a date. The charge apparently grew out of an argument Joseph Bray had with his wife—whose birthday he failed...

Judge Defends Free Speech on Twitter in Key Case

Dismisses suit against man accused of stalking an enemy

(Newser) - Posting personal attacks on Twitter may not be a matter for the courts—even if thousands of tweets are involved, according to a US judge. In a case in San Francisco, the government accused one William Lawrence Cassidy of causing a Buddhist leader "severe emotional distress" through the social...

Sandusky Gets New Judge
 Sandusky Gets New Judge 

Sandusky Gets New Judge

And this time, it's not one connected to his charity

(Newser) - District Judge Leslie Dutchot is off the Jerry Sandusky case, after a public outcry over her ties to Sandusky’s charity for troubled kids, the New York Daily News reports. She’ll be replaced by an out-of-county judge who "has no known connections with the Pennsylvania State University, the...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>