Oklahoma tornado

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Now Can We Stop Cutting the Weather Service?

Oklahoma tornado should be a warning: David Sirota

(Newser) - The National Weather Service had a warning in effect 16 minutes before yesterday's tragic Oklahoma tornado —but we may not be as prepared next time around, thanks to the sequester's 8.2% cut to the Weather Service, David Sirota writes on Salon . The organization representing weather service...

Oklahoma's Coburn: I Want Offsets to Pay for Tornado Aid

But Obama promises resources for disaster

(Newser) - Tom Coburn represents Oklahoma, so you might expect him to call for tornado relief to flow to his state no matter the cost—but you'd be wrong. Instead, the Republican senator is demanding that all aid to his state be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget, a spokesman...

Okla. Coroner Drops Death Toll to 24

Including 7 kids, but fatalities still expected to rise

(Newser) - The Oklahoma state medical examiner's office has dramatically dropped the confirmed death toll in yesterday's horrific tornado to 24, reports the AP . A spokeswoman said that some bodies were apparently counted twice in the chaotic aftermath of the storm, and that confusion was exacerbated by knocked-out communication lines....

It's Not Over: Almost 10M Face Tornado Risk Today

CNN reports 53M could see severe weather

(Newser) - The tornado threat isn't over: "Large and devastating" storms could continue today, forecasters say. "We could have a Round 3," says a CNN meteorologist. "Hopefully, it won't be as bad." But "tornadoes, damaging wind gusts, and large hail" could hit areas east...

Tales of Tragedy, Heroism Out of Oklahoma

Teacher threw herself over kids as twister hit school

(Newser) - As frantic search and rescue efforts continued through the night in Oklahoma, officials warned that the death toll— which has been downwardly revised to 24 —from yesterday's horrific tornado was still expected to rise, CNN reports. The destruction is "the worst thing I have ever seen,"...

Why the Oklahoma Tornado Was Among the Worst Ever

Twister lasted a devastating 40 minutes

(Newser) - The monster tornado that tore through an Oklahoma City suburb is one of the worst on record by most standards, the Smithsonian finds. At an estimated two miles wide, the storm was one of the biggest recorded and it was also extremely powerful, with winds above 199mph. But what made...

Oklahoma Devastation, Rescue in Pictures

AP photographer describes scene of hope amid the horror

(Newser) - The massive tornado that hit Moore, Okla., yesterday left scenes of utter devastation but there were also moments of hope as survivors were found in the rubble. AP photographer Sue Ogrocki arrived at the destroyed Plaza Towers Elementary School expecting to find a scene of chaos, but instead found it...

Monster Tornado Hits Oklahoma

Schools hit as Moore is flattened

(Newser) - A two-mile-wide tornado touched down near Oklahoma City today, leveling the suburb of Moore and leaving at least 24 confirmed dead so far, reports ABC News . (The initial figure of 51 was officially revised downward later.) "It is absolutely devastating, this is horrific," Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Todd...

Oklahoma Tornado Kills 5
 3 Kids Among Dead 
 in Tornado Strike 

3 Kids Among Dead in Tornado Strike

Tornadoes touched down just after midnight, earlier today

(Newser) - Officials say three children were among the five people killed when a tornado ripped through a northwest Oklahoma town early today and destroyed dozens of homes. It was one of a series of tornadoes that also struck Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska over the weekend, authorities said. Woodward Mayor Roscoe Hill...

At Least 4 Dead in Oklahoma Tornadoes

Storm injures motorists on I-40

(Newser) - The storms continue: Oklahoma tornadoes killed at least four people and injured dozens more today in suburban Oklahoma City. One storm blew cars off I-40 around rush hour, injuring motorists, reports the Oklahoman . Tornado watches were in effect in Texas and Kansas, and hard-hit Joplin, Missouri, faced more stormy weather...

Storms Wallop South; Death Toll Hits 16
 Storms Wallop South; 
 Death Toll Hits 17 

Storms Wallop South; Death Toll Hits 17

Tornadoes claim victims in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama

(Newser) - A total of seven people have been killed in violent storms in Alabama, bringing the total death toll to 17 as a devastating storm system works its way across the South. A spate of tornadoes ripped through towns, tossing mobile homes around like toys. "The tornado hit and jumped...

Storm, Tornado Kill at Least 4 in Oklahoma, Arkansas
 Tornado Kills 2 in Oklahoma 

Tornado Kills 2 in Oklahoma

Deadly storm then kills 2 in Arkansas before moving into South

(Newser) - A powerful storm system produced a deadly tornado in southeastern Oklahoma yesterday, killing at least two. Dozens more were injured in Tushka, Okla., as the tornado tore up roofs, shattered windows, and tossed power lines and trees. The town's school was essentially destroyed: The roof is gone, the top...

Oklahoma Tornadoes Kill 6
 Oklahoma Tornadoes Kill 6 

Oklahoma Tornadoes Kill 6

Dozens injured as tempest rips through state

(Newser) - At least 6 people were killed as tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma yesterday. Dozens more were injured when winds flipped mobile homes and cars, and hailstones the size of baseballs crashed through windshields, AP reports. The dead include a child killed by flying debris and a man crushed by an RV,...

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