
Stories 81 - 91 | << Prev 

Smurftastic Comeback in Works
Smurftastic Comeback in Works

Smurftastic Comeback in Works

Movie, DVD releases aim to bring blue elves to new generation

(Newser) - At age 50, and after a decade in exile, the Smurfs are planning a comeback, NPR reports, with the original series coming out on DVD and a 3-D movie expected next year. Though today’s kids have more sophisticated options than watching the repair of mushroom houses, “the Smurf...

Muhammad Cartoon Artist Now Homeless
Muhammad Cartoon Artist Now Homeless

Muhammad Cartoon Artist Now Homeless

Dane deemed 'too much of a security risk' for police protection

(Newser) - A Danish cartoonist who enraged the Muslim world in 2005 with his depiction of the prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban is now homeless, Der Spiegel reports. Kurt Westergaard, 73, has been thrown out of his police-protected hotel room—where he was sent when authorities uncovered a plot...

3 Danish Papers Reprint Cartoon of Muhammad

After arrests, country's leading dailies stand behind artist

(Newser) - After yesterday's arrest of three men allegedly plotting to kill a Danish cartoonist, the country's three largest newspapers all reprinted the offending cartoon, Bloomberg reports. Kurt Westergaard's controversial depiction of the prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban was originally printed in 2005 by Jyllands-Posten, which reproduced it again...

Bust in Terror Plot to Kill Danish Cartoonist

Danish secret services make midnight arrests

(Newser) - Danish police this morning arrested several people suspected of plotting to assassinate a cartoonist who had offended Muslims with a cartoon insulting the prophet Mohammed. The newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which published a set of controversial cartoons in 2005, said the attempt was against one of 12 illustrators, Kurt Westergaard, who drew...

Worker Axed Over Dilbert Zinger
Worker Axed Over Dilbert Zinger

Worker Axed Over Dilbert Zinger

'Drunken lemurs' not laughing, but worker wins benefits

(Newser) - Bosses at the Catfish Bend Casino in Iowa suffered a sense of humor failure after a Dilbert cartoon referring to decision-makers as "drunken lemurs" appeared on a workplace bulletin board. They checked the security cameras to find the culprit and fired the employee who posted the strip, reports the...

Cartoon Row Over, a Danish Muslim Rises

Days before elections, all eyes turn to Syrian-born MP

(Newser) - With Denmark holding early elections on Tuesday, the Times of London profiles the probable kingmaker in the next parliament: a hugely popular Syrian immigrant and secular Muslim. After the worldwide uproar over cartoons depicting Mohammad, Naser Khader founded the New Alliance party to counter anti-Muslim sentiments. Now, polls predict his...

Al-Qaeda Puts Price on Head of Cartoonist

$100,000 for murder of Swede who drew offensive image

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda affiliate is offering a reward to slaughter a Swedish cartoonist who drew an image offensive to Muslims. In an online statement, Islamic State in Iraq offered $100,000 for Lars Vilks' murder and $50,000 for that of the newspaper editor who published the cartoon. The reward escalated...

French Foodies Eating Up 'Ratatouille'

Soi-disant epicures love the intricately realistic animated chef flick

(Newser) - Legions of French citizens are crowding theaters for a first taste of Pixar's latest 3-D animated feature Ratatouille, the story of a rodent chef in Paris and now the 4th highest-grossing movie premiere in France's history. The French, known for their devotion to everything food-related, are raving about "Ratatouille"...

Mmm . . .Good Reviews
Mmm . . .Good Reviews

Mmm . . .Good Reviews

Critics agree The Simpsons Movie is funny, but could have been more daring

(Newser) - Critics are overwhelmingly pleased by The Simpsons Movie, even if they agree it doesn't push the envelope further than usual. By all accounts, rapid-fire sight gags and one-liners keep diehards and casual fans alike in giggles. Even naysayers, like the LA Times, don't argue it's not funny, just that it...

'Islamic Rage Boy' Defies Cartoon
'Islamic Rage Boy' Defies Cartoon

'Islamic Rage Boy' Defies Cartoon

(Newser) - The Islamic radical whose wild-eyed fury inspired the internet cartoon "Islamic Rage Boy"  tells the Guardian he's undeterred by Western ridicule and vows to continue his work. Images of  Kashmiri activist Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, used by American bloggers to lampoon Muslim extremism, have been applied to merchandise from...

Cartoonist Killed in Car Crash
Cartoonist Killed in Car Crash

Cartoonist Killed in Car Crash

Kudzu creator Doug Marlette dead at 57

(Newser) - The Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist and creator of Kudzu died yesterday when a car he was riding in hydroplaned in heavy rain and crashed into a tree in Mississippi. Doug Marlette, 57,  worked for a series of newspapers, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and was known for his dead-on caricatures...

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