
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Dan Savage Stands By 'Bullsh**' Bible Rant

Sex columnist sparks walk-out by Christians at journalism convention

(Newser) - Dan Savage apologized yesterday for referring to Christians who walked out on his speech as "pansy ass," but stood by the Bible-bashing comments that sparked the walkout to begin with. "We can learn to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about gay people," Savage said during...

Bullied Kids 'Prone to Self Harm'

Adolescents react by cutting themselves, pulling out hair, or worse

(Newser) - Bullied children are more likely to self-harm during their adolescent years than their classmates are, the BBC reports. A British study of more than 2,000 children shows that 12-year-olds who had endured bullying were up to three times more likely to bite or cut their own arms, pull out...

Teen Sues Facebook Tormentors for Libel

She turns to court after school, police, Facebook can't help

(Newser) - When a 14-year-old girl in Georgia discovered a phony—and degrading—Facebook page created in her name, she went to her school, the police, and even Facebook itself without much luck. The page stayed up, and its creators went unpunished. As a result, Alex Boston is now suing two classmates...

Violence Can Prematurely Age Children
 Violence Can 
 Prematurely Age 
study says

Violence Can Prematurely Age Children

It shortens telomeres, new study finds

(Newser) - It goes without saying that violence has a negative impact on children—but a new study suggests that it can actually age their DNA by as much as seven to 10 years. Researchers examined children's telomeres—DNA sequences found at the ends of chromosomes that keep the chromosomes from...

Kid Brings BB Gun to School to Scare Bullies

Boy, 10, faces charges; told cops he had been picked on

(Newser) - Police say a 10-year-old Ohio boy told them he brought a BB gun to school to intimidate students who bullied him because he wears ankle braces and is small for his age. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports he'll be charged in juvenile court with inducing panic for taking the BB...

A &#39;Bullying Crisis&#39;? Come On
 A 'Bullying 
 Crisis'? Come On 

A 'Bullying Crisis'? Come On

Nick Gillespie: American children have it better than ever

(Newser) - With the documentary Bully coming out this weekend and stories of online bullying increasingly common, we must be in the midst of a "bullying crisis"—right? "I don't see it," Nick Gillespie writes in the Wall Street Journal . "I also suspect that our fears...

Documentary on Bullying Has Some Serious Flaws

'Bully' simplifies and 'distorts' connection to suicide: Emily Bazelon

(Newser) - There's much to like about the documentary Bully, especially the parts depicting kids who show "inspiring resilience," writes Emily Bazelon at Slate . But she's worried that Lee Hirsch's film "oversimplifies and distorts" the connection between bullying and suicide, which could end up sending a...

Dharun Ravi: I Didn't Out Clementi

Ex-Rutgers student gives first TV interview

(Newser) - Dharun Ravi is on a media blitz. First there was yesterday's interview with the New Jersey Star Ledger, and today he sat down with ABC News for his first TV interview. In it, Ravi insists that he didn't out roommate Tyler Clementi. "I know I didn't,...

Ravi Found Guilty in Gay Spycam Case

Rutgers student may be deported to India in Tyler Clementi case

(Newser) - A jury convicted ex-Rutgers student Dharun Ravi of hate crimes and other offenses today for using a webcam to record and distribute video that outed his roommate, Tyler Clementi, as gay. After three days of deliberations, the jury found Ravi guilty of bias intimidation and invasion of privacy for making...

Facebook Kills 'Most Beautiful Teen' Page

Photos triggered the usual nasty comments

(Newser) - Amid an outcry from parents, Facebook has quickly killed a page seeking the world's "Most Beautiful Teen." The page hosted a contest that sought teenagers' photos and had amassed a collection of sometimes suggestive photos, ABC News reports. The pictures garnered comments like "her nose is...

Don&#39;t Bet Against Gaga on Bullying
 Don't Bet 
 Against Gaga 
 on Bullying 

Don't Bet Against Gaga on Bullying

Her foundation might just help: Two opinions

(Newser) - Lady Gaga launched her anti-bullying Born This Way Foundation yesterday with typical fanfare and grousing from skeptics. But don't scoff just yet, write Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times and Emily Bazelon at Slate . Gaga is working with the MacArthur Foundation and the Harvard Graduate School of Education,...

Bullied Girl Pleads on YouTube: Am I Pretty or Ugly?

'I feel like I could just go away and never come back,' says Faye Gibson, 13

(Newser) - A 13-year-old girl relentlessly bullied at her Denver school posted a heart-wrenching YouTube video pleading with viewers to tell her if she's pretty or ugly. Some of the comments have been even more brutal than her treatment at school. "It hurt me to see those comments about my...

Tenn. Pol: AIDS Came From Gay Guy Having Monkey Sex

Stacey Campfield does himself no favors while defending 'Don't Say Gay' bill

(Newser) - The Tennessee lawmaker behind the "Don't Say Gay" bill that cleared the state Senate earlier this year is getting a lot of attention for comments he made in defense of the legislation. And it's not good attention. In a SiriusXM interview with Michelangelo Signorile published on the...

New York Bullying Victim Kills Herself

Staten Island teen walks in front of bus

(Newser) - A Staten Island 15-year-old whose family said she got bullied at school has died after walking in front of a bus holding a suicide note, reports the Daily News . Classmates had taken the belongings of Amanda Cummings and even made mean comments on her Facebook page after the incident, her...

Ex-FBI Boss to Head Penn State Inquiry

Sandusky victim driven from high school by bullying

(Newser) - Penn State has chosen the former director of the FBI to head its investigation into Jerry Sandusky's alleged sex abuse scandal. Louis Freeh, who headed the FBI from 1993 to 2001, says the internal probe might extend back to 1975. The university has faced complaints over choosing two university...

Bullies Taunt Gay Suicide's Sis: 'We're Glad He's Dead'

'They have no heart,' says grief-stricken dad

(Newser) - Bullies are continuing to plague a grief-stricken family even after the suicide of their 14-year-old gay son. New York student Jamey Rodemeyer killed himself after repeatedly complaining about bullies at his school and after making a heart-breaking YouTube video where he talked of his hopes for a better future. Now...

Gaga on Bullying: Get Me Obama

Embarks on crusade to make bullying illegal after Jamey Rodemeyer's suicide

(Newser) - For one gay teen, it didn't get better, and Lady Gaga plans to do something about it. The singer took to Twitter following the suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer —who ended his life because he could no longer face bullying at his school—first expressing sadness ("The past...

Gay Teen in 'It Gets Better' Video Commits Suicide

Jamey Rodemeyer, 14, couldn't take the bullying any longer

(Newser) - As members of the US military were about to celebrate their right to serve as gays, one gentle New York gay student, 14, was ending his life because he could no longer face bullying at his school. "I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens,"...

Rebecca Black: Bullies Drove Me Out of School

Teen star opted for homeschooling after teasing

(Newser) - Rebecca Black received so much grief from classmates after her song "Friday" went viral that she opted for homeschooling. "When I walk by they'll start singing 'Friday' in a really nasally voice," the 14-year-old told ABC before last night's live appearance on America's ...

Australia Clears Red M&M of Bullying Charges

Aussies let candy off hook after prolonged ethics probe

(Newser) - After what could be history's most prolonged ethics investigation of a piece of candy, advertising authorities in Australia have decided that the red M&M is not a bully. The ad bureau—after a 2-month investigation—rejected complaints from viewers that the M&M's behavior in TV ads...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>