West Bank settlements

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Israel Accused of Fatally Shooting American Activist

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, of Turkish descent, was reportedly killed by troops in West Bank

(Newser) - An American woman was shot and killed in the West Bank on Friday, two doctors told the AP . Dr. Ward Basalat, an ER doctor, said that the 26-year-old woman was shot in the head and died after arriving at his hospital. Dr. Fouad Nafaa, the head of the hospital, also...

Israel Rolls Into the West Bank
Israel Rolls Into the West Bank

Israel Rolls Into the West Bank

9 dead in large-scale military operation

(Newser) - Israel launched a large-scale military operation in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, where its forces killed at least nine Palestinians and sealed off the volatile city of Jenin. Israel has carried out near-daily raids across the West Bank since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack out of Gaza triggered the ongoing...

UN Court Rules Against Israel on Settlements

But non-binding opinion is unlikely to affect decision-making

(Newser) - The top UN court declared Friday that Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank and east Jerusalem violates international law, per the AP . The ruling is a non-binding advisory opinion on the legality of Israel's 57-year occupation of lands sought for a Palestinian state, one that is unlikely...

Biden Targets Israelis Who Attack West Bank Palestinians

Executive order will look to crack down on settlers carrying out attacks

(Newser) - President Biden is expected to issue an executive order targeting Israeli settlers in the West Bank who've been attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, according to four people familiar with the matter. The White House was expected to announce the order later Thursday, reports the AP . Biden has spoken...

Biden: Israel Will Allow Humanitarian Relief to Gaza

But only through the border with Egypt, and with inspections

(Newser) - President Biden said Wednesday that Israel had agreed to allow humanitarian assistance to begin flowing into Gaza from Egypt with the understanding it would be subject to inspections, and that such aid should go to civilians and not Hamas militants. In remarks from Tel Aviv, where the president had gone...

A Big US First in Israel, and a 'Major Policy Shift'

Mike Pompeo is first US diplomat to visit Israeli settlement in occupied West Bank

(Newser) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday became the first top US diplomat to visit an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank as the State Department announced that products from the settlements can be labeled "Made in Israel" in a major policy shift. The two moves reflected the...

US Gives Israel a Bold Green Light
US Gives
Israel a Bold
Green Light

US Gives Israel a Bold Green Light

Netanyahu plans vote on annexing parts of Jordan Valley, West Bank

(Newser) - With the ink still drying on President Trump's Middle East peace plan, Israel says it's ready for action. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday he will have his cabinet vote Sunday on two key measures: applying Israeli sovereignty to parts of the Jordan Valley and to Jewish settlements...

Pompeo Announces Big Reversal on Israel Policy

US will no longer view West Bank settlements as violations of international law

(Newser) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Monday that the US is softening its position on Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, the latest in a series of Trump administration moves that weaken Palestinian claims to statehood. Pompeo repudiated a 1978 State Department legal opinion that held that civilian settlements...

Netanyahu: If Elected, I'll Annex 'All the Settlements'

Israeli PM is fighting for political survival

(Newser) - Israel's prime minister is vowing to annex settlements in the West Bank, including one deep in the heart of the largest Palestinian city, if he is re-elected in Tuesday's do-over election. Benjamin Netanyahu told Israeli Army Radio on Monday that he plans to annex "all the settlements"...

Netanyahu Makes Stunning Vow on Settlements

Israel's prime minister offers dramatic policy shift

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Saturday to annex Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank if re-elected, a dramatic policy shift apparently aimed at rallying his nationalist base in the final stretch of the tight race, the AP reports. Netanyahu has promoted Jewish settlement expansion in his four terms...

US, Israel Working to Prevent Publication of 'Blacklist'

List will name over 100 companies doing business in West Bank settlements

(Newser) - Weeks ahead of the expected completion of a UN database of companies that operate in Israel's West Bank settlements, Israel and the Trump Administration are working feverishly to prevent its publication, the AP reports. While Israel is usually quick to brush off UN criticism, officials say they are taking...

Israel Approves First New Settlement in Decades

More of this won't 'advance peace,' White House says

(Newser) - Israel's government approved the first West Bank settlement in two decades Thursday, creating the first serious test for President Trump's new foray into Middle East peacemaking. The White House pointedly avoided any specific condemnation of the announcement, although it said that further settlement activity "does not help...

Gere: Israeli Settlements an 'Absurd Provocation'

Actor was in Israel promoting new movie, does not mince words

(Newser) - Richard Gere has lashed out at Israel over its settlements in territory that Palestinians want for a state. The Pretty Woman star came to Jerusalem for the local premiere of a new film by Israeli writer-director Joseph Cedar in which he stars, reports the AP . A story in Sunday's...

Israel Passes Controversial Settlement Law

Parliament retroactively legalizes thousands of West Bank settlements

(Newser) - Israel's parliament on Monday passed a contentious law meant to retroactively legalize thousands of West Bank settlement homes built unlawfully on private Palestinian land, a step that is expected to trigger international outrage and a flurry of lawsuits against the measure, the AP reports. The explosive law is the...

Trump Warns Israel on New Settlements
Trump Makes
Surprise Shift
in Israel Policy

Trump Makes Surprise Shift in Israel Policy

He warns that new settlements could undermine peace

(Newser) - President Trump made a foreign policy move Thursday almost as surprising as alienating Australians : He appeared to shift policy on Israel, taking a line closer to that of the Obama administration and warning the country that announcing new or expanded settlements is "undermining" peace efforts, the Jerusalem Post reports....

Emboldened by Trump, Israel OKs New Settlements

Netanyahu regularly ran into friction from Obama White House

(Newser) - Israel said Tuesday it approved 2,500 new settler homes in the West Bank, a controversial moves that signals a major ramp-up of construction just days after the swearing-in of President Trump, whose election has emboldened the settlement movement, reports the AP . Trump is widely expected to be more sympathetic...

Israel: We've Got Proof Obama Set Up UN Resolution

Says it's ready to hand 'evidence' right over to President-elect Trump

(Newser) - Israel has been voicing its displeasure about the United States' abstention from a UN Security Council vote Friday that called for an end to illegal Israeli settlements. So has Donald Trump, who's vowed "things will be different after Jan. 20th." Now Israel is offering the president-elect what...

Palestinian Toddler Killed in Blaze Blamed on Jewish Extremists

Assailants threw firebombs into West Bank homes

(Newser) - Firebombs exploded in two West Bank homes this morning, igniting a blaze that killed an 18-month-old Palestinian boy and severely wounded his 4-year-old brother and parents in what Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu quickly labeled "an act of terrorism in every respect," reports NBC News . Jewish settlers are suspected,...

West Bank Land Seizure Is Israel's Biggest in Decades

Appropriation seen as revenge for murder of Israeli teens

(Newser) - In a move the US calls "counterproductive," Israel has made a huge land seizure in the West Bank and is expected to use it to expand Jewish settlements. The Israeli anti-settlement group Americans for Peace Now says the 990-acre seizure in an area called the Etzion bloc—one...

Israeli Settlers Raid Own Nation's Army Outpost

Move to demolish illegal settlements angers residents

(Newser) - An Israeli army outpost in the West Bank was raided today—and it was Jewish settlers doing the raiding, while soldiers stood by and watched. The incident followed a violent confrontation between the soldiers and far-right settlers in Yitzhar. It began when border police demolished four illegal structures and seized...

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