brown bear

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Bears Join List of Animals Who Perform Oral Sex

Two male brown bears in captivity in Croatia regularly engage in fellatio

(Newser) - Add one more creature to the list of animals known to engage in oral sex: A pair of male brown bears living in captivity in a sanctuary in Croatia have been observed engaging in fellatio regularly over the six years they were studied, report researchers in the journal Zoo Biology...

Woman Walks 2 Miles After Surviving Bear Attack

She was mauled while jogging at Alaska military base

(Newser) - Officials say a soldier's wife is lucky to be alive after being mauled by a brown bear on a sprawling military base in Alaska. The woman was jogging when she startled the bear and her two cubs, and officials at Anchorage's Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson say the bear saw...

Man Mauled by Bear is Rescued —36 Hours Later

After 2 failed attempts, National Guard sends plane, chopper, para-team in night-vision goggles

(Newser) - It took 36 hours and a rescue operation worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster to save a man mauled by a brown bear while hunting in Alaska. First, a local rescue team tried to find the man, who was attacked 35 miles north of Anaktuvuk Pass, but its helicopter couldn't...

Alaska Bears Severely Maul Group of Teens

Mother, cub attack group during survival skills training

(Newser) - Four teenagers were critically injured in an attack by a brown bear sow and her cub as the boys hiked through the Alaskan wilderness, reports CNN . The four, all between the ages of 16 and 18, were at the head of a group of seven teens, there as part of...

Palins Got Too Close to Protected Bears: Conservationist

Just a day after reality show debuts, the drama arrives

(Newser) - A leading Alaska conservationist calls Sarah Palin's Alaska "a travesty"—and not because it's, well, a reality show starring Sarah Palin. He claims the former guv got too close to protected brown bears in last night's premiere, and says she was "clearly irresponsible." A clip from...

Yellowstone's Bears Hungry, Bloodthirsty

You might want to reconsider feeding the bears

(Newser) - Remember those admonishments not to feed the bears? Well, the grizzlies at Yellowstone are hungry this year, reports the AP, and cranky as a result—which doesn't bode so well for human visitors. Two people have already died in 2010 after encountering starving grizzlies. "Pack your bear spray: there's...

Sarah Palin Stares Down Brown Bear
 Sarah Palin 
 Stares Down 
 Brown Bear 

mother to mother

Sarah Palin Stares Down Brown Bear

Mom, cubs crash family fishing trip

(Newser) - First moose hunting, now a bear stare down. That's what happened to Sarah Palin when a brown bear and her two cubs crashed a quiet family salmon fishing expedition in Alaska. The mothers stared at one another before the bear blinked, and moved off, reports the Telegraph . The bear apparently...

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