gay penguins

3 Stories

Female Splits Up 'Gay' Penguins

It's definitely over for Toronto Zoo's Buddy and Pedro

(Newser) - The penguin love affair dubbed "Brokeback Iceberg" by Jimmy Kimmel is now definitely over. Pedro and Buddy, the "gay" African penguins the Toronto Zoo decided to split up last month , are now both more interested in females, the BBC reports. Buddy, who shared a nest with Pedro for...

'Gay' Penguins to Be Split Up at Zoo

Officials want Buddy, Pedro to mate with females

(Newser) - A pair of "gay" penguins will be split up by the Toronto Zoo so that they can have chicks—with females. The so-far inseparable males “will be put in with a specific female so they have the chance to get to know one another, and if they bond,...

Study: Penguins Not Gay, Just 'Flirting'
 Penguins Not Gay, Just Flirting 
study says

Penguins Not Gay, Just Flirting

They need testosterone outlet until females are available, say researchers

(Newser) - Penguins aren't really gay , even though it may look that way, claims a new study. The lonely animals are just "flirting" with other guys because there aren't enough females to go around, say French researchers. Male bonding among king penguins has already been observed in zoos; researchers discovered that...

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