North Africa unrest

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Why Lara Logan Went Back to Egypt

CBS correspondent returned after arrest by military; 'it is in my blood'

(Newser) - CBS correspondent Lara Logan, who was beaten and sexually assaulted by a mob in Cairo last Friday, is recovering and could leave the hospital to be reunited with her two young children as soon as today, sources tell the Daily Beast. Logan, who had been arrested and interrogated by the...

Next Domino? Protests Now Wrack Libya

Anti-government protests swell in Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Libya—home to the longest-serving member of the rapidly shrinking club of North African dictators—saw clashes between police and hundreds of protesters overnight after the arrest of a human rights activist in the eastern city of Benghazi, the Financial Times reports. Organizers have put out a call on the...

US Was Warned About Egypt—Last Year

But administration was reluctant to take tough stance

(Newser) - Egypt-watchers started warning the White House early last year that the country was unstable, but the administration continued to offer a muted response, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Egypt Working Group, which includes human rights activists, Mideast experts, and neoconservative policymakers, sent letters to Hillary Clinton urging a more...

Iranian Lawmakers: Execute Opposition Leaders

Hardliners call for leaders to face trial, death penalty

(Newser) - Inspired by Egypt , tens of thousands turned out yesterday for an opposition rally in Iran—leading some lawmakers to take an especially hard line against opposition leaders today, calling for them to stand trial and be put to death. Pro-government legislators chanted, "Death to Mousavi, Karroubi, and Khatami,"...

One Woman Leads the Way in Yemen's Uprising

Tawakkol Karman says prez threatened her

(Newser) - Women are second-class citizens in Yemen, yet it’s a woman leading the country's latest round of protests, the Washington Post reports. Tawakkol Karman, a 32-year-old mother of three, is the country’s best-known activist, and she organized the first protests at Sanaa University following the ouster of Zine el-Abidine...

'Horseman of the Apocalypse' Spotted in Egypt?

Egypt report goes viral thanks to mysterious green figure

(Newser) - Are the events unfolding in Egypt evidence of he coming apocalypse? The editors at FoxNation apparently think that possibility does exist. They’ve reposted, in its entirety, a WorldNet Daily entry that excitedly points out an “ethereal … pale green image that resembles an erect rider atop a horse”...

Fights Break Out Among Yemen Protesters

Police have to separate pro- and anti-government demonstrators

(Newser) - Hundreds of demonstrators supporting Yemen’s government attacked hundreds more opposing it in the capital today, as the protests in the volatile Arab nation entered their fourth day. Government supporters fought with students who were staging a sit-in at Sana University, beating them with sticks near the main school’s...

Police, Protesters Clash in Bahrain

At least 14 injured, according to Al Jazeera

(Newser) - Bahrain organized its own “Day of Rage” today, where protesters—inspired by the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia—clashed with police around the capital. Shops closed, cars stayed off the street, and police were heavily armed in anticipation of the protests, sparked by a Shiite Muslim majority that says...

Yemeni Police Block Protesters, Using Batons

Witnesses report harshest response yet from authorities

(Newser) - Police today took their harshest stance yet against anti-government protesters in Yemen, blocking hundreds of them from marching on the presidential palace today. Police hit protesters with batons and protesters threw rocks, witnesses say. Reuters reports four people were injured. About 1,000 people were at a demonstration in Sanaa,...

Mubarak Used Final 18 Days to Hide His Fortune

Intelligence sources say he moved money around

(Newser) - It took protesters 18 days to oust Hosni Mubarak, and he used that time wisely, funneling his fortune into untraceable overseas accounts, according to Western intelligence sources. During his 30 years in power, Mubarak is said to have amassed anywhere between $4.8 billion and $64 billion, and demand is...

US Foreign Policy in Arab World Needs Overhaul
 US Foreign Policy 
 in Arab World 
 Needs Overhaul 


US Foreign Policy in Arab World Needs Overhaul

Better intelligence needed, less realpolitik, fear of Islamism

(Newser) - With Hosni Mubarak finally out of power in Egypt, "It's a new day in the Arab world," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times —and hopefully here, as well. "The truth is that the United States has been behind the curve not only in Tunisia...

Egypt's Military Dissolves Parliament

Leadership says it'll run gov't for 6 months

(Newser) - Egypt's military leaders dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution on Sunday, meeting two key demands of protesters who have been keeping up pressure for immediate steps to push forward the transition to democratic, civilian rule after forcing Hosni Mubarak out of power. In their latest communique, the military rulers that...

Egypt Protesters: We'll Go Home—for Now

Main coalition promises weekly demonstrations to maintain pressure

(Newser) - Egypt coverage is mostly celebratory today—"a new dawn," is the phrase of choice for both al-Jazeera and the Guardian , while the New York Times has it that a "new era dawned"—as attention turns to the what-comes-next question. Along those lines:
  • The main coalition of

Inspired by Egypt, Algerians Take to Streets

Demonstrators demand political reform; hundreds arrested

(Newser) - From Tahrir Square to Algeria's May 1 Square: Thousands of demonstrators inspired by Egypt marched in Algiers today despite an official ban on protests and a huge police presence, reports AP . Estimates of the crowd ranged from 10,000 to 30,000, and rights activists say at least 400 have...

Obama: 'Egypt Will Never Be the Same'

He promises that the US will provide whatever help is needed

(Newser) - President Obama praised the news of Hosni Mubarak's resignation and promised to provide Egypt whatever help it needs toward a peaceful transition. The Washington Post has the full transcript , and Mediate has video. Some highlights:
  • "The people of Egypt have spoken. Their voices have been heard. And Egypt will

'Heart of Egypt Beats Again'

  'Heart of Egypt Beats Again' 
reaction roundup

'Heart of Egypt Beats Again'

Reactions pour in via Twitter, media

(Newser) - The sudden ouster of Hosni Mubarak has Egypt celebrating in the streets—and in interviews, and on Twitter. The Global Post rounds up some of the best reactions. From Egypt:
  • Mohamed ElBaradei: “This is the greatest day of my life. The country has been liberated,” he told the

Egypt's Military Promises Civilian Rule

Elsewhere: US preps aid, Hamas celebrates

(Newser) - The commander of Egypt’s air force appeared on Egyptian TV today to assure the people that the Supreme Military Council was taking over the country, but only during the transition to another civilian government, CNN reports. He also praised both the “martyrs” among the protesters, and Mubarak himself...

'Egypt Is Free!': Mubarak Finally Resigns

Protesters celebrate vice president's surprise announcement

(Newser) - A new sound in Tahrir Square today: jubilation. President Hosni Mubarak finally resigned as protesters incensed over his refusal to do so yesterday brought Egypt to a dangerous tipping point. The news came via a brief televised statement from VP Omar Suleiman, reports CNN : "In these difficult circumstances that...

Witness: Egyptian Army Waterboarded Prisoners

'They are on the side of the regime,' blogger says

(Newser) - The Egyptian military has been torturing protesters, according to famed Egyptian blogger Kareem Amer. Amer and a filmmaker friend spent nearly a week in a military prison “in the middle of the desert” for breaking curfew, he tells the Daily Beast . There he witnessed fellow prisoners being “severely...

Protesters March to Mubarak's Palace
 Egypt Army Backs Mubarak 

Egypt Army Backs Mubarak

Military backs Mubarak plan; Obama says it's not good enough

(Newser) - Egypt's powerful military says it is supporting Mubarak's plan to hand over most of his powers to vice president Omar Suleiman instead of resigning, striking a heavy blow to protesters who called on the military to take action to push Mubarak out after yesterday's announcement. The news enraged hundreds of...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>