North Africa unrest

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US Backs Suleiman; Demonstrators Shrug

Leaders of ruling party resign, but protesters see it all as half-steps

(Newser) - See if this sounds familiar: The day's wire reports on Egypt bring news of yet more pressure on Hosni Mubarak and more concessions from the government, followed by the same response protesters have given for 12 days—nowhere near good enough. The two developments competing for headlines are:
  • Hillary Clinton

For Best Egypt Coverage in US, Stick to CNN

MSNBC, Fox resort to left-right political screamfests

(Newser) - For American TV viewers looking to keep tabs on Egypt, there's really no contest, writes Allesandra Stanley in the New York Times : Keep it on CNN. Rivals MSNBC and Fox are giving lots of air time to the subject, but their coverage tends to degenerate into predictable left-right battle lines....

Huge Gas Blast Rocks Egypt
 Huge Gas Blast Rocks Egypt 

Huge Gas Blast Rocks Egypt

Fire quickly contained, but some suspect sabotage

(Newser) - An explosion rocked a gas terminal in Egypt's northern Sinai Peninsula today, setting off a massive fire that was contained by shutting off the flow of gas to neighboring Jordan and Egypt, officials and witnesses said. Egypt's natural gas company said the fire was caused by a gas leak. However,...

Egypt Plots Mubarak's 'Graceful Exit'
 Egypt Plots 
 'Graceful Exit' 


Egypt Plots Mubarak's 'Graceful Exit'

Top officials push for him to deputize Suleiman, step aside in all but name

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak may think he's hanging on through September elections, but top-level Egyptians on both sides of the protests, as well as US officials, are negotiating what the AP and the New York Times are calling his "graceful exit." Proposals on the table largely center around Mubarak stepping...

Egyptian Journalist Dies
 Egyptian Journalist Dies 

Egyptian Journalist Dies

Cairo denies systematic targeting of journalists amid unrest

(Newser) - An Egyptian reporter who was shot during clashes a week ago died of his wounds yesterday, his employer said, in the first reported death of a journalist in the chaos surrounding Egypt's protests. Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud, 36, was taking photographs of fighting between protesters and security forces from the balcony...

Obama Keeps Up Pressure on 'Patriot' Mubarak

Mass protests remain largely peaceful

(Newser) - Tahrir Square remained largely peaceful today as throngs of demonstrators—estimates ranged up to the hundreds of thousands—continued their call for Hosni Mubarak to step down and President Obama reiterated his demand for a quick transition of power. The New York Times pegged the mood among demonstrators as "...

Sorry Egypt, You Need Mubarak (For Now)

He needs to stick around long enough to dismantle his regime

(Newser) - Protesters are plainly not satisfied with Hosni Mubarak’s promise to leave office in September, but like it or not, they need him to stick around for a little while, Tarek Masoud writes in the New York Times . Only the president has the power to dissolve the parliament, he explains,...

US Enemies Loving Unrest
 US Enemies Loving Unrest 

US Enemies Loving Unrest

Iran, Syria see US allies weakening

(Newser) - Iran, Syria, and other members of the self-proclaimed “resistance bloc” are delighted by the unrest sweeping through the Arab world—since it’s so far affected primarily US allies like Egypt and Jordan, the Wall Street Journal observes. The unrest “proved that the global arrogance’s era of...

Rush: Who Cares About Journalist Attacks in Egypt?

...or, at least, who cares about 'New York Times' reporters?

(Newser) - For some reason, Rush Limbaugh isn’t particularly worried about the journalists being systematically attacked in Egypt. “It is being breathlessly reported that the Egyptian army is rounding up foreign journalists,” Rush said, in a segment caught by Mediaite . "Now this is supposed to make us feel...

Egypt Cop to ABC Producer: I'll Cut Off Your Head

Chilling threat part of mounting attacks on journalists

(Newser) - Police threatened an ABC News journalist covering the crisis in Egypt with decapitation in one of a mounting series of attacks on reporters. Two vehicles carrying producer Brian Hartman and three other ABC employees were carjacked to an isolated neighborhood yesterday where an angry mob surrounded them and a police...

Algeria Lifting 19-Year State of Emergency

Leaders loosen up in bid to stave off unrest

(Newser) - Algeria's president, apparently trying to stave off unrest, says the state of emergency that has been in place since 1992 will be lifted "in the very near future." President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has told ministers that state-controlled media should give air time to all political parties, and that protest...

US Working On Quick Exit for Mubarak

One possibility is to have the new VP take over immediately

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak continues to insist that he can't resign immediately, but the Obama administration is in negotiations with other Egyptian officials to have him to do just that, reports the New York Times . The leading possibility would be to have new VP Omar Suleiman, previously the head of intelligence, take...

Biden Tells Egypt VP to Release Journalists

'Tense calm' in Cairo, and tomorrow could be crucial

(Newser) - A 'tense calm" has fallen on Cairo's Tahrir Square after another day of clashes that saw pro-Mubarak supporters attack journalists and rights activists, reports Al Jazeera . Tomorrow could be pivotal, notes the Los Angeles Times : It's the deadline protesters have given Hosni Mubarak to leave as well as the main...

Fashion Label Kenneth Cole Misfires With Egypt Tweet

It hijacks Cairo hashtag to promote its new spring line

(Newser) - And the day's award for corporate insensitivity goes to: Kenneth Cole. The high-end fashion label used the #Cairo hashtag—which the rest of the world is using to follow the protests— to get some publicity for its spring collection. "Millions are in uproar in #Cairo," read the now-deleted...

Mubarak: I Want to Leave but I Can't
 Mubarak: I Want 
 to Leave but I Can't 

Mubarak: I Want to Leave but I Can't

He tells ABC he fears even worse chaos would ensue

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak tells ABC's Christiane Amanpour that he's tired of being president and would like to resign immediately, but fears Egypt would sink into even worse chaos if he did. Other early highlights from the interview:
  • On the violence: He insists his government isn't responsible and blames the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egypt Cracks Down on Foreign Journalists

Two 'New York Times' reporters briefly detained

(Newser) - Egyptian authorities launched a systematic crackdown on the press today, rounding up journalists and sending armed gangs through the streets to attack anyone with camera equipment. Two New York Times journalists were detained overnight, and then released this morning, the paper reports . In addition to the gangs, the government has...

Protests Spread to Sudan
 Protests Spread to Sudan 

Protests Spread to Sudan

Smaller than Egypt or Tunisia, but discontent growing in Sudan

(Newser) - For two weeks, calls for the Sudanese to join the growing wave of protests around the Arab region have been going up on Facebook. “Our brothers in Tunisia did it and so did our brothers in Egypt," said one message. "It is about time for us.”...

Day's Toll in Egypt: 3 Dead, 600 Injured

Standoff continues into the night

(Newser) - With the standoff in Tahrir Square continuing into the wee hours, the best estimates from the day's violence between anti-government protesters and pro-Mubarak forces have three people dead and more than 600 injured, reports AP . All of the violence took place as the military largely stood by and watched, and...

CNN Airs Video of Attack on Anderson Cooper

Scores of other journalists have been assaulted in Egypt

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper may have been the highest-profile journalist attacked today , but he's far from the only one. (See the video gallery for CNN footage of the assault). Mediaite says reporters from the AP, the BBC, a Danish newspaper, and Israeli TV also were roughed up. Katie Couric had to cut...

Democracy's Bad Now? Beck Illustrates Right's Split

Essayist: Some conservatives championed Mideast freedom, only to fear it now

(Newser) - The demonstrations in Egypt have Glenn Beck on a tear, even by Glenn Beck standards. He's warning that "radical Islam" could take control and, what with one thing leading to another, eventually "destroy the Western way of life," writes Michelle Goldberg in the Daily Beast . But wait,...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>