North Africa unrest

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Latest Casualty of World's Upheaval: Media Budgets

From Libya to Japan, the money's running out

(Newser) - There’s been a lot of news around the world in 2011—too much, in fact, for some news organizations to handle. Japan, Libya, and Egypt have stretched already tight cable and broadcast news budgets to the breaking point, The Wrap reports. “We've already had a year's worth of...

Yemeni Militants Seize Weapons Factory

Security degenerates as president battles protesters in capital

(Newser) - Islamic militants seized control of a weapons factory, a strategic mountain, and a nearby town in the southern Yemen province of Abyan today, as a political stalemate over the fate of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the capital causes security to unravel around the country. Saleh's fate is of deep...

Libya Rebels Retake Brega
 Libya Rebels Retake Brega 

Libya Rebels Retake Brega

Buoyed by NATO strikes, rebels advance as Gadhafi loyalists 'melt away'

(Newser) - Libyan rebels took back a key oil town and pushed westward today toward the capital, seizing momentum from the international airstrikes that tipped the balance away from Moammar Gadhafi. Brega, a main oil export terminal in eastern Libya, fell after a skirmish late yesterday and rebel forces moved swiftly west,...

Libya Rebels Recapture Ajdabiya in First Major Turnaround
 Libyan Rebels Retake Key City 

Libyan Rebels Retake Key City

Ajdabiya falls in first major turnaround

(Newser) - Libyan rebels regained control of the eastern gateway city of Ajdabiya today after international airstrikes on Moammar Gadhafi's forces, in the first major turnaround for an uprising that once appeared on the verge of defeat. Ajdabiya's sudden fall to Gadhafi's troops spurred the swift UN resolution authorizing international action in...

Gadhafi's Air Force Is Done: UK General

NATO still wrestling with logistics of military operation

(Newser) - Allies have knocked out Moammar Gadhafi's air force and can fly over Libya "with near impunity," says a senior British commander. They're now turning their attention to knocking back Gadhafi's tanks and ground forces with airstrikes, reports the BBC . Meanwhile, NATO still hasn't figured out how the military...

Yemen Unrest Threatens Hunt for Awlaki

Finding US-born radical 'not on anyone's mind': official

(Newser) - The hunt for Anwar al-Awlaki has hit a roadblock: The chances of capturing the Yemeni-American radical have grown slimmer as the unrest in Yemen escalates, reports the Washington Post . Just a few months ago, it was easy to spot Awlaki, who walked freely around a southeastern town, his uncle tells...

Six Syrian Protesters Killed in Mosque Raid: Report

But state TV says 4 died in gang attack

(Newser) - Some people definitely died today in the southern Syrian city of Dara, but how it happened depends on who you talk to. News agencies are reporting that six people were killed when Syrian security forces raided a mosque where protesters had taken refuge, the New York Times reports. But Syrian...

Is It Time to Revoke Obama’s Peace Prize?

Not until we revoke Arafat's, ElBaradei's, writes Allahpundit

(Newser) - In the wake of the US military intervention in Libya, Bolivian President Evo Morales thinks it's time to take back President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize . On Hot Air , Allahpundit begs to differ. Despite Morales' insistence that no Nobel Peace Prize winner should lead "a gang to attack and invade,...

Libya Frees 3 More Journalists
 Libya Frees 3 More Journalists 

Libya Frees 3 More Journalists

Reporter and photographers were detained Saturday

(Newser) - The Libyan government today released three journalists captured last week near a key eastern city that has been a daily battleground between Moammar Gadhafi's forces and Libyan rebels, according to the AFP. Reporter Dave Clark and photographer Roberto Schmidt, both of whom work for AFP, and Joe Raedle, a Getty...

Libya Allies Bicker Over Who Will Lead

US calls 'not it'

(Newser) - The coalition policing Libya’s skies is facing an internal conflict, as well: it can’t agree on who will lead the effort going forward. The US is currently in charge, but President Obama has made it clear that he’d like to hand off control . But to who? The...

Yemen President Again Vows to Leave After Election

Meaning in 2012; Leaves US with no good options in al-Qaeda stronghold

(Newser) - Pressured by the defection of some of his top military commanders, Ali Abdullah Saleh has once again promised to step down—eventually. The longtime Yemeni president said today he would leave office “constitutionally” following an election at the end of this year or the beginning of 2012, the Christian ...

Freed NYT Reporters Recount Ordeal

One remembers being told, 'You're going to die tonight'

(Newser) - Tyler Hicks and his New York Times colleagues were trying to leave Ajdabiya when their driver stumbled into a checkpoint manned by Gadhafi’s forces—and Hicks immediately knew something was wrong. “I was yelling to the driver, ‘Keep driving! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!’”...

US: Strikes on Libya to Slow
 US: Strikes on Libya to Slow 

US: Strikes on Libya to Slow

Coalition hits Libya for third night

(Newser) - Coalition forces pounded targets in Libya for a third night yesterday, but the general leading US forces says the pace of air attacks is likely to slow soon. The campaign to destroy Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses and establish a no-fly zone is almost complete, and American officials are seeking to...

Yemen President Fires Entire Cabinet

Situation looking increasingly dire for Saleh

(Newser) - Yemen's increasingly embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh axed his entire Cabinet today, as even members of his own tribe called for his ouster and his administration abandoned ship, reports the AP . In the wake of sniper crackdowns that killed up to 42 protesters Friday, Yemen's UN envoy Abdullah Alsaidi "...

Operation Odyssey Dawn: Moammar Gadhafi Vows 'Long War'
 Gadhafi Vows 'Long War' 

Gadhafi Vows 'Long War'

And warns that 'oil will not be left' to US, France, Britain

(Newser) - Yesterday, Moammar Gadhafi told President Obama "I would still love you" even if there was a war between Libya and America. Today, he told allied forces to buckle up. In a telephone call to state television, Gadhafi reportedly spoke of a "long war," saying, "We will...

Michael Moore Twitter-Blasts Obama

Left-wing filmmaker outraged over US military intervention in Libya

(Newser) - Michael Moore ripped into President Obama yesterday for taking military action in Libya , reports the Hill , unloading a barrage of criticism via Twitter . A sampling of Moore's outrage:
  • "It's only cause we're defending the Libyan people from a tyrant! That's why we bombed the Saudis last wk! Hahaha. Pentagon=comedy"

Why Are France, UK Leading War in Libya?

Not national interest, the real reason is about credibility

(Newser) - How did Libya, a desert nation of 6.5 million people and less than 2% of the world's oil reserves, become a French and British war? Michael Elliot in Time checks off a bunch of wrong answers first: No, the outcome in Libya is not a vital national interest of...

Hillary Clinton Drove President Obama's Decision to Use Military Force on Libya
 Clinton Drove 
 Obama Shift on Libya 

Clinton Drove Obama Shift on Libya

Secretary of State secured Arab buy-in, convinced prez to act

(Newser) - President Obama came late to the decision to authorize military force against Libya , but he did so based on the counsel and efforts of Hillary Clinton, reports the New York Times . The secretary of state was herself against intervention until she secured buy-in from Arab nations; she then joined a...

Calling UN Action 'Invalid,' Gadhafi Hits Rebels

Says 'Libya is for Libyans

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi says the UN resolution authorizing international military intervention in Libya is "invalid." The Libyan leader says he sent a message to President Barack Obama defending his decision to attack rebel cities: "If you found them taking over American cities by the force of arms, tell...

Yemen Protests: Police Kill 31 Protesters
 Yemen Police Kill 31 Protesters 

Yemen Police Kill 31 Protesters

Today marks harshest response yet from government

(Newser) - Yemeni security forces firing from rooftops and houses shot at tens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators, killing at least 31 as the protesters entered a downtown square in the capital to demand the ouster of their autocratic president. Today's violence is the harshest response yet from President Ali Abdullah Saleh....

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