Wisconsin protests

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Trump: Kenosha Unrest Was 'Domestic Terror'

'You have to be tough,' he says after touring area damaged in protests

(Newser) - President Trump visited protest-wracked Kenosha, Wis. Tuesday, despite objections from local leaders , and blamed the unrest on "domestic terror." The president surveyed parts of the city damaged in protests after the police shooting of Jacob Blake and spoke to law enforcement officers, the Washington Post reports. "You...

Teen Charged With Murder in Kenosha Protest Shootings

17-year-old was arrested in Illinois

(Newser) - A 17-year-old from Illinois has been arrested and charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday night. Police in Antioch, Ill., say Kyle Rittenhouse—described by the AP as a "police admirer"—was taken into custody Wednesday on suspicion of first-degree intentional homicide. Court records...

Scott Walker Booed at Tree-Lighting Ceremony

Lame-duck legislative session has angered protesters

(Newser) - Demonstrators booed outgoing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday during a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, a sign of tumult as Republicans in the Legislature met to push through measures to gut the powers of his Democratic successor. The Legislature met deep into the night Tuesday to pass a series of bills,...

Wisconsin Law Ravages Union Membership

'There's nothing the union can do anymore'

(Newser) - Scott Walker will learn Tuesday whether the anti-union law he championed was good politics, but if its goal was to cripple public unions, it's already an unqualified success. Wisconsin public union membership has plummeted, the Wall Street Journal reports. The state's American Federation of State, County, and Municipal...

Opponents Launch Walker Recall Push

Wisconsin guv launches ad campaign in response

(Newser) - The recall effort against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker kicked off today with a midnight filing and a series of midnight signature collecting events around the state. Organizers, who are also looking to recall Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, have 60 days to gather 540,208 valid signatures, but they hope to...

Dems Survive Wis. Recall
 Dems Survive Wisconsin Recall 

Dems Survive Wisconsin Recall

Runaway lawmakers keep seats; GOP keeps state senate

(Newser) - Two more Democratic state senators have survived recall votes in Wisconsin, ending the state's recall saga with the Republicans still in charge of the legislature—but with only a one-seat majority. Another Democrat survived an earlier recall vote, and four of six targeted Republicans held their seats after recall...

Wisconsin GOP Looks for One More Win in Today's Recall Elections

 Wisc. GOP 
 Looks to 
 Pick Off a 
 Dem Today 
democratic recalls

Wisc. GOP Looks to Pick Off a Dem Today

Last of the recall elections held today

(Newser) - The Wisconsin GOP already claimed victory in last week's Republican recall races by maintaining control of the state Senate, but they want more: namely, Democrat Jim Holperin's seat. Holperin is one of two Democratic state senators up for recall today, and Republicans think they can pick him off,...

Today's Wis. Recall Could Rock US

Entire nation is interested in elections

(Newser) - Wisconsin voters go to the polls today for the first of six recall elections prompted by Gov. Scott Walker's controversial collective bargaining law—and interest is so high, some local officials predict "presidential-election level turnout," reports Politico . Campaign finance records have been shattered as outside interest groups...

Wisconsin Balloon Assault Draws Police Inquiry

State employee allegedly popped balloon with knife

(Newser) - Wisconsin police are busily investigating a vicious… balloon stabbing? Strange but true: A pro-union protester says that a state worker popped her heart-shaped balloon with a knife yesterday, and then, when she asked for his name so she could complain, shoved her into a door and ran off, the Wisconsin ...

'Fake Democrats' Fall in Wisconsin Primaries

Democratic challengers will face Republican incumbents next month

(Newser) - None of the six "fake Democrats" put up by the Wisconsin Republican Party managed to stage an upset in yesterday's state Senate primary elections, setting the stage for the "real" Democratic challengers to face off with Republican incumbents next month. The ploy had already achieved its intended...

Wisconsin Protests, Part 2: Madison Steels Itself for Rallies
 Massive Protests 
 Expected in ... Madison 
deja vu all over again

Massive Protests Expected in ... Madison

Capitol steels itself for rallies today

(Newser) - Here we go again: With Republicans trying once more to pass Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial collective bargaining limits, the state Capitol in Madison is steeling itself for more protests. Walker’s budget will be debated at the Capitol today, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports, and thousands of protesters are...

Wis. Protests: Districts Naming Teachers Who Called in Sick

Conservative groups make public records requests

(Newser) - Conservative groups are asking for the names of teachers who called in sick during the Wisconsin protests earlier this year, and most districts that were asked have released the names. The Madison School District, however, has denied several of the public records requests, fearing for the safety of its teachers,...

Judge Blocks Wisconsin Union Law—Again

This time, violators will face sanctions, she warns

(Newser) - Judge Maryann Sumi had already blocked Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial union bargaining law, but Republicans found a way around the court order—so yesterday, she blocked it again. “Apparently that language was either misunderstood or ignored, but what I said was the further implementation of [the law]...

Wisconsin GOP Seeks Emails of Critical Professor

William Cronon and allies see it as academic intimidation

(Newser) - Wisconsin's labor fight isn't simmering down. In the latest controversy, the state GOP has demanded the personal emails of a renowned University of Wisconsin history professor who's been critical of Gov. Scott Walker's anti-union moves, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . The professor is William Cronon, who first entered the fray...

Official's Idea for Gov. Walker: Stage Fake Attack

Carlos Lam suggested the staged assault include a firearm

(Newser) - During the heat of the fight in Wisconsin over its collective bargaining bill last month, an email was sent to Gov. Scott Walker from someone in Indiana. It recommended that a Walker supporter be made to look like a member of the opposition protests. The supporter would then attack Walker—...

Wis. Republicans' Emails Show Plans to Punish Dems

But most weren't enacted

(Newser) - Wisconsin Republicans spent a lot of time dreaming up ways to make Senate Democrats miserable while they were holed up out of state. In a series of emails obtained by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Republicans bat around a slew of ideas, including taking away their computers,...

Alaska GOP Lawmaker Introduces Anti-Union Bill

Measure designed to mirror Wisconsin's, says sponsor Carl Gatto

(Newser) - A Republican state representative in Alaska has introduced a bill that would strip many public employees of their right to collectively bargain for changes to their hours, benefits, or working conditions. If that sounds familiar, it’s because the bill is consciously designed to mimic the controversial one passed recently...

Judge Temporarily Blocks Wisconsin Union Law

District Attorney requested order, claiming GOP broke open meetings law

(Newser) - A Wisconsin judge issued a temporary restraining order today blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect. The judge's order is a major setback for Gov. Scott Walker and puts the future of the law in question. Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi issued the order, which...

Wisconsin GOP Leader: We Won't Count Dems' Votes

Says once-AWOL lawmakers still in contempt

(Newser) - Wisconsin's Senate Democrats have returned to the state, but they may as well have stayed away as far as Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald is concerned. In a letter to his caucus yesterday, Fitzgerald said the Democrats are still in contempt , and therefore can't vote in the legislature. "They are...

Wis. Republican Left District to Live With Mistress: Wife

And she'll sign the petition to get him fired

(Newser) - Protesters who showed up at the home of a prominent GOP Wisconsin state senator got a little scoop from his wife: Not only was Randy Hopper not home, she said, he also doesn't live there anymore, and in fact doesn't live in his district—owing to the fact that he's...

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