
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Singapore to Cane Guys Who Spray-Painted Train

One of 2 Germans convicted: 'This is the darkest episode of my entire life'

(Newser) - With a dozen cans of spray paint at his side as evidence, a Singapore judge sentenced two German men today to nine months in jail and three lashes with a cane for vandalizing a train, the Local reports. Andreas Von Knorre, 22, and Elton Hinz, 21, were charged with entering...

Sonar Spots AirAsia Wreckage on Seafloor

As bad weather sends wreckage drifting up to 30 miles

(Newser) - A day after debris was first spotted, Indonesian searchers have confirmed that sonar equipment has detected wreckage from AirAsia Flight QZ8501 at the bottom of the sea—though whether the plane is in one piece or broken up remains to be seen, reports CNN . The wreckage was found between 60...

App Rewards People for Ignoring Their Smartphones

Singapore students win prize for 'Apple Tree,' which rewards human interaction

(Newser) - A way to reward people for having face-to-face interaction instead of staring into the void of their smartphone screens? There's an app for that. Or there will be soon, thanks to three 20-year-old Singapore students who won $30,000 in funding Tuesday at the Splash Awards to develop Apple...

Bitcoin Firm CEO Dead in Suspected Suicide

American Autumn Radtke found dead in Singapore

(Newser) - Police in Singapore are probing what they call the "unnatural death" of an American woman who ran a firm dealing in bitcoins and other virtual currencies. Autumn Radtke, 28, was found dead in her apartment in what local media say was a suicide, reports the New York Post. Officials...

Tokyo Falls as World's Costliest City

Inflation makes Singapore world's priciest

(Newser) - Tokyo, rated the world's most expensive city last year by the Economist Intelligence Unit , has dropped out of the top five thanks to the soaring cost of living in other cities, including the new No. 1, Singapore. The city-state was sent to the top of the list by its...

Insane 75' Eagle Putt Decides LPGA Tourney

Paula Creamer snags first win since '10 on chance shot

(Newser) - Paula Creamer sank a 75-foot eagle putt on the second playoff hole against Azahara Munoz to win the HSBC Women's Champions today for her first LPGA title since the 2010 US Women's Open. Creamer's putt curled across the 18th green and then rolled slowly down the slope...

The World's Most-Visited City Is...

Hong Kong, followed by Singapore

(Newser) - When it comes to the world's most-visited cities, Asia has a clear lead: Of the top five, four are on the continent, according to a list published by the Telegraph and based on a Euromonitor International report. The number one most-visited city? Hong Kong, which saw 23,770,200...

Worst Riot in Decades Shakes Singapore

18 injured as Little India erupts

(Newser) - About 400 South Asian migrant workers angered by a road accident battled police and set vehicles ablaze in Singapore's worst rioting in decades, leaving 18 people injured. The violence erupted in the city-state's crowded Little India neighborhood last night after an Indian worker was hit and killed by...

Guy Named Batman Jailed for Burglary

Batman bin Suparman pleads guilty to heroin use, theft

(Newser) - Say it ain't so, Batman! An unemployed Singaporean man was sentenced to almost three years in jail today, after failing badly to live up to his name—which is, we are not kidding, Batman bin Suparman. The 23-year-old was arrested in August, after security cameras spotted him breaking into...

As Universities Go Global, Free Thought Goes Missing

Jackson Diehl: Campuses in 'unfree' countries hurt student, faculty rights

(Newser) - With Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng accusing NYU of yielding to Beijing , intellectual freedom at US universities is in the spotlight, and Jackson Diehl is concerned. Schools like Yale and NYU are focused on expanding their reach, opening campuses across the globe—including in "unfree countries," he writes in...

Singapore: Indonesia Is Ruining Our Air

Hazardous haze now in Malaysia, too

(Newser) - The hazardous smog that choked Singapore late last week won't dissipate any time soon, says the nation's PM, and it has officials pointing a finger at Indonesia. The pollution, which could last for weeks, has apparently been brought on by illegal forest fires on Indonesia's Sumatra island,...

Deutsche Bank Opens 200-Ton Gold Vault

Will bring more gold into Singapore, after country scraps tax on metals

(Newser) - Big gold-dealing Deutsche Bank has opened a 200-ton gold vault in Singapore, a move that reflects the city-state's rising status as a tax haven to rival the likes of Switzerland, Quartz reports. "Gold has traditionally been stored in London, Zurich and New York, but there is a serious...

Singapore Home's Record Price: $242M

Dwarfs top US listing for $135M

(Newser) - A 85,000-square-foot property in downtown Singapore has hit the market for a record price of $242 million, Bloomberg reports. It includes a two-story home, a tennis court, and a pool, the marketing agent says—though sellers are betting developers may want to divide up the property, which is in...

Australia Welcomes 2013
 Happy New Year, World 

Happy New Year, World

It's 2013 somewhere

(Newser) - It's already 2013 somewhere! Australia of course rang in the New Year first, with a typically brilliant firework display over Sydney Harbour at around 8am East Coast time. Since then, revelers have rung in 2013 across Asia, with notable celebrations in Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Kuala Lampur, and more....

Delhi Gang-Rape Victim Suffered Brain Injury

Police fired after ignoring another allegation

(Newser) - The New Delhi woman whose rape set off huge protests is now "fighting for her life" in a Singapore hospital , its chief executive says. "In addition to her prior cardiac arrest, she also had infection of her lungs and abdomen, as well as significant brain injury." She...

Delhi Gang-Rape Victim May Need Organ Transplant

23-year-old now in Singapore for treatment

(Newser) - The woman who was gang-raped on a New Delhi bus has been flown to Singapore for treatment. The 23-year-old remains in 'extremely critical condition,' says a hospital rep, and she may need an organ transplant. India's government fears that continuing protests —which have already seen the...

And the World&#39;s Least Emotional Country Is...
And the World's Least
Emotional Country Is...
gallup poll

And the World's Least Emotional Country Is...

...Singapore, according to Gallup

(Newser) - When it comes to "emotionless societies," Singapore takes the cake. This according to Gallup , which has polled residents in 150 countries since 2009 in a quest to gauge how emotional each country is. It went about doing so by asking a series of yes-and-no questions designed to suss...

Facebook Sinks Millions Into Underwater Internet Cable

With US market saturated, Facebook looks to Asia for growth

(Newser) - Call it Bandwidth of Dreams. Banking that if they build it, users will come, Facebook is investing in a 6,214-mile-long fiber-optic cable running from Malaysia to South Korea and Japan, reports the BBC . The $450 million Asia Pacific Gateway cable is designed to reduce the countries' reliance on Singapore...

Singapore Scientists Invent Remarkable Toilet

It uses 90% less water and turns your, ahem, No. 2 into electricity

(Newser) - Imagine if every time you went the bathroom you did a little good for the planet. That green dream could soon be entirely possible, thanks to a new invention out of Singapore: a toilet system that transforms human droppings into electricity and fertilizer and uses 90% less water per flush...

Saverin: Calm Down, Folks, I Don't Hate US

Facebook co-founder says citizenship move isn't about money

(Newser) - Eduardo Saverin, the Facebook co-founder who stands to become a billionaire a few times over tomorrow , is trying to tamp down some of the vitriol headed his way over his decision to give up his US citizenship. Yes, he's saving money on taxes by doing so, but he tells...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>