
Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev 

J.Lo Blows Off Runway for Triathlon

'Injured' diva snubs Heidi Klum, then competes

(Newser) - Jennifer Lopez abruptly canceled her guest judging appearance on Friday's Project Runway finale because of an alleged foot injury, but she regained her footing awfully fast, MSNBC reports. The singer-actress turned around and completed her much-hyped first triathlon yesterday in less than 2½ hours, and Runway host Heidi Klum is...

Paps Vs. Surfers Battle Ebbs as Cops Move In

Malibu battle over McConaughey less than righteous, dude

(Newser) - Malibu sheriffs stepped up beach patrols this weekend, in the wake of last week's ruckus between paparazzi who wanted to snap actor Matthew McConaughey and surfers who rushed to defend him as one of their own. But the anticipated fray this weekend consisted of one lone photographer with a protest...

Malibu Calls On Ken Starr to Fight Paparazzi

Ex-Clinton investigator to help city draft laws reining in photogs

(Newser) - Officials in Malibu are taking a new approach to taming paparazzi: enlisting the help of Kenneth Starr. The city’s mayor has asked the man who investigated Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky case to bring together an anti-paparazzi think tank to draft laws seeking photographer-free “buffer zones” and...

What Hollywood Will Pay to Be in Malibu: Anything

Top rental fetches $150K per month

(Newser) - US real estate is hurting, but the top price for a beachfront summer rental in Malibu hit $150,000 this year. The area is flush with homes valued at or above $10 million—a bracket unaffected by the housing slump. And Tinseltown's elite is happy to pay. "Recession? What...

Paris Hilton's Little Brother Busted for DUI

He was also using fake license, according to police

(Newser) - You can take a Hilton out of jail, but apparently not for long. Paris Hilton's 18-year-old brother, Barron, was arrested in Malibu for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol. He was pulled over after he was spotted driving erratically on the Pacific Coast Highway and failed a sobriety test,...

LA Cops to Arrest 5 in Malibu Wildfire

Blaze last month destroyed 53 homes; police cite illegal campfire

(Newser) - Arson investigators in LA plan to arrest five young men who they say accidentally set the Malibu wildfire that destroyed scores of ritzy homes over Thanksgiving weekend, the LA Times reports. The men, ages 18 to 27, were having an illegal campfire in a restricted area when they triggered the...

Malibu Blaze 'Looks Good'
Malibu Blaze 'Looks Good'

Malibu Blaze 'Looks Good'

Dying winds, high mobilization help firefighters corral 40% of fire

(Newser) - The wildfire that scorched 50 Malibu homes yesterday is now 40% contained and should be corralled by Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reports. Dying Santa Ana winds and what one official called "unprecedented mobilization" helped firefighters control the blaze. Crews are busy stamping out hot spots today to make...

Malibu Blaze 25% Contained
Malibu Blaze 25% Contained

Malibu Blaze 25% Contained

Six firefighters receive minor injuries

(Newser) - Firefighters have contained 25% of the Malibu fire that scorched 4,700 acres yesterday, burned 49 homes, and forced thousands to evacuate, the Los Angeles Times reports. "The effort will be to try to pick it up, catch it and nail it before it continues to move westward,"...

Wildfire Destroys Malibu Homes
Wildfire Destroys Malibu Homes

Wildfire Destroys Malibu Homes

Wind-driven blazes forces hundreds of evacuations

(Newser) - A Mailbu wildfire destroyed at least 35 ritzy homes today and forced hundreds of people to evacuate, the AP reports. The fire scorched more than 2,000 acres after beginning near Malibu Lake about 3:30 am local time. "We're at the mercy of the winds right now,"...

Bush Declares Calif. Emergency
Bush Declares Calif. Emergency

Bush Declares Calif. Emergency

(Newser) - Federal aid will soon be pouring into Southern California: President Bush today declared a state of emergency for the fire-scorched region. Wildfires ripping across seven counties have forced half a million people to evacuate. “We extend our prayers and our thoughts” to them, Bush said. Homeland Security chief Michael...

500,000 Flee So Cal Firestorm
500,000 Flee So Cal Firestorm

500,000 Flee So Cal Firestorm

Powerful Santa Ana gusts drive wildfires; more than 800 buildings destroyed

(Newser) - High winds and hotter temperatures are forecast for Southern California today, frustrating firefighters struggling to contain the runaway blazes that have forced more than half a million people from their homes and consumed almost 900 buildings in the last two days. At least a dozen fires are still torching tinder-dry...

Fire Rescues Tax Resources
Fire Rescues Tax Resources

Fire Rescues Tax Resources

(Newser) - As wildfires rage across the region, Southern California officials are begging residents to evacuate when ordered and to avoid making phone calls, CNN reports. “We've been unable to do any suppression effort because the fire resources are being used to do rescues,” one fire chief railed. Rescuers complain...

Wildfires Racing to San Diego
Wildfires Racing to San Diego

Wildfires Racing to San Diego

(Newser) - A wildfire bearing down on San Diego this morning, moving faster than expected, is forcing 10,000 to evacuate their homes, after one person was killed and 17 more injured in a series of fires across Southern California yesterday. Near hurricane-level winds have fanned a dozen outbreaks from Santa Barbara...

Hundreds Flee Malibu Fires
Hundreds Flee Malibu Fires

Hundreds Flee Malibu Fires

Hundreds evacuated as 1,000-acre fire rages out of control

(Newser) - Massive brushfires raged through Malibu today, causing hundreds to flee and destroying at least 6 buildings. Officials say that the 1,000-acre fire is out of control despite 500 firefighters on the scene and almost 1,000 en route. Twenty-to-thirty mile-per-hour winds will sustain the fire for days and threaten...

Lindsay Lohan Is The New Britney Spears

Starlet can't stop partying even when it gets ugly

(Newser) - Less than 48 hours after being hit with DUI charges, Lindsay Lohan went on a paparazzi-documented bender. The "Mean Girls" star and recent rehab patient stumbled out of an LA nightclub at 4:30 AM, nearly collapsed, and was helped into the back of her car. Paparazzi snapped pictures...

Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev