Ginger Lee

3 Stories

Women Say Weiner Scandal Still Follows Them

And his mayoral run reopens old wounds

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner may be moving on from his 2011 sexting scandal—but for the five women on the other end of his raunchy messages and photos, it's not so easy, the New York Times reports. Lisa Weiss, 42, says customers at the casino where she works as a blackjack...

Ex-Porn Star: I Wanted Politics, Weiner Wanted Sexts

Ginger Lee says Weiner asked to lie, should step down

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, and stripper Ginger Lee have got something in common: They all think Anthony Weiner should step down. Lee, a former porn actress, says she exchanged more than a hundred messages with Weiner but she was discussing politics and didn't respond in kind to his suggestive...

Traci Nobles, Anthony Weiner's 5th Online Lady Friend, Emerges
 5th Weiner Galpal Emerges 

5th Weiner Galpal Emerges

Traci Nobles outed by roommate

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner admitted to conducting inappropriate online relationships with six women , and now we know who the fifth one is. But Traci Nobles, unlike Lisa Weiss, Ginger Lee, and Meagan Broussard , did not want to come forward. Her roommate emailed the Las Vegas Sun a screenshot from Noble’s Facebook...

3 Stories