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Scientologists Buy Hollywood Studio

Organization snaps up historic Sunset Boulevard site

(Newser) - Whether or not you want to see more movies based on L. Ron Hubbard's writings—and most critics who saw Battlefield: Earth would sooner go blind—Scientologists now have the facilities to make them. The controversial organization has bought a landmark movie studio in Hollywood from a struggling public...

Haggis: I Ditched Scientology Because It's Anti-Gay

More from the New Yorker: 'Moral issue' finally breaks tie, screenwriter

(Newser) - More from the New Yorker's 26-page Scientology takedown: Screenwriter Paul Haggis finally broke with Scientology after years in the cult because of its stands against homosexuality, he has revealed. "I was in a cult for 34 years. Everyone else could see it. I don't know why I couldn't,"...

Inside Scientology: Abuse, Human Trafficking, FBI Probes

Extensive Paul Haggis profile reveals allegations against church

(Newser) - The New Yorker ’s massive, 26-page takedown of Scientology is here, and it discloses—among other things—that the FBI has been investigating the church on suspicion of human trafficking for more than a year. Staff writer Lawrence Wright offers an extensive profile of ex-Scientologist Paul Haggis, the writer-director...

Preston: Why Scientology Moms Shut Up in Labor

Kelly gives first interview since birth of Benjamin

(Newser) - John Travolta's wife gave birth to new son Benjamin in total silence because that's what Scientology demands, right? Well, sort of. "It's just no words as much as possible. If you need to moan, if you cry out or all of that, of course, that's normal," Kelly Preston...

Sink the $40M Tax Break for Noah's Ark Park
Sink the $40M Tax Break
for Noah's Ark Park

Sink the $40M Tax Break for Noah's Ark Park

Much more exciting: A Scientology galactic park at taxpayer expense

(Newser) - Kentucky's plan to grant a $40 million tax break to a Noah's Ark theme park is roiling waters as far away as Los Angeles. The $150 million "Ark Encounter" park, featuring a three-story-high ship, is being conceived by a Christian ministry that believes humans co-existed with dinosaurs and that...

Paul Thomas Anderson's Scientology Movie Shelved

(Newser) - Director Paul Thomas Anderson's Scientology project has stalled, according to The movie was to feature actors Jeremy Renner and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Renner told TotalFilm that The Master, which would have focused on Scientology and an L. Ron Hubbard-like figure, has been postponed indefinitely.

Other Great Wikileaks Scoops
 Other Great Wikileaks Scoops 

Other Great Wikileaks Scoops

Site exposed military blunders, Scientology's weird inner workings

(Newser) - Wikileaks' release of 90,000 classified Afghanistan war records is the biggest but far from the first scoop the whistleblower site has picked up since it went public in early 2007, the Telegraph notes, listing some other major coups.
  • Iraq helicopter attack . The Pentagon accused Wikileaks of endangering national security

Women: Scientologists Made Us Abort

Pregnancies punished with shunning

(Newser) - Women in the Scientology sect who became pregnant were ordered to have abortions—and were punished with manual labor, interrogation, shunning, and separation from their husbands if they resisted, according to a lengthy expose in the St. Petersburg Times . Former members of the group known as Sea Org also recount...

Victim: Scientologists Helped Stepdad Hide My Sex Abuse

Abuse was 'karmic punishment,' leader said

(Newser) - The Australian branch of the Church of Scientology helped a stepfather cover up his sexual assault of his pre-teen daughter and blamed the girl for the attacks, the victim has revealed. The daughter, now an adult, says her stepdad molested her from the ages of 7 to 11, and that...

Russia Bans Scientology Texts

  Russia Bans Scientology Texts 

Russia Bans Scientology Texts

Works of L. Ron Hubbard labeled 'extremist'

(Newser) - The works of L. Ron Hubbard are no longer welcome in Russia. Officials say they intercepted a shipment of books and recordings by the Scientology founder and decided that they should be banned as extremist literature that "undermines the traditional spiritual values of the citizens of the Russian Federation....

Tell-All Claims Tom Cruise Has Drug History

Actor's lawyer calls new book defamatory

(Newser) - A new book that offers a peek inside the wacky world of Scientology includes some interesting tidbits about—who else?—Tom Cruise. But what we call juicy, Cruise's lawyer calls "demonstrably false and defamatory." So what exactly is he worried about?
  • Author Amy Scobee, an ex-Scientoloist in LA,

Kirstie's Weight Loss Plan: Scientology Scheme?

Alley's 'Organic Liaison' has links to church

(Newser) - Kirstie Alley’s new weight loss program may just be one more way for the church of Scientology to make money. An anti-Scientology campaign group first uncovered a link between the two: “Organic Liaison” combines an organic diet with “organic and natural diet supplements,” but critics believe...

Scientologists Fight to Block German Film on Sect

Critical film is 'intolerant propaganda,' group claims

(Newser) - The Church of Scientology is trying to block a a German TV movie that depicts the organization as totalitarian, dangerous, and unethical. Scientology leaders say the film—based on a true story of a young family torn apart by the organization—is propaganda designed to "create a mood of...

Scientology Launches 'Warrior' Film to Spur Staff

'Play for blood,' urges motivational video

(Newser) - A heavy-duty call-to-battle video featuring clips from Braveheart, Independence Day and various movies of star cult member Tom Cruise has been created by Scientology leaders to spur Vegas staffers into fighting infidels. The video urges members to "play for blood" and features battle scenes bristling with weaponry, from bloody...

Katie Holmes Prepping for Baby No. 2
 Katie Holmes 
 Prepping for 
 Baby No. 2 
scientology alert

Katie Holmes Prepping for Baby No. 2

Tom Cruise wants another, and she's doing a lot of 'auditing'

(Newser) - Suri Cruise may soon be getting a present even better than her $30,000 toy car or $850 handbag : a little brother or sister. Katie Holmes has been spending more time than usual at the Hollywood Scientology Center—more than four hours last week—leading some to believe she’s...

How the Scientologists Are 'Helping' Haiti

Scientology volunteers brought no food or supplies, just touch healing

(Newser) - A tipster who traveled to Haiti on a Scientology plane gives Gawker a firsthand account of how the religion is ineptly attempting to help. The "completely unprepared" volunteers planned to buy food once they got there instead of bringing it along, "but there was no food and no...

Travolta Lands Relief Jet in Haiti
 Travolta Lands 
 Relief Jet in Haiti 
Scientologist special delivery

Travolta Lands Relief Jet in Haiti

Actor bringing plane back to US after unloading supplies, medics and ministers

(Newser) - John Travolta has landed his private jet in Haiti, loaded with relief supplies, medics, and Scientology ministers. The actor's Boeing 707 brought 4 tons of ready-to-eat military rations and medical supplies, the AP reports. Travolta and his wife, Kelly Preston, plan to return to Florida after unloading the cargo and...

How Larry Anderson Spent $150K on Scientology

He wants money back for services he never received

(Newser) - Scientology has a longstanding reputation as an expensive religion—but now that Larry Anderson's story is out in the open, details are emerging about exactly where believers’ money goes. Here’s how Anderson—who now wants nearly $120,000 back from the church he’s leaving—spent some of the...

Ex-Scientologist Actor: Return My $120K

After 33 years, Larry Anderson wants out

(Newser) - After 33 years as a Scientologist and a star turn in a widely disseminated orientation video, actor Larry Anderson wants out—and he wants his money back. Anderson, a magician turned TV actor and game-show host, says the organization owes him $120,000. A Scientology rep tells the St. Petersburg ...

Travolta Sends Scientology Ministers to Save Haitians

Gadding about 'hooking people to e-meters'

(Newser) - Any Haitians who feel a lack of L. Ron Hubbard's teachings in their lives are in luck. A 168-seater plane chartered by the Church of Scientology left for Haiti last night carrying medics, and some 80 volunteer ministers who will assist the injured with Scientology techniques and "spiritual first...

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