
9 Stories

Woman Set Aflame on Tram in Germany
Woman Set Ablaze
on Tram in Germany

Woman Set Ablaze on Tram in Germany

Attacker flees after setting woman on fire in Gera tram

(Newser) - A 46-year-old woman was set on fire by an unknown assailant as she rode a tram in Germany's eastern city of Gera Sunday morning. The attacker poured a liquid over the woman before setting her ablaze, then fled after passengers pressed an emergency button to stop the tram, the...

Cambridge Dictionary Adds New Definition for 'Woman'
Tuesday Was a Big Day
for a 'Common Word'

Tuesday Was a Big Day for a 'Common Word'

'Woman' made headlines

(Newser) - Tuesday was a big day for the word "woman." In addition to a slew of headlines about a recent change the Cambridge Dictionary made to the word, another dictionary appointed it the word of 2022. Dictionary.com announced that "woman" was its word of the year, noting...

Dictionary Changes Its Definition of 'Woman'

But Oxford Dictionaries clings to the notion that the 'b-word' means 'woman'

(Newser) - Oxford University Press has amended its dictionaries after a pressure campaign alleged "derogatory" and "sexist" definitions of the word "woman," the Guardian reports. Among the changes to Oxford Dictionaries: A woman is now listed as "a person's wife, girlfriend, or female lover" instead of...

Surfers' Grisly Find: 'Like One of Those Dateline Stories'

Woman's body found in California waters; Orange County officials deem death 'suspicious'

(Newser) - A morning in California waters turned gruesome for a bunch of surfers this week when they stumbled across a woman's body—a death now being deemed "suspicious" by local officials. The San Clemente Times reports that the surfers came across the body around 8am Wednesday, in the ocean...

Creator of Huge Petition Is Left 'Shaking Like a Leaf'

Margaret Georgiadou wants to turn back Brexit

(Newser) - The woman who created an incredibly successful anti-Brexit petition has left Britain—apparently fleeing for her life, the Guardian reports. Margaret Georgiadou, whose petition has over 5.2 million signatures Sunday, says she has endured a "torrent" of Facebook abuse and three phoned death threats that left her "...

Shock Revelation From Woman Who Sealed Emmett Till's Fate

Author Timothy Tyson says Carolyn Bryant admitted to making up parts of her story

(Newser) - When 14-year-old Emmett Till walked into a Mississippi store in August 1955, the black teen had no clue that his entrance would lead to his untimely death. And little did anyone in 2017 anticipate that, decades later, the white woman whose words sealed his fate would partly recant her explosive...

American Woman Key to Cracking Ancient Code

Michael Ventris built off Alice Kober's notes to crack Linear B

(Newser) - The British genius known for decoding a then-unknown 3,500-year-old language may not have been all he was cracked up to be. According to newly catalogued archives, Michael Ventris, who decoded Linear B in 1952, owes much of his praise to an American woman. "Alice Kober is the great...

Dieting Women Should Keep a Food Log
 Dieting Women 
 Should Keep 
 a Food Log 
study says

Dieting Women Should Keep a Food Log

And don't skip meals or eat out for lunch, study says

(Newser) - In a new study, scientists encourage three tips for female dieters: keep a food log, don't skip meals, and don't go out for lunch. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center analyzed the year-long dieting habits of 123 overweight post-menopausal women and found that those who stuck...

Cops: Woman Draws Beard on Face, Robs Bank

Cops say she drew it on outside

(Newser) - Both Bonnie and Clyde would be proud. Cops say a woman drew a beard on her face and wore men's clothes to rob a bank in Alabama. She allegedly told tellers at the Bank of Tuscaloosa in Cottondale she had a bomb, placed a device on the counter, and...

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