Bernard Tapie

2 Stories

Controversial French Tycoon, Wife Attacked in Their Home

4 men stole watches, jewelry

(Newser) - Bernard Tapie, the "flamboyant and controversial" former owner of Adidas, as the BBC puts it, was attacked at his estate near Paris along with his wife. Tapie, 78, and wife Dominique, 70, were asleep when four men broke in during the wee hours of Sunday. They assaulted the couple...

Lagarde Faces Probe in $400M Deal

Court orders look at $400M arbitration deal

(Newser) - Well, at least there’s no maid involved this time: A special French court has ordered an investigation into newly minted IMF chief Christine Lagarde, over her role in a $400 million arbitration deal with tycoon Bernard Tapie. The much-maligned settlement, awarded in 2008, came after Tapie sued a French...

2 Stories