Boko Haram

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Nigerian Girls Likely Split Up by Now

US team arrives in country to help

(Newser) - About a dozen members of a US team have arrived in Nigeria to help with the hunt for the kidnapped girls , reports Voice of America , but the effort gets tougher by the day. "We do think they have been broken up into smaller groups," says a Pentagon official....

Boko Haram Hiding in Vast, Snake-Ridden Forest

Sambisa Forest stretches for 23K square miles

(Newser) - Boko Haram has a tactical advantage: The Muslim extremist group suspected of kidnapping Nigerian girls is hiding out in old military bunkers, in an enormous forest where vegetation grows as high as six feet, Fox News reports. What's more, the 23,000-square-mile Sambisa Forest is teeming with poisonous snakes...

Boko Haram Stages Massacre as Nigeria Offers $300K for Girls

Reports say brutal attack in village killed at least 150

(Newser) - Nigeria is apparently feeling the international pressure over its kidnapped girls, with the national police offering a $300,000 reward today for information that leads to their rescue, reports the BBC . (The move comes a day after President Obama promised that a US team would help the cause.) But...

Obama: We'll 'Do Everything We Can' to Find Nigeria Girls

US team joins hunt, will include psychologists, investigators

(Newser) - President Obama has promised that the US will "do everything we can to recover" the 276 schoolgirls seized by militants in Nigeria three weeks ago. A White House spokesman says the team the US is sending to the country will include military and law enforcement personnel skilled in intelligence,...

US Sending Team to Nigeria to Help Find Kidnapped Girls

State Dept. says it will 'do everything we can to free these young women'

(Newser) - Today began with one of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls telling of her escape from Boko Haram , quickly followed by the kidnapping of eight more schoolgirls in the country's northeast, and is now met with the news that the United States is sending in a response team to assist Nigeria....

8 More Girls Kidnapped in Nigeria

Boko Haram again suspected in latest attack

(Newser) - A day after reports that Boko Haram planned to sell kidnap victims , the extremist group is suspected in the kidnapping of eight more girls in Nigeria, Reuters reports. The girls, ages 12 to 15, were taken from a village near one of the group's northeastern Nigeria bases. "They...

'We Ran So Fast': Girl Tells of Escape From Boko Haram

As town laments government inaction

(Newser) - The girls could hear gunfire outside the school, so at first, when men claiming to be soldiers came in and promised to rescue them, they were relieved. That didn't last long. The men burned down a school storeroom before herding the girls outside. "They started shouting 'Allahu...

Boko Haram: We'll Sell Kidnapped Girls at Market

AFP obtains video featuring group's leader

(Newser) - Islamist militant group Boko Haram has acknowledged in a video obtained by AFP that it's behind the kidnappings of more than 200 girls in Nigeria last month. "I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah," leader Abubakar Shekau says. He adds that...

Nigeria: Kidnapped Girls Taken Out of Country

Some schoolgirls likely in Chad, Cameroon, officials say

(Newser) - Around 230 teenage girls kidnapped by Islamic extremists in Nigeria earlier this month are still missing and authorities say some of them have been shifted out of the country and forced to marry Boko Haram militants. "Some of them have been taken across Lake Chad and some have been...

Parents: Kidnappers Took 234 Nigerian Girls, Not 85

Significantly more than initially reported; Boko Haram suspected

(Newser) - Some 234 girls are missing from the northeast Nigerian school attacked last week by Islamic extremists, significantly more than the 85 or so reported by education officials , parents told the state governor today. The higher figure came out a week after the kidnappings when the Borno state governor insisted a...

Nigeria: Abducted Girls Could Become Sex Slaves

14 have escaped after suspected Boko Haram attack

(Newser) - After the mass kidnapping this week of 129 teen girls from a Nigerian school, 14 have reportedly escaped—and the rest may still be held captive. Some 52 were still said by their parents to be missing yesterday, the New York Times reports, but the school's principal put it...

Boko Haram Abducts 100 Teen Girls in Nigeria

Terror network grabs students back for final exams

(Newser) - Suspected Muslim extremists kidnapped about 100 girls today from a school in northeastern Nigeria, less than a day after militants bombed a bus station and killed 75 people in the capital—a surge of violence that raised new doubts about the military's ability to contain an uprising by the...

Police Collect Body Parts After Huge Nigeria Blast

71 dead, at least 124 others wounded, dozens of vehicles destroyed

(Newser) - A massive explosion ripped through a busy commuter bus station on the outskirts of Nigeria's capital of Abuja this morning, leaving 71 dead and 124 wounded, according to police. Reporters saw rescue workers and police gathering body parts, as well as ambulances rushing the wounded to the hospital. The...

Extremists Destroy 1K Homes in Nigerian Attack

Governor admits attackers are 'better armed and motivated' than military

(Newser) - Hundreds of Islamic extremists posing as soldiers attacked a northeast Nigerian town for hours, killing 39 people and razing a mosque and more than 1,000 homes, survivors said. In the ruins of the burned-out mosque, bodies covered in cloth lay ready for burial today, including three small shrouds covering...

Nigeria: Boko Haram Kills 50 Students Asleep in Dorms

Nigeria says gunmen stormed college dorm early today

(Newser) - Islamic extremists attacked an agricultural college in the dead of night, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms in an ongoing Islamic uprising in northeast Nigeria, the school's provost said. Molima Idi Mato, provost of the Yobe State College of Agriculture told the...

44 Slain While Praying in Nigeria

Mass shooting at mosque by suspected Islamic militants

(Newser) - Suspected Islamic militants wearing army fatigues gunned down 44 people praying at a mosque in northeast Nigeria, while another 12 civilians died in an apparently simultaneous attack nearby, security agents said today. The attacks were the latest in a slew of violence blamed on religious extremists in this West African...

Boarding School Attack Kills 30

Militant sect Boko Haram blamed in Nigeria

(Newser) - Islamic militants attacked a boarding school in northeast Nigeria before dawn today, killing 29 students and one teacher. Some of the pupils were burned alive in the latest school attack blamed on the radical terror group Boko Haram , whose name means "Western education is sacrilege." Survivors said gunmen...

Nigeria Launches 'Massive' Crackdown on Boko Haram

Goodluck Jonathan says recent attacks call for 'extraordinary measures'

(Newser) - Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has declared a state of emergency ( again ; though last time it was just smaller local areas) and launched a "massive" crackdown on Boko Haram, following a series of recent attacks. "I hereby declare a state of emergency in Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa states,...

185 Dead as Nigerian Army, Boko Haram Clash

Many civilians believed to be among the dead

(Newser) - Fighting between Nigeria's military and Islamic extremists killed at least 185 people in a fishing community in the nation's northeast during an attack that saw insurgents fire rocket-propelled grenades and soldiers spray machine-gun fire into neighborhoods filled with civilians. The fighting in Baga began Friday and lasted for...

French Hostages Falsely Reported Rescued

Family of 7 still in hands of kidnappers, say France, Cameroon

(Newser) - A French family abducted in Cameroon this week was reported to be "safe and sound and ... in the hands of Nigerian authorities," according to a Cameroon military officer, but now multiple sources including the BBC , Reuters , and France24 are reporting that's not true. France's foreign ministry...

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