
4 Stories

When You Eat May Be More Important Than What You Eat

Idea of TRF, or time-restricted feeding, is catching on

(Newser) - It's beginning to look like a concept called TRF—or, time-restricted feeding—is going to be around for a while in the arena of diet and nutrition. The Washington Post has a feature on it, while the Wall Street Journal and others have covered it previously. The idea is...

3 Meals a Day: Rooted in Bad Science, Racism

Skip breakfast? Who cares: meal times are 'metabolically unimportant'

(Newser) - Ever wonder why people bolt from their desks at noon and head for the local coffee shop or deli? Surely not everyone gets hungry at the same time, right? Well, the lunch tradition—in fact, the tradition of eating three meals a day—can be traced back as far as...

Almost Everyone's in the 'Clean Plate Club'

Adults eat 92% of whatever they put on the plate, study finds

(Newser) - Feeling guilty about that huge serving you heaped onto your plate at dinner last night and promptly finished? You're not the only one who does it. New research published in the International Journal of Obesity finds that the average adult eats 92% of the food on his or her...

Portions Too Big? Change Your Plate Color
Portions Too Big?
Change Your Plate Color

Portions Too Big? Change Your Plate Color

Dish colors that match food lead to larger meals

(Newser) - Trying to cut back on calories? Pay attention to the color of your plate. A new study reveals that people who use a dish that matches the color of the food they're eating will pile on more grub than if the plate is a different color, reports Scientific American...

4 Stories
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